T-shirt sale


Project 2️⃣0️⃣/2️⃣5️⃣ 18811.6 91.8 5.47 5.69 7107 1977 399 34 254 805 61 115 32 1473.1 175 13 1488 1277 400 40 145
Yu like chas? 🐝 17748.9 86 5.26 5.18 7171 1983 362 37 279 590 60 169 37 1499.2 159 35 1383 1364 471 52 156
Ambassadors of Kwan 17027.0 91.8 5.25 4.74 7087 1939 393 30 279 655 70 146 66 1488.2 63 70 1388 1424 456 57 170
The Shogunate 16742.1 21.4 4.93 5.11 6759 1852 370 45 212 567 113 109 46 1503.2 80 85 1368 1386 342 48 174
Hazel's Heroes 16092.4 98.6 4.83 5.14 6625 1772 327 46 217 574 75 128 62 1464.0 115 32 1489 1350 524 57 141
Over the Monster 15789.2 39.9 4.23 5.77 6176 1565 298 35 184 580 58 97 48 1464.0 134 40 1514 1250 377 40 142
Webb Gems 🕸️💎 15229.2 37.9 4.90 5.10 6505 1702 354 31 241 621 78 140 61 1283.1 15 42 1213 1172 372 44 108
Wenceel’d with a Kisstellanos 💋 14774.3 61.4 4.20 5.01 6440 1645 325 22 196 521 72 103 51 1449.0 45 40 1411 1324 389 43 157
Houck Tuah 14544.6 35 5.29 4.83 5869 1623 333 38 196 610 71 77 34 1284.0 102 18 1060 1203 356 43 136
Win for Vin 14421.1 70.8 4.85 4.82 6216 1662 326 24 237 523 43 50 27 1308.2 50 60 1173 1247 374 52 138
Brantley For-Ev-Errr 14140.9 20 4.30 4.23 6601 1639 308 39 207 604 60 155 57 1507.0 87 64 1330 1510 538 63 195
Cruz'n USA 13812.2 110.8 5.23 4.81 5956 1633 297 26 245 632 65 97 39 1070.2 53 55 924 1038 343 47 101

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Project 2️⃣0️⃣/2️⃣5️⃣ 91.8 562.9 3,058.3
Over the Monster 39.9 574.3 2,536.6
The Shogunate 21.4 523.5 2,546.5
Yu like chas? 🐝 86.0 601.0 2,642.3
Hazel's Heroes 98.6 417.7 2,583.2
Webb Gems 🕸️💎 37.9 427.7 1,847.5
Wenceel’d with a Kisstellanos 💋 61.4 565.6 2,476.0
Cruz'n USA 110.8 530.0 1,983.0
Ambassadors of Kwan 91.8 695.0 2,913.9
Win for Vin 70.8 381.1 1,597.3
Houck Tuah 35.0 285.3 2,034.4
Brantley For-Ev-Errr 20.0 492.1 2,221.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Project 2️⃣0️⃣/2️⃣5️⃣ 164 163 153 158 154 162 790 163 1473.1
Over the Monster 159 146 149 155 137 141 704 144 1464.0
The Shogunate 155 160 152 147 137 152 771 162 1503.2
Yu like chas? 🐝 157 162 161 155 152 162 789 162 1499.2
Hazel's Heroes 155 157 144 149 151 159 705 154 1464.0
Webb Gems 🕸️💎 163 131 159 155 145 153 709 159 1283.1
Wenceel’d with a Kisstellanos 💋 163 146 153 145 145 143 751 143 1449.0
Cruz'n USA 135 159 156 155 128 158 607 160 1070.2
Ambassadors of Kwan 162 162 156 152 158 162 787 161 1488.2
Win for Vin 163 157 93 127 149 157 669 159 1308.2
Houck Tuah 150 160 153 130 100 126 608 149 1284.0
Brantley For-Ev-Errr 151 143 153 155 155 162 734 152 1507.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Project 2️⃣0️⃣/2️⃣5️⃣ Lineups 165 164 154 159 155 163 796 164 1483.2
Over the Monster Lineups 160 147 150 156 138 142 709 145 1474.0
The Shogunate Lineups 156 161 153 148 138 153 776 163 1514.0
Yu like chas? 🐝 Lineups 158 163 162 156 153 163 795 163 1510.0
Hazel's Heroes Lineups 156 158 145 150 152 160 710 155 1474.0
Webb Gems 🕸️💎 Lineups 164 132 160 156 146 154 714 160 1292.1
Wenceel’d with a Kisstellanos 💋 Lineups 164 147 154 146 146 144 756 144 1459.0
Cruz'n USA Lineups 136 160 157 156 129 159 611 161 1078.0
Ambassadors of Kwan Lineups 163 163 157 153 159 163 793 162 1499.0
Win for Vin Lineups 164 158 94 128 150 158 674 160 1317.2
Houck Tuah Lineups 151 161 154 131 101 127 612 150 1293.0
Brantley For-Ev-Errr Lineups 152 144 154 156 156 163 739 153 1517.1

  • Project 2️⃣0️⃣/2️⃣5️⃣
  • Over the Monster
  • The Shogunate
  • Yu like chas? 🐝
  • Hazel's Heroes
  • Webb Gems 🕸️💎
  • Wenceel’d with a Kisstellanos 💋
  • Cruz'n USA
  • Ambassadors of Kwan
  • Win for Vin
  • Houck Tuah
  • Brantley For-Ev-Errr


  • Project 2️⃣0️⃣/2️⃣5️⃣
  • Over the Monster
  • The Shogunate
  • Yu like chas? 🐝
  • Hazel's Heroes
  • Webb Gems 🕸️💎
  • Wenceel’d with a Kisstellanos 💋
  • Cruz'n USA
  • Ambassadors of Kwan
  • Win for Vin
  • Houck Tuah
  • Brantley For-Ev-Errr
