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Birmingham Jailbirds 5371.9 220.4 5.45 4.98 2162 584 117 7 82 262 24 24 13 450.2 15 23 457 135 11 50
The Brandon Belt Fan Club 5163.6 59.5 4.70 5.50 2216 539 119 7 76 234 19 53 7 440.1 32 21 478 146 16 38
The Billion Dollar Bottlejobs 4975.4 91.7 5.34 4.70 2132 532 107 13 104 221 31 38 15 421.0 17 33 425 129 17 58
🐅 Nightmare on Huston Street 🐅 4893.1 105.2 5.30 4.99 1897 493 98 4 88 207 15 19 10 445.0 10 24 466 150 20 44
Tricky Wick 4848.6 90.4 4.70 5.57 1984 486 109 10 71 199 21 28 8 427.1 39 10 455 131 18 35
Greene Dot Stables 4625.6 160.9 4.34 5.07 1992 475 77 11 63 219 18 37 9 458.2 29 13 453 137 17 47
Totes McGoats Appreciation Society 4569.1 164.7 4.97 4.98 2020 521 103 5 64 247 32 32 8 374.2 7 34 406 150 15 38
Wookiee Betts 4335.1 62 5.15 4.56 1957 507 104 14 73 207 18 73 13 353.0 14 31 350 102 10 55
Not Gonna Happen 4301.9 76.5 4.00 4.91 1829 441 92 13 45 159 28 57 19 464.2 18 18 479 166 22 46
Venomous Snakes 4264.7 154.4 4.51 4.97 1940 475 73 8 61 231 21 86 23 374.0 26 19 399 131 8 46
Death Caballero for Cutie 4155.0 45.9 3.94 4.50 1952 476 80 11 54 174 22 28 18 455.2 13 32 445 176 19 56
Wahoo's Warriors 4108.2 104.8 3.62 4.79 2036 464 89 7 45 182 33 56 17 443.0 33 4 412 147 20 46

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Wahoo's Warriors 104.8 579.9 2,335.0
🐅 Nightmare on Huston Street 🐅 105.2 574.8 2,549.7
Tricky Wick 90.4 648.5 2,527.8
Death Caballero for Cutie 45.9 532.3 2,445.0
Venomous Snakes 154.4 645.2 2,356.3
Greene Dot Stables 160.9 733.9 2,853.6
Wookiee Betts 62.0 516.2 2,621.6
Totes McGoats Appreciation Society 164.7 815.3 2,835.4
Birmingham Jailbirds 220.4 852.5 3,176.3
The Billion Dollar Bottlejobs 91.7 499.6 2,829.9
Not Gonna Happen 76.5 548.7 2,475.5
The Brandon Belt Fan Club 59.5 588.4 2,858.8

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Wahoo's Warriors 39 48 47 45 44 48 230 48 443.0
🐅 Nightmare on Huston Street 🐅 35 45 47 42 42 36 215 42 445.0
Tricky Wick 44 45 45 38 47 37 229 40 427.1
Death Caballero for Cutie 54 45 44 48 45 41 212 46 455.2
Venomous Snakes 44 44 45 47 44 38 223 49 374.0
Greene Dot Stables 47 46 42 43 39 43 224 46 458.2
Wookiee Betts 37 42 47 47 46 46 218 47 353.0
Totes McGoats Appreciation Society 56 48 44 49 44 45 213 45 374.2
Birmingham Jailbirds 66 43 48 49 47 47 229 44 450.2
The Billion Dollar Bottlejobs 46 47 47 47 46 47 233 48 421.0
Not Gonna Happen 45 43 43 40 39 30 224 41 464.2
The Brandon Belt Fan Club 53 48 49 50 47 48 240 48 440.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Wahoo's Warriors Lineups 141 173 169 162 159 173 829 173 1597.0
🐅 Nightmare on Huston Street 🐅 Lineups 126 162 169 151 151 130 775 151 1604.1
Tricky Wick Lineups 159 162 162 137 169 133 826 144 1540.2
Death Caballero for Cutie Lineups 195 162 159 173 162 148 764 166 1642.2
Venomous Snakes Lineups 159 159 162 169 159 137 804 177 1348.1
Greene Dot Stables Lineups 169 166 151 155 141 155 808 166 1653.1
Wookiee Betts Lineups 133 151 169 169 166 166 786 169 1272.2
Totes McGoats Appreciation Society Lineups 202 173 159 177 159 162 768 162 1350.2
Birmingham Jailbirds Lineups 238 155 173 177 169 169 826 159 1624.2
The Billion Dollar Bottlejobs Lineups 166 169 169 169 166 169 840 173 1517.2
Not Gonna Happen Lineups 162 155 155 144 141 108 808 148 1675.0
The Brandon Belt Fan Club Lineups 191 173 177 180 169 173 865 173 1587.1

  • Wahoo's Warriors
  • 🐅 Nightmare on Huston Street 🐅
  • Tricky Wick
  • Death Caballero for Cutie
  • Venomous Snakes
  • Greene Dot Stables
  • Wookiee Betts
  • Totes McGoats Appreciation Society
  • Birmingham Jailbirds
  • The Billion Dollar Bottlejobs
  • Not Gonna Happen
  • The Brandon Belt Fan Club


  • Wahoo's Warriors
  • 🐅 Nightmare on Huston Street 🐅
  • Tricky Wick
  • Death Caballero for Cutie
  • Venomous Snakes
  • Greene Dot Stables
  • Wookiee Betts
  • Totes McGoats Appreciation Society
  • Birmingham Jailbirds
  • The Billion Dollar Bottlejobs
  • Not Gonna Happen
  • The Brandon Belt Fan Club
