i just got server error and am frozen
All Proofs on
March 10, 2019 3:06 PM
i just got server error and am frozen
All Proofs on
March 10, 2019 3:06 PM
i just got server error and am frozen
All Proofs on
March 10, 2019 3:06 PM
I'm frozen, too
I'm also locked out - was gettting the "error communicating with server" error banner in the draftroom and tried to reboot it to no avail.
yeah draft froze out here too
I can't get back in
Strick9 on
March 10, 2019 3:01 PM
Draft is not working for me
Carver High on
March 10, 2019 3:01 PM
Anyone else just get kicked from the draft?
Strick9 on
March 10, 2019 3:01 PM
Killer Bee's's trade block has been updated!
The Musial Suspects's trade block has been updated!
McCheese, if those 3 team have made that many trades between each other, it seems a little suspect. I would agree with referring it to Ottoneu if the other league members don't see it. I also agree with Masterbatters. I know you have put time and money into the league, but if you are not satisfied that it is a level playing field and it may be stacked against you, I think you would need to leave.
The Gozerians on
March 10, 2019 11:59 AM
DRAFT UPDATE: It is currently 9:30 a.m. The draft starts in precisely 5.5 hours. Be there or be square. See you in the draft room!
Amazing that nobody else in that league is concerned. I would submit a complaint to the Ottoneu powers that be.
high end prospects, one will have many high end players like trout and the other is set up very nicely to win and already has a 100 dollar loan in his pocket. One of the teams is the commish. Nobody else wants to see this. Sorry to vent here. Its just a little frustrating. Last post I will make about it.
Carver High on
March 10, 2019 9:11 AM
I know but something put in place like that wouldnt stop what is going on. Since last May these 3 teams have made over 100 trades. a little over half of them have been between the 3 of them shuffling players back and forth. Almost impossible to keep track of and leaving you thinking "what in the world are they doing." I have had questions for a while now. Until now the start of the season comes and things are starting to take shape. After this trade one of the 3 teams will have m
Carver High on
March 10, 2019 9:05 AM
That is precisely the point I have been trying to get across in this league, Mayor Mac. When there is no incentive for teams who consider themselves to be out of title contention, they are prone to make lopsided (in the present) "futures" trades that reek of potential collusion, even if it can never be proved. To me, this lack of incentive, combined with the inane "veto system" that never gets used, is the biggest flaw in the great Ottoneu game (as well as the bootleg draft r
Unfortunately I’m the only one that thinks so.
Carver High on
March 9, 2019 11:55 PM
that's an easy veto at this stage of the game.
I don't think your off base. Main reason for me is time of season trade is being made. As well as that is not enough return either. I think you have a very valid point and complaint. Problem is if rest of league doesn't veto, not much you can do. If you feel like there's truly cheating, I would suggest to leave that league.
Las Piranhas on
March 9, 2019 10:35 PM
Even if not collusion, would you be ok with that trade at beginning of season?
Carver High on
March 9, 2019 9:39 PM
Question and advice. I’m in another ottoneu league and suspect collusion. Lol. Long story short I have reason to believe 2 teams (including commish) own a third team. We had our draft last Sunday. One of the 2 teams offers tucker, Jeffress, kiroloff, Whitley, and another minor leaguer for Aroldis, altuve, Felipe Vazquez, Gary Sanchez and 100 dollar loan. No one else seems to have a problem. I’m pissed and getting torched for it. Am I off base? Advice?
Carver High on
March 9, 2019 9:35 PM
Question and advice. I’m in another ottoneu league and suspect collusion. Lol. Long story short I have reason to believe 2 teams (including commish) own a third team. We had our draft last Sunday. One of the 2 teams offers tucker, Jeffress, kiroloff, Whitley, and another minor leaguer for Aroldis, altuve, Felipe Vazquez, Gary Sanchez and 100 dollar loan. No one else seems to have a problem. I’m pissed and getting torched for it. Am I off base? Advice?
Carver High on
March 9, 2019 9:35 PM
I have set the parameters so that you won't be kicked out of the draft if you miss a nomination. That said, the intention is that each owner nominates a player for auction each time it is there turn. I will make every effort to pause and reset the clock in the bootleg Ottoneu draft room if it gets down to final seconds, but if we both miss, no harm done. Please make every effort to be prepared with players loaded in your Watchlist draft que. See everyone tomorrow!
Just a reminder, the auction draft is scheduled to begin in just under 24 hours, tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 pm EDT (don't forget to push your clocks forward one hour when you hit the sack tonight!) Unfortunately, I have had an unavoidable family obligation arise that will keep me away from my laptop, so I will be drafting--and administrating--from my handy computer-phone. I am (fairly) confident that this will still go off without a hitch, but just a warning I may not be too chatty in the draft room
El Capitan's trade block has been updated!
Strick9 on
March 3, 2019 12:26 AM
I don't think it's a big deal, I think everyone here is has done a few drafts now. Torpedoes and I had a football draft that had like 6 people who had never played before and that was a bit interesting, lots of issues. I was also a part of that 5 hour draft on Sunday and it was by far the smoothest I've been a part of. A few people missed their nomination, but we all pushed on through without issue. The toughest part is on the commish to reactivate you if you miss the Nom.
Pausing it just to nominate just prolongs draft unnessesarily in my eyes. I believe there is way more strategy in nominating then you can ever get from missing a turn.
Mr. McGibblets on
February 19, 2019 7:47 AM
I just did a 5 hour draft sunday, the draft room worked better then I've experienced in the past. Loading up ur watchlist for guys u want to nominate helps move things along. One year we did draft on another site and transfered info because it was so bad. I know i'm new to this league but is there a reason there is so much concern about nominating? I do not see any advantage to missing ur turn and if its computer issues they should reach out to comish.
Mr. McGibblets on
February 19, 2019 7:45 AM
Should say had(not has). And was not a jab at anyone. Was said with a laugh and in peace.
Las Piranhas on
February 18, 2019 9:03 PM
That was my quoted suggestion McCheese. You missed the next sentence that said Something set beforehand. I think Torpedoes is all over this deal though. I’m confident he has it covered. And anyone paying attention knows I’ve has my differences of opinion with Torpedoes. On this one, we’re on the same page. Looking forward to the draft and a great season.
Las Piranhas on
February 18, 2019 9:00 PM
That was not a quote from me. It was a suggestion from somebody else. I plan to give more leeway than that, though repeat offenders will have some explaining to do. This case is hereby officially closed.
LOL! I said I agreed with everything said and everything done in the past. I was simply stating my opinion against this possibility you brought up "Or everyone gets one miss, then done if miss again."
Carver High on
February 18, 2019 6:10 PM
Please understand that no one will be arbitrarily "kicked out" of the draft. (I never said that, I don't believe in that, and I have never done that.) Just know that we are each expected to be prepared to nominate each time it's our turn in the bootleg Ottoneu draft room. I will pause if you have trouble, but please don't make a mockery of the time extensions. This should be a friendly, gentlemanly competition. Please respectfully treat the process as such and everything will work out
I agree we should know who is having trouble and who is not fairly early. It was handled well last year. In Torpedoes first of 3 posts he mentioned an option of one miss and then kicked out. I say no to that.
Carver High on
February 18, 2019 1:08 AM
I thought he said he was gonna pause. If someone keeps repeating, then he would consider removal. We should know early in the draft who is having issues or not. From what I remember, Torpedoes handled it like a champ last year. Ottoneu does need to take some of that price increase and improve the draft room, no doubt.
Las Piranhas on
February 18, 2019 12:37 AM
I agree with all of it except kicking people out of the draft. That draft room sucks. You stated it yourself. A lot of moving pieces too. For whatever reason people miss their turn. It happens. Pause and make everyone nominate. My 2 cents.
Carver High on
February 17, 2019 5:00 PM
That was perfectly stated.
Las Piranhas on
February 17, 2019 3:01 PM
Just for the record, both of these policies have been and will continue to be the case in $100 Old School Hardball. No "passing" on nominations is permitted in the auction draft. If it gets down to within a couple seconds, Commish will pause, and then reset the nomination clock. Repeated violations will be subject to removal from the auction. Please be prepared. Every team is entitled to nominate and bid on players for as long as they have money and roster spots available.
I also think we should clarify draft doesn't end until all teams have left the draft room. There can be a strategy to be the last one drafting at the end all alone. In the past, there was a situation where an owner had many spots to fill and a different Commish ended the draft saying owner would have to auction through transactions. That owner should be allowed to complete roster at draft. Ottoneu actually states: e. Each owner can leave the auction at any time. Once all 12 owners have left.
Las Piranhas on
February 16, 2019 9:08 PM
I prefer we set some clarification regarding missed nominations before draft. I think we should pause draft and require all owners must nominate a player. Or everyone gets one miss, then done if miss again. Something set beforehand. Seems like every year, in at least one of my leagues, someone conveniently starts having computer issues right before their bid comes up. I do recognize that Ottoneu draft room kinda sucks. Maybe with the price increase, it will be improved. We can hope.
Las Piranhas on
February 16, 2019 8:59 PM
I am good with the date
All Proofs on
February 7, 2019 9:33 PM
Sorry I'm a headache! :) :) March 10th works for me.
sounds good
Las Piranhas on
February 6, 2019 1:51 PM
DRAFT DATE -- Let's go ahead and lock in Sunday, March 10 for the Auction Draft. We will begin as early as possible to accommodate Killer Bee's. I still need to work through some logistics, but please plan for mid-afternoonish.
Sorry meant to say good to draft any day but 3/23 & 3/24. Same goes for trading though!
Strick9 on
February 4, 2019 9:24 PM
I'm good to trade any days except 3/23 & 3/24. Thanks!
Strick9 on
February 4, 2019 9:23 PM
Updating my draft dates: I cannot do 2/26, 3/2, 3/13, 4/7. I am in other leagues, so I will keep you posted when they get a date set. As of now, all other dates are good for me.
Las Piranhas on
February 4, 2019 3:15 PM
All of the dates work for me. The Feb. and march 10th dates work the best.
Carver High on
February 4, 2019 12:12 PM
I'd prefer weekend of 3/10 if possible
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