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Lamoka 19036.2 28.8 5.57 5.42 7369 1935 431 29 321 833 89 134 36 1517.0 85 63 1608 1324 463 67 152
Stringtown Country Hams 18755.7 21.2 4.98 5.95 7294 1844 374 25 298 745 105 79 35 1528.2 93 44 1751 1124 441 66 156
Trotsky Kautsky Koskie Trout 17428.2 38.7 5.04 5.40 6898 1662 301 26 323 842 98 67 33 1500.1 31 90 1459 1236 416 53 147
Saratoga Grays 17421.1 23.2 4.98 5.13 7443 1990 398 30 237 663 97 120 30 1508.2 81 60 1527 1283 481 67 174
JustCatz 16971.6 36.6 5.12 4.77 7099 1847 379 36 295 715 75 101 35 1506.0 28 42 1440 1369 471 85 156
Sewer Ewes 16735.7 67.5 4.86 5.15 7104 1853 407 22 237 633 83 98 42 1497.1 80 81 1652 1279 494 55 197
Ripken Bourbon Blends 🥃 16566.7 91.1 4.59 5.50 6951 1716 383 32 228 657 91 108 41 1479.2 90 75 1579 1253 456 79 151
All Nations 16318.5 49.8 4.90 4.90 6802 1813 394 20 226 635 80 135 42 1491.2 53 67 1410 1232 500 53 181
Night Dragons 16312.6 39.2 4.42 5.11 7222 1757 369 31 248 649 106 100 33 1517.0 80 81 1454 1342 488 77 156
SABRmagician✨ 16272.7 24.2 4.60 5.11 6898 1693 350 24 258 661 121 90 34 1504.0 100 53 1560 1320 437 84 185
The Musial Suspects 16197.7 43.7 4.80 4.94 6603 1723 361 28 229 647 74 116 31 1517.0 43 49 1548 1371 433 53 180
Tim Lincecum's Mustache 12786.0 14.8 4.52 4.63 6750 1632 318 37 274 635 78 119 36 955.0 25 50 995 887 346 46 120

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Sewer Ewes 67.5 605.7 2,786.3
Tim Lincecum's Mustache 14.8 442.0 1,980.9
Trotsky Kautsky Koskie Trout 38.7 257.4 2,196.7
Night Dragons 39.2 548.4 2,374.7
JustCatz 36.6 309.2 1,994.0
All Nations 49.8 400.8 2,479.4
Saratoga Grays 23.2 481.0 2,603.1
Ripken Bourbon Blends 🥃 91.1 575.0 2,364.1
The Musial Suspects 43.7 327.4 1,921.5
Stringtown Country Hams 21.2 471.6 2,710.1
SABRmagician✨ 24.2 377.0 2,363.0
Lamoka 28.8 719.8 3,405.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Sewer Ewes 133 162 157 161 159 154 771 161 1497.1
Tim Lincecum's Mustache 162 155 162 160 162 162 738 149 955.0
Trotsky Kautsky Koskie Trout 162 161 158 145 141 154 780 150 1500.1
Night Dragons 162 162 160 160 162 162 807 160 1517.0
JustCatz 147 161 156 162 162 159 810 153 1506.0
All Nations 131 162 147 156 160 162 772 151 1491.2
Saratoga Grays 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1508.2
Ripken Bourbon Blends 🥃 162 152 150 153 136 158 777 150 1479.2
The Musial Suspects 146 162 156 162 155 153 719 158 1517.0
Stringtown Country Hams 162 160 161 161 162 162 810 162 1528.2
SABRmagician✨ 162 153 142 157 142 144 810 156 1504.0
Lamoka 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1517.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Sewer Ewes Lineups 134 163 158 162 160 155 776 162 1507.0
Tim Lincecum's Mustache Lineups 163 156 163 161 163 163 743 150 961.0
Trotsky Kautsky Koskie Trout Lineups 163 162 159 146 142 155 785 151 1510.0
Night Dragons Lineups 163 163 161 161 163 163 812 161 1527.0
JustCatz Lineups 148 162 157 163 163 160 815 154 1515.2
All Nations Lineups 132 163 148 157 161 163 777 152 1501.1
Saratoga Grays Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1518.1
Ripken Bourbon Blends 🥃 Lineups 163 153 151 154 137 159 782 151 1489.1
The Musial Suspects Lineups 147 163 157 163 156 154 724 159 1527.0
Stringtown Country Hams Lineups 163 161 162 162 163 163 815 163 1538.2
SABRmagician✨ Lineups 163 154 143 158 143 145 815 157 1513.2
Lamoka Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1527.0

  • Sewer Ewes
  • Tim Lincecum's Mustache
  • Trotsky Kautsky Koskie Trout
  • Night Dragons
  • JustCatz
  • All Nations
  • Saratoga Grays
  • Ripken Bourbon Blends 🥃
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Stringtown Country Hams
  • SABRmagician✨
  • Lamoka


  • Sewer Ewes
  • Tim Lincecum's Mustache
  • Trotsky Kautsky Koskie Trout
  • Night Dragons
  • JustCatz
  • All Nations
  • Saratoga Grays
  • Ripken Bourbon Blends 🥃
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Stringtown Country Hams
  • SABRmagician✨
  • Lamoka
