T-shirt sale


It's Tino Time 19216.9 15.8 5.90 5.17 7520 2042 408 28 306 953 80 183 39 1497.2 82 70 1613 1278 507 53 183
Electric Company 18921.2 15.5 5.60 5.31 7490 2003 413 57 303 710 104 263 52 1513.0 125 27 1552 1307 426 59 175
Yankees Eunt Domus 18489.9 3.9 5.82 4.70 7318 1900 413 24 364 911 101 146 31 1529.2 123 43 1494 1430 459 73 211
Hotel Larry 18122.4 -0.1 5.23 5.23 7258 1856 370 27 312 846 82 76 27 1526.0 70 98 1561 1370 451 71 167
Peninsula Oilers 16757.7 45.5 5.52 4.17 7380 1956 367 38 347 709 97 137 38 1455.1 17 28 1467 1340 519 69 210
Shohei's Bookie 16301.4 85.4 4.76 5.11 6712 1673 358 24 267 633 107 198 44 1465.2 81 73 1606 1260 478 45 197
Soler Eclipses 14795.0 23.8 4.67 4.98 5994 1512 296 22 243 598 59 119 33 1395.2 91 48 1542 1280 515 65 166
Big Papi memories 14394.6 72.4 5.11 4.96 6938 1788 359 39 244 659 96 175 38 1062.1 81 30 1112 995 328 48 132
SKnack Pack 14255.3 44.3 5.05 4.05 6675 1757 380 22 246 670 107 169 48 1244.0 56 4 1243 1179 493 57 182
7th Inning Beer Run 13657.3 49.3 4.68 4.41 7035 1747 355 28 272 705 70 94 24 1071.2 21 121 1054 1049 397 58 147
Hoo Lee Puk 12526.8 51.6 4.42 5.21 5146 1250 231 33 207 486 80 135 23 1147.1 48 2 1228 979 354 44 120
Light That Baby Up 12324.0 32.2 4.92 4.82 5721 1494 297 21 201 506 68 135 30 1019.2 46 61 1052 957 363 44 122

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Hoo Lee Puk 51.6 391.7 2,229.2
It's Tino Time 15.8 522.8 3,145.5
Yankees Eunt Domus 3.9 493.9 3,031.7
SKnack Pack 44.3 479.2 2,111.1
Light That Baby Up 32.2 407.6 1,951.3
Big Papi memories 72.4 303.6 1,854.2
7th Inning Beer Run 49.3 240.4 1,978.0
Peninsula Oilers 45.5 399.3 2,289.3
Electric Company 15.5 513.4 2,526.2
Hotel Larry 0.1 432.3 3,153.3
Shohei's Bookie 85.4 616.5 2,474.5
Soler Eclipses 23.8 330.6 2,202.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Hoo Lee Puk 162 142 110 153 144 83 615 71 1147.1
It's Tino Time 162 162 162 162 162 161 810 162 1497.2
Yankees Eunt Domus 162 162 162 162 162 159 810 162 1529.2
SKnack Pack 162 162 140 152 135 151 777 147 1244.0
Light That Baby Up 162 161 71 150 102 150 585 126 1019.2
Big Papi memories 162 162 136 162 157 158 729 119 1062.1
7th Inning Beer Run 162 162 156 155 156 162 792 162 1071.2
Peninsula Oilers 162 162 162 162 159 162 805 161 1455.1
Electric Company 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1513.0
Hotel Larry 162 161 162 161 162 162 807 162 1526.0
Shohei's Bookie 162 149 145 159 152 162 772 151 1465.2
Soler Eclipses 148 127 158 150 138 139 676 144 1395.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Hoo Lee Puk Lineups 163 143 111 154 145 84 619 71 1154.1
It's Tino Time Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 162 815 163 1506.2
Yankees Eunt Domus Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 160 815 163 1539.0
SKnack Pack Lineups 163 163 141 153 136 152 782 148 1251.2
Light That Baby Up Lineups 163 162 71 151 103 151 589 127 1026.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 163 137 163 158 159 734 120 1068.2
7th Inning Beer Run Lineups 163 163 157 156 157 163 797 163 1078.0
Peninsula Oilers Lineups 163 163 163 163 160 163 810 162 1464.1
Electric Company Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1522.1
Hotel Larry Lineups 163 162 163 162 163 163 812 163 1535.1
Shohei's Bookie Lineups 163 150 146 160 153 163 777 152 1474.2
Soler Eclipses Lineups 149 128 159 151 139 140 680 145 1404.1

  • Hoo Lee Puk
  • It's Tino Time
  • Yankees Eunt Domus
  • SKnack Pack
  • Light That Baby Up
  • Big Papi memories
  • 7th Inning Beer Run
  • Peninsula Oilers
  • Electric Company
  • Hotel Larry
  • Shohei's Bookie
  • Soler Eclipses


  • Hoo Lee Puk
  • It's Tino Time
  • Yankees Eunt Domus
  • SKnack Pack
  • Light That Baby Up
  • Big Papi memories
  • 7th Inning Beer Run
  • Peninsula Oilers
  • Electric Company
  • Hotel Larry
  • Shohei's Bookie
  • Soler Eclipses
