let the trading begin!
Hey all, there are still 3 teams left who need to allocate dollars in arbitration. The deadline is in 3 days. Please do not forget.
Viva El Gallo on
November 10, 2020 8:22 AM
I dunno if I'd go that far.
Robert Swift was UAF!!
I dunno if I'd go that far.
Robert Swift was UAF!!
Ugliest dude alive
First time I have ever seen Dustin May... is he the 2nd coming of Sideshow Bob?
I just double checked. I swore Yahoo had a hard cap, but they don't either.
Soo after reading a back and forth that went nowhere, I gathered that this rule is stupid and unfair, but it probably won’t matter so we should ignore it. Fair enough, if anyone wants JD Martinez I’ll sell him for a Church of Scientology bumper sticker
JakesFunny on
September 30, 2020 2:39 PM
We could switch to Yahoo. They have a hard cap in place... /s
And now I have the blueprint for how to do it!
which means next season is going to be decided by 5 points 😂
great find ben.. i knew it had been around for forever but i had never seen that article.. great article explaining everything.. the main takeaway is we have played 6 full seasons and in a full season there is like a .00001% chance this would matter so we are all arguing about nothing lol the margin of 1st to 2nd has been 900, 350, 700, 1000, 300, and 1400
LMAO it's almost like we're not the first to run into these questions
that's a good read... all of our points exactly and why. In a 1500 IP season it should be negligible.
Kuhl Krushers on
September 30, 2020 1:31 PM
where are time stamps of individual pitches and their corresponding outcomes located? i’m not aware of a site that houses that info.. do you know a site that goes into that much detail?
We have clocks for a reason. If the above scenarios occur, you go by when the 1500 happened. I’d FAR trust time stamps over what we have now.
when does the single count? before the review if it was upheld? after the review is over? everything would need to be time stamped to the second to remove any potential arguments.. ps i work in compliance and legal lol that’s why this hard cap is insane to implement.. if the system allowed it.. i would 100% be for a hard cap.. i agree with everybody on the terrible rule, but i am guessing it’s there because of system parameters and a soft cap removes liability from niv
but when do you force people to only start 1 SP cause they are close to 1500? what’s that limit? and what if i am at 1480 with 3 SP and 5 RP going.. that *should* be something like 5 innings per SP and say 3 innings from RP.. 18 total so i was budgeting to stop at around 1498.. but then all 3 SP throw complete games so i finish at 1510.. and that last out to get to 1500 is surrounded by 3 homers and a single (and the single was under review)... what happened first in those 5 separate games?
The problem is we don’t have to “deal with” a soft cap. Could easily force everyone once they get to 1500 to not put anyone in their rotation. I’ve done this for 4 straight years, it’s EASILY doable
cause if we start changing system parameter rules, then i would like for somebody to manually count and keep track of during the season the points i should get for starting a RP in a RP slot, but the team all of a sudden decides to use them as an “opener” for that game and i don’t get the points because my RP wasn’t in the SP slot... i think it works the same in reverse with SP being used as RP... i think that is a dumb rule... but that’s just the rules of ottoneu so we have to deal with it
here’s how i see it.. i don’t think one owner would pick soft cap over hard cap if the system parameters were in place for us to choose.. but they aren’t, this is solely a niv question with the ottoneu platform and i’m guessing it’s soft cap cause a hard cap would raise a ton of issues on the programming side of things... and i am 100% against us changing system parameter rules cause that creates a manual mess
FWIW as a new entry and relatively objective participant, the soft cap is a bit strange. What's the solution, though? Hard cap where within a day when a team reaches the max, it stops counting? I'm all for people taking advantage of the rules in place (I mean look at Trump's tax returns) but shouldn't we also try and fix dumb rules if possible?
For what it’s worth I’m happy to keep the rules the same. However I refuse to ever use a soft cap to help me win a championship. I have had 1500 innings my previous 3 seasons and 563 2/3 this year. If you can’t beat someone at the cap, you aren’t good enough to win. When Jordan Lyles who is worse than my grandma gets put on the bump cause of a soft cap rule, think about how ridiculous that sounds. No one ACTUALLY likes the rule whether we keep it or not. Love the league so much, awful rule
I won all the way back in 2015, it's been too long :/ we started this league in 2014 and I have been in it since day 1.
Viva El Gallo on
September 29, 2020 9:31 PM
FYI, i'm just talking shit and FUCKING love this league. I'd rather retire from fantasy than join another one. The competition is astounding and it is so much fun!
Viva, I see you were a champion of the league. What year was that? How long have you played in this league?
(3/3) I will leave it at this: I have always said we need to play by the rules we have set, and the rules were pretty clear. The rules state a soft innings limit cap and that is the rule we have played by. Congrats to those who used this rule to their advantage, as they had every right to do so. Please note that is a completely different argument than the argument of whether this rule is a good rule or not. I will be here no matter what we decide.
Viva El Gallo on
September 29, 2020 9:23 PM
(2/3) I will say, I enjoy Ottoneu so much because of the salary/waiver structure, extremely deep roster management and year-round activity. It’s not because Ottoneu has a soft cap on their innings limit that allows me to sneak in an extra 25 innings at the end of the year. At the end of the day, I think this is a relatively minor detail that is valid to vote on if there is enough disapproval (so far I am only seeing 2 out of the 11, not counting me).
Viva El Gallo on
September 29, 2020 9:21 PM
(1/3) To be honest I always thought the 'soft cap' was a glitch and since it never affected the final standings (that I knew of), I always ignored it. In order to play a points league where the only time you are truly judged is on the final day, I think it’s best that all are on the same level playing field (as close as possible). I believe the main reason this rule is in place is because Ottoneu lacks the resources to implement a ‘hard cap’ in their software (not because it’s a good rule).
Viva El Gallo on
September 29, 2020 9:20 PM
Also we all need to take a look at ourselves as owners if we couldn’t beat someone for two seasons that didn’t know the rules of Ottoneu haha. It’s clearly a super unfair advantage ;) if someone can win the league twice but never go over the inning limit. And I’ll say this anytime we bring up “changing rules or voting rules out” we play on Ottoneu for Ottoneu rules, if this isn’t the format you like there are other sites.
So first off I forgot the cap was 560 and I thought it was 600 so my penalty was being a dumbass and missing a chance at third. I planned on making a big inning push but “I was counting to 600.” Second, I don’t get the argument of “it let’s bad teams have an advantage” because if you’re a good enough team A) you’d also use the rules to your advantage and B) the bad teams shouldn’t be that much of a threat that 20 innings matter.
just tossing this out there... i can have better hitters by a points per plate appearance standpoint... someone else scores more points per game though because of where they bat in the batting order... i get penalized by having better hitters hit 3/4 than an owner that utilizes hitters that only hit 1/2... that’s not fair... i have better hitters... so why should a team that’s “worse” than me get to score more points?
JakesFunny on
September 29, 2020 6:10 PM
Gregg, thank you for explaining how to get innings pitched.
Anyway I believe the soft cap rule creates a negative situation that takes us away from the dogma that the better team wins. For example, teams like We <3 (insert player here) are put at a very unfair disadvantage by reaching 560 and 1/3rd IP, because he's now capped. He should have intentionally benched someone, just to load up on his last day with a bunch of $1 guys. It's ridiculous and turns the last day into a theater produc
JakesFunny on
September 29, 2020 6:09 PM
Easy to say 2 time league champion. Haha
The soft cap is the worst rule in fantasy baseball history if my opinion means anything. It’s a joke that a worse team can win the league because they get 20 more innings above the cap than the better team. Awful rule, would love to vote this one out of orbit.
I agree with Gregg. I took the advantage of no minimums this year.
Next year, 1525 IP is what I am shooting for.
Let me chime in here guys... the soft cap should be utilized by everybody. For those who failed to get to anywhere close to 560 IP this year, it's no fault but your own. Keep track of your innings and make pickups accordingly. This has been the best year, no doubt, of most owners staying active. It was hard to sneak 1$ guys through. I really did like the involvement. The covid sucks and I hope we can get a full season in next year. You all better get close to 1500 IP next year!!!!!!!!!!!
Kuhl Krushers on
September 29, 2020 5:05 PM
Good year ladies and gents. If anyone wants to take back every single person I traded for this year, please do.
Also, I must confess that this you-can-go-over-the-maximum-innings-on-the-last-day rule is a slightly absurd rule in my opinion
JakesFunny on
September 29, 2020 4:48 PM
since we have quite a few new owners (and even for older owners to brush up), i thought now would be a good time to suggest reading the ottoneu rules page(s)... there’s some great info in there that explains all the ins and outs of ottoneu... there are definitely some quirky rules, so please read the rules to understand the platform by which we are playing... great season everybody! looking forward to a very competitive year 8!
Even though I thought for sure the year wouldn't have completed, it was a lot of fun! Excited to see what happens next season!
Congrats Alex
Great year gents. Thanks Blake. Asterisk championship for me, like the Stros. Trade block is up, ready to negotiate!
what a terribly fun year... congrats alex on the second ship! 🥇
Thanks for having me guys....I had to push REAL hard to get my P/IP over 4, LOL...but I got there!! Watch out next season!
Shoulda traded for Bauer when you had the chance lmao
tell me about it..... it was a fun season however, and the offseason awaits! If anyone wants to change teams with me, I'm looking for a swap. If the commish allows that?
Kuhl Krushers on
September 28, 2020 10:06 AM
Ummmm, that was close!
Great battle!!
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