Enter 2025 OPL


CGT 18628.4 18.8 5.47 5.32 7339 1898 378 29 336 800 89 209 49 1502.1 74 71 1584 1301 448 72 163
The Raisin Paradox 18187.5 0 5.36 5.18 7457 1936 399 50 295 779 104 175 59 1499.1 112 40 1549 1268 425 53 196
COPPER KINGS 🌵 17724.7 2.2 5.01 5.31 7328 1863 361 25 307 692 78 126 38 1526.0 112 63 1625 1234 526 80 181
Fantasy Baseball Analyst/Therapist 17395.3 -6.4 5.16 5.16 6818 1784 359 19 284 751 81 106 23 1506.1 80 67 1654 1360 468 66 180
AKA Big Papi 16957.7 0 4.64 5.27 7325 1808 344 37 250 708 101 171 56 1519.2 112 57 1572 1309 443 51 186
Cornucopia GrainBelters pts 16370.6 0 4.49 5.12 7217 1716 320 24 289 683 104 134 34 1500.2 22 133 1566 1335 502 49 169
Special OPS 16032.7 -5.3 4.93 4.83 7092 1787 347 37 307 687 49 107 32 1385.2 69 78 1364 1255 452 50 177
Pinochle Jacks 16029.0 0.6 4.56 5.34 7226 1782 352 39 261 649 64 156 44 1361.2 79 74 1427 1174 409 52 156
Keep Austin Weird 15793.6 0 4.52 4.71 7244 1796 355 24 239 653 82 179 32 1510.0 50 85 1438 1372 529 78 174
The Mighty Mighty Baztones 15788.2 0 4.47 5.00 6720 1704 306 27 220 604 92 166 37 1512.1 60 74 1518 1332 476 62 178
Hearty Bradishes 15139.6 51.4 4.48 5.33 6510 1572 324 28 234 622 111 196 60 1339.2 43 62 1440 1124 416 61 143
Walden Two 15071.6 28.1 5.17 4.62 6562 1682 359 36 280 661 80 186 34 1268.0 45 27 1233 1128 406 49 165

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
CGT 18.8 478.3 2,893.4
The Mighty Mighty Baztones 0.0 461.6 2,469.8
The Raisin Paradox 0.0 374.3 2,755.9
Pinochle Jacks 0.6 625.9 2,418.6
Walden Two 28.1 383.2 1,999.9
Special OPS 5.3 274.4 2,132.7
COPPER KINGS 🌵 2.2 445.7 2,821.3
Hearty Bradishes 51.4 496.7 2,456.3
Cornucopia GrainBelters pts 0.0 504.8 2,692.1
Fantasy Baseball Analyst/Therapist 6.4 732.7 2,985.0
AKA Big Papi 0.0 393.2 2,246.1
Keep Austin Weird 0.0 201.8 1,592.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
CGT 162 162 160 162 162 162 810 163 1502.1
The Mighty Mighty Baztones 139 148 155 147 159 161 776 157 1512.1
The Raisin Paradox 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 161 1499.1
Pinochle Jacks 162 157 154 162 159 162 805 162 1361.2
Walden Two 139 148 156 153 145 148 732 162 1268.0
Special OPS 162 162 162 155 162 149 784 160 1385.2
COPPER KINGS 🌵 162 162 161 160 160 159 795 163 1526.0
Hearty Bradishes 162 147 130 147 140 141 768 149 1339.2
Cornucopia GrainBelters pts 162 162 162 160 162 162 807 160 1500.2
Fantasy Baseball Analyst/Therapist 162 156 158 162 162 155 748 163 1506.1
AKA Big Papi 162 162 148 162 162 162 810 162 1519.2
Keep Austin Weird 162 162 162 162 161 161 789 162 1510.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
CGT Lineups 162 162 160 162 162 162 811 163 1504.0
The Mighty Mighty Baztones Lineups 139 148 155 147 159 161 777 157 1514.0
The Raisin Paradox Lineups 162 162 162 162 162 162 811 161 1501.0
Pinochle Jacks Lineups 162 157 154 162 159 162 806 162 1363.1
Walden Two Lineups 139 148 156 153 145 148 733 162 1269.1
Special OPS Lineups 162 162 162 155 162 149 785 160 1387.1
COPPER KINGS 🌵 Lineups 162 162 161 160 160 159 796 163 1527.2
Hearty Bradishes Lineups 162 147 130 147 140 141 769 149 1341.0
Cornucopia GrainBelters pts Lineups 162 162 162 160 162 162 808 160 1502.1
Fantasy Baseball Analyst/Therapist Lineups 162 156 158 162 162 155 749 163 1508.0
AKA Big Papi Lineups 162 162 148 162 162 162 811 162 1521.1
Keep Austin Weird Lineups 162 162 162 162 161 161 790 162 1511.2

  • CGT
  • The Mighty Mighty Baztones
  • The Raisin Paradox
  • Pinochle Jacks
  • Walden Two
  • Special OPS
  • Hearty Bradishes
  • Cornucopia GrainBelters pts
  • Fantasy Baseball Analyst/Therapist
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Keep Austin Weird


  • CGT
  • The Mighty Mighty Baztones
  • The Raisin Paradox
  • Pinochle Jacks
  • Walden Two
  • Special OPS
  • Hearty Bradishes
  • Cornucopia GrainBelters pts
  • Fantasy Baseball Analyst/Therapist
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Keep Austin Weird
