League Message Board
Ditto. Thanks, Commish, for all the work you do to keep this league together.
Thanks, Commish. Good luck all!
Auctions and trades are available now.
Enjoy and remember the Tokyo Series kicks off the 2025 season on March 18!
Have a great 2025!
I'm going to be done at 44 players rostered. Keeping one slot free for now.
We've got just a couple teams left to fill their roster. Should be able to get that done today/tomorrow. I'll upload the rest of the players then and we will be ready to start the season. And also open up auctions/trades.
Thanks all!
If I get my auction selection in an hour-or-so, I'm going to be done at 39 active roster spots.
Looks like we'll finish today? I've got 2 I'm in with 2 to go, and 5/12 are already done
Squared Up on
March 5, 2025 7:50 AM
Yeah, definitely still some bugs with CM, but thankfully we are nearing the finish line
Huh. Changed browsers. I'm seeing it fine now.
Is it running? I'm getting nothing on the couchmanagers page. No players being auctioned. Empty roster. "Invalid message" errors.
Try now
I will increase the max bids now
Hello. I was trying to nominate my last player and it said it's at max nominations (24). Do I just have to wait?
I just saw it restarted. Made my nominations. Should finish up pretty soon if all the nominations get made
Squared Up on
March 4, 2025 3:42 PM
Sorry - apparently the draft resumed about 4 hours ago. This has been a bit of a cluster, but we will just make do!
Please go in and make max bids.
Nominations also reset, so I guess go in and make those nominations for teams who have them.
Draft will resume in an hour at 9am CT
I would advise to go in soon after that and re enter any max bids
Thanks all
That seems to be the case when itβs paused
I am glad this is happening at this point of the draft and not earlier.
We will get the draft going again tomorrow and just hope for the best!
We can't enter max bids on players yet, since the auction is paused. Or, at least I can't. I get an error message.
Interesting. Not sure I can do much about that. My thought, given where we are in the draft, is most of these guys are not going to get bid on.
Draft won't resume until tomorrow
Our max bids are lost, which makes it possible for someone to out-bid us before we can re-enter our max bids
Quick Update:
The site is up and running, but they're saying a few bugs may exist and to hold of on resuming drafts.
The draft remains paused, BUT I have "extended" all auctions that I think were going on at the time of site crashing. The last person I have entered in Ottoneu was Trevor Story, so I just extended all auctions after him.
Not a perfect situation, but I think it's the most fair and right thing to do.
Hopefully will get th
GOOD NEWS! Couchmanagers site is up & running!
Bad news - all auctions ended.
What I will ask of everyone is to look over the last several completed auctions. If there were any players that were on the auction block that you wanted to bid on, but couldn't, I can re-do that auction.
I'll give everyone 24 hours to review and if I don't hear from anyone, I will assume all auctions will be complete and we will resume.
For now auction is pau
It appears site is still down as of this morning.
Once itβs back up & running we will have to sort through the auctions and see if we need to restart any.
Thanks for your patience all!
Someone on Ottoneu Slack reported that Couchmanagers is working on a server update, but should be back up soon.
Same here. Looks like site is down.
Struggling to connect to the Couchmanagers site this afternoon.
All rosters have been updated on Ottoneu. Remember that on couchmangers, I have your 5MiLB players listed as well so a full roster is 45 in Couchmanagers.
We are 87% done, should have this wrapped up in the next couple of days!
Those with nominations, please make those when you can!
Thanks all
Happy Day 2 of draft. We've had a few auctions end overnight, so make sure you keep up with your nominations.
I'll be adding the players to Ottoneu in real time as much as often. If you spot an error when I'm adding players, please let me know!
Still a few managers with 2 nominations - please go in when you can to nominate.
Just a quick note. I set it up so the draft pauses from 3am - 6am ET. This will make things a bit more fair for all of us to make sure everyone has a chance to bid on players, especially if clock got reset to 8 hours and you're sleeping all of those 8 hours.
Draft has BEGUN!!
Please make your nominations when able!!
Enjoy everyone!
Fungo Follies on
February 24, 2025 2:47 PM
Quick update:
This is your one hour heads up, I will start the draft at 1:30pm CT
Thanks all!
Feel free to start up when it works for everyone else. I will jump in when I can. I'll probably be able to make quick bids, and then drop in every 24 hours to make a nomination. I'll be back Friday and will be able to do everything normally after that. Thanks for the consideration!
While we wait - please let me know if you will be unavailable to draft starting Saturday for the next week or so. I think the draft will take 7-10 days or so, so please let me know if anyone has any conflicts! Hoping to get draft done by the Tokyo Series on 3/18.
We are going to pause the start of the draft until I talk to Jukt about his availability this week. I do not want to start the draft when not all managers are available.
Thanks for your patience!
I won't be around much for the auction. I'm traveling over the next five days. If I don't nominate for awhile, now you know why.
One of my fresh MiLB picks blew out his elbow. TINSTAPP?
We've got 5 managers left to join couchmanagers. Once everyone is in, I can upload rosters.
If you haven't yet, please go in today and join the draft!
Password: Ottoneu
Iβll take Parker Messick, SP, CLE. Thanks!
Fungo Follies on
February 21, 2025 11:34 PM
Couchmanager site:
Password: Ottoneu
Please sign up when you can!
Fungo Follies will wrap up the draft.
Look for a link for the Couchmanager site to be sent today. I will need everyone to join when able so I can upload rosters. As long as everyone joins by Sunday night, we can start the draft on Monday!
Iβll take Jaison Chourio, OF, CLE
Fungo youβre up
Assuming these next two picks will be done in the next day, I plan on getting the couchmanager site set up and as long as everyone joins in time, we can get the MLB portion of the draft start on Couchmanager as a slow draft.
More details to follow, but plan on early next week as start of MLB draft.
Thanks all!
2 picks remaining in the draft:
Holden OTC
Fungo On Deck
No worries. Iβll take Chase Petty, SP, Cin.
Fungo Follies on
February 20, 2025 11:18 PM
You were actually one pick ahead, but as long as Fungo Follies is good , you can keep him and Fungo can pick next
Checking in from my phone. Since there's been a long break between picks, I'm gonna assume I'm the next one up. If it's me, I'll take Moises Chace, SP, PHI.
Jacob Melton (OF, Hou)
I'll round out my roster with Cooper Pratt of the Milwaukee Brewers, just ahead of Get up, Get outta here....Gone!!!. Who are now on the clock.
Stingrays select Robert Calaz OF COL
Tulsa Tinypeople OTC
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