Trade deadline this Thursday. Time to make those last minute deals
taking offers for a Gerrit Cole rental. Any vet available
send me offers for closers. looking for controllable talent. I can also take on salary :)
No worries, but since we're in a generous mood, can I redo the auction? :)
Thanks everybody. I’ve learned a lesson. Don’t cut players when I tired.
All good. These things happen.
Manitoba Bluegrass accidentally cut Bichette last night and immediately asked me to reverse it. He meant to cut Hoskins, which he did moments later. I have no problem doing this - stuff happens. Hope no one got too excited about a free premium player.
Been there lol. I'm also good
Good with me. I am an idiot every day!!!
I have been an idiot tonight and somehow cut Bo Bichette when I meant to cut Rhys Hoskins. I am asking the league if I can reverse this piece of stupidity. I am sorry for the inconvenience to everyone. Thanks, Chris.
Draft time!
Draft @8:00 EST tonight. See you all there.
Our draft is Sunday!! First draft of the year (for me at least) - so excited. Oh, I changed my team name from Atom Heart Mother, so it's still the same commish. We'll start on Sunday at 8:00pm sharp so please be on-time. See you all then!
March 5th still works at this time.
All but two owners voted in the doodle poll. I am assuming if you haven't voted by now that all dates work for you. It's looking like March 5th. I will wait for the last two owners until this evening and then post the draft date.
For those who did not receive the doodle poll it can be accessed here - https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dGRKnk3b. Please respond soon so that we can beat the rush on people planning their other drafts.
I'll be open for last minute offers until around 11pm est. After that I'll be doing a final once over the roster and start making cuts.
Last reminder, TONIGHT at midnight EST (9pm PST) you must have your rosters cut back down to a legal state in preparation for the draft (i.e. 40 or less players and under $400 in cap). There are no additional transactions allowed after that time until after the draft. I'll send out a doodle poll for draft availability in the next few days.
Tuesday night (1/31) is the deadline for cuts. Cut 'em while you can!
We only have two owners who need to pay their league fees (and you know who you are!) so after that we'll get to planning the draft. I like early drafts just to change things up. We did late February last year. Please let me know if you are against that idea and we can talk it through. Thanks everyone.
Hi All. Apologies for being quieter than normal this off-season, but work has been 24/7. I am definitely looking forward to season and will get paid up by the weekend. I will update my trade block over the next day or so to see I can get nay trades done in the last week.
Welcome to 2023 everyone! Our league is largely intact from last year, which is great, so I'm looking forward to another great season. With that in mind it's time to pay up! Everyone please take a moment and pay your annual fee as soon as possible - that way we will absolutely, positively know who is coming back. Thanks everyone for making this easy - once everyone pays we can move on to planning a draft date.
Merry Christmas to all my fellow owners.
NEW OWNER - Hi guys, happy to join your league, you will see that I'm very active NEW OWNER
Welcome Papi. How the heck do you keep track of all the teams you own?
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow owners.
Just a friendly reminder that tonight is the last day for arbitration. Thanks.
It's Arbitration time! Before you check out on baseball for a while make sure you jack up the contracts of your rivals! Also, if you plan on NOT coming back next year please let me know ASAP so that I can bring in a replacement owner.
Congrats to the Cat Hoarders. I looked at the global leaderboard and you finished with the 17th highest roto score of all leagues. Nice work. I tried to ride a hot start to 2nd place but injuries etc. burned me in the end. Better then the bottom two where I finished the last two years!
Congrats on the win Cat Hoarders, complete domination.
Well done Hoarders, well done.
Congratulations to the Cat Hoarders who just had the afterburners going all season. I’ll be smelling the burnt fur until January.
Congrats Cat Hoarders!! You kicked all our asses all year long - wire to wire. As great as it was (for you) hopefully we can keep him from running away with it next year - there’s nothing more fun than a competitive league. Next up arbitration everyone.
Happy 4th of July to my fellow owners. Enjoy the day and be safe.
There was a problem earlier this year with waivers being processed, but it was supposed to have been fixed. I’ve also thought I made claims and bids, and the system didn’t register them. iPads can be a bit unreliable.
Good morning, I have a question about waivers. There were a number of players cut from March 29 to March 31. I put a claim in for one of those players. As of this morning, the player is still out there and is now in the free-agent pool and can be brought up for auction. He wasn't awarded to anyone. I was under the impression that if I put a claim in, as long as no one with a high waiver priority put a claim in, then within 24 hours the player would be awarded to me.
Kaos on
April 3, 2022 7:22 AM
Good auction everyone... oh what the hell do I know
Corner - waiting on you.
20 minutes to draft.
Draft is in one hour. Let's get ready to go!
Draft Day!
I also updated my email so I would more likely see future postings!
Sorry I missed the poll, but the draft date works for me!
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 8:30 PM EDT has been chosen as the draft date. No, I do not believe the season will start on time so that's why I've chosen a date after MLB Opening Day. If things miraculously change over the next few days then we can improvise.
7 out of the 12 of us have done the draft date poll. I want to lock this down soon so that availability does not change. I will choose a date based on current feedback on Saturday. Please participate in the poll prior to that so that I have a good feel for when everyone is available. Thanks.
E-mail received and votes submitted. Note - availability is subject to change if date is not locked before another league I am in locks theirs. Thanks.
It's time to start thinking about the draft! I'm sending out a poll for people to vote on days that work for them. You should have received an email - here's the link otherwise - https://doodle.com/poll/y7ssxws4699ip3qw?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link. CBA or no CBA, let's not let this ruin draft season.
Everyone please reset your trade blocks. Specifically remove any players from your block that are no longer on your team to help avoid confusion. Thank you.
needed a clean slate
Welcome back to the league Crackpots/Volts!
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