League Message Board
I appreciate the perspective, Marc.
Don't worry too much, Ian; I won last year with an even more expensive Cole weighing me down.
HI all, it’s time to nail down a draft time. Since the season start March 18th in Tokyo, I am giving us two options of either Sunday the 16th or Monday the 17th to draft. Please be as flexible as possible when filling out the poll since herding 12 cats is incredibly difficult. Thanks.
Don’t forget the trade and cut deadline is this Friday the 31st. Let’s get those last week deals rolling in! Also, you need to renew your team by the 31st as well. Happy trading.
Good morning all, we have a week left to complete arbitration. Let's get on that, please!
… for running it, Travis!
Congratulations to my assorted scrubs and the stars who otherwise carried it. The landscape changed in a hurry as the dog days wore on, but several stellar finishes later and it was salted. I did not see this as a sane possibility until the last days of August. A surprise win.
Great seasons from three other great teams. Mike and Jeff have something to show for their efforts, and for a moment it looked like the reigning champ could repeat. Tight races.
Thanks again for r
Congrats to Marc on another 1st place finish along with Mike and Jeff for rounding out the podium. A shout out to Matt (Ump) and Matt (Corbin Walked...) for strong showings as well. Per usual, this league continues to be super competitive with owners who pay attention all year. Bravo to all! I hope everyone enjoys some baseball playoffs and don’t forget arbitration starts October 15th. If you are not planning on returning next season, please let me know ASAP.
Hey everybody! Sorry I was out of town for the last few days, never have your birthday at the MLB trade deadline. Anyway apologies for the inactivity, but I'm back if anybody is interested in making a deal. I'm open to trade prospects for prospects or veterans for youth. I've got a lot of middle infielders.
Nobody ever reads these, but If you are interested in Mookie Betts, Kyle Swarber, Dansby Swanson, Gleyber Torres, or Nick Castellanos, give me a shout. Looking for young cheap talent. I'm willing to throw in any player to balance out a trade as long as it makes sense for me.
5, 6, 7, 8's on
July 25, 2024 5:50 PM
Rule misunderstanding - I just dropped a bunch of players trying to make my team legal. I did not fully understand that I not only had to meet budgetary requirements ($400 or less) but also had to have the budget to field a team of 40 players.
If I had to do it over I would drop different players. I needed to drop a bigger budget person. It’s not a big deal but understanding the rule now I would have just dropped Montgomery.
Anyway to fix, then great. But everyone I d
Please nobody bid on José LeClerc. He is a major part of my plans moving forward and if I don’t get him, I will probably have to trade a LOT to whomever picks him up. Thanks for being such good sports, fellas!
Don’t forget out draft is tomorrow (MONDAY 3/18) at 9pm EST. See everyone in the draft room!
We have a draft date! Monday March 18th at 9pm EASTERN!
If this does not work for you please let me know ASAP.
Hi all - I created a doodle poll find our draft date. The season starts March 20th, so I set it up for the Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday prior to the Wednesday start. Please fill this out ASAP so that we may nail down our draft date. Thanks.
Reminders: Today is the deadline to cut players prior to the draft!!! Also, you must renew your team today too! We still have a few owners who have yet to do that.
Hello all, don't forget Wednesday the 31st is the last day to make cuts, trades, and renew your team for next season. So, let's use this final weekend to find some trading partners and get your team ready for the draft. Also, I will be sending out a doodle poll around the 31st in order to nail down a draft date.
Hello all, we have hit December and it's time to get the hot stove fired up. Don't forget to update those trade blocks and let's get the off-season rolling.
Also, as a Giants fan...I am preparing for the disappointment of not getting Ohtani.
Good morning...Tomorrow is the last day to arbitrate...Please do so, it keeps the balance of the league in check.
Hello all, I would like to welcome Matt to the league. He is taking over Trouble with the Curve. I have played fantasy football with Matt for many years, so welcome to the dark side.
Also, arbitration has started and we still have a couple week left, but I just wanted to remind everyone to complete it prior to November 14th.
First, Congrats to Ump Yours!!! You put together a great team, well done. MLB finished in second and continues to always linger at or near the top, excellent job. 5,6,7,8...great battle with a crazy last 20 minutes of the season that flipped us in the standings!!!
Next, arbitration starts today and goes for the next month. Don't forget to arbitrate so that we can punish those 1st, 2nd, and 4th place finishers for doing such a great job :-). Last, Mar 31 draft date is filler and not
It’s not only came down to the last day.
But To the last game and the last out. I think this save by Finnegan sealed the deal for third place. Congratulations to Malthage , Marc and Travis.
5, 6, 7, 8's on
October 4, 2023 12:48 AM
It not only come down to the last day, but to the last game, last at bat, and the last pitch. Finnegan getting the stays for the nationals sealed the deal for Travis. Congrats to
5, 6, 7, 8's on
October 4, 2023 12:45 AM
Per usual this league continues to be extremely competitive with great managers up and down. So, its fitting that all the steps on the podium will come down to the last day. Good luck all; except maybe 5, 6, 7, 8 :-)
I am hoping everyone is planning on returning next season. However, if you are not, please let me know ASAP so that I can look into getting the vacancy filled prior to arbitration. Thanks.
Trade deadline is today!!! Get those last minute deals in!!!
Man, we can’t have anything nice. Does Ohtani come back as a closer in 2025 or does he just not pitch again?
I claimed Diaz to cover my catcher issue
Ump Yours on
August 17, 2023 7:16 PM
Ump nominated Jeffers, which is a bid of sorts.
The best two waiver wire catchers go for $2 and Ump doesn’t bid. Am I living in an alternate universe?
Ump! Get yourself another catcher!
I’d love to see standings adjusted for games played and innings pitched. I think Ump is a LOT closer to 1st than it seems
Dear Jake DeGlass,
You seem like a generally angry person, LOL.
Dear Jake DeGrom,
I know it may feel like I’m kicking you while you are down, like I’m piling bad on top of bad, like I’m pouring salt in the wound of your failure.
Good. That’s how you’ve made me feel for the better part of three fantasy seasons, you turd!
You seem like a generally angry person.
We can all see what you wrote, including your stupid insults. You don’t like the rules, and you want backsies, and you’ve come up with a way to call it something different. Yeah I’m just not intelligent enough to understand this bit of brilliance, poor me.
You still can’t read.
I completely get what you’re saying. You want to be able to rescind your bids when the person in 1st has an unwinnable min-bid in, which is an implied ban on min-bid enforcing. It’s absurdly simple.
There’s no call for that. This isn’t a new issue that I just started thinking about yesterday.
I seriously think you can’t read.
Not that there is something wrong with "bans" in general necessarily, but what I'm saying is that any such proposal is a drastic change which will be very messy to administer. The forums and slack are littered with custom rule ideas, and if you ask me (you did not, but again, you put it out there and nobody else seems interested to weigh-in) I've never seen one worth the trouble. I guess that makes me a big water-carrier (stan?) for Ottoneu.
Michael, I get your idea here, and still think it's nearly a de-facto ban. I will just poke one more hole in it: 1st is not owned, it's fluid. A manager can place the bid from 2nd and then move into 1st overnight, say. At that point in time, it's now a problem for your proposal. It's a cut-throat business; as I said, I don't like the loophole, but there are pros/cons to bidding from 1st, the min-enforce isn't always cut/dried, and nobody is stopping anyone from min-bid wins. Part o' the game.
Marc, I’m not saying there should be a ban. I’m saying that the first place person should have to carry some risk of winning the auction when they put in a bid.
Say I start an auction for Player X but then decide I may not want Player X. I should be able to *conditionally* pull my bid. If anyone else bids the minimum, that bidder wins the auction. If no one else bids, I have to take that player.
Go check out the forums and the slack. You will find this conversation hashed out in numerous places. You will find agreement, certainly, and also that the prevailing notion is that there’s nothing for it… but to only bid what you are willing to pay or what the market will bear… right back where it started.
Well, nobody else seems to give a crap.
I get your points, but they’re nothing new. And they don’t go beyond step-1 in the thought process either. What you’re suggesting is a ban on min-bids by the top seed, though you’re calling it something else. Your solution kicks the can 10% of the way towards accomplishing its goal. Next man up would assume the same position for 90% of the scenario you’re envisioning, and then we’re talking about what to do with the 2nd place team. And on it
I wasn’t taking it up with you in the first place, Captain Egopants.
I personally have no problem playing Ottoneu by the rules which are already in place. I don’t believe in customizing rules for a system which is widely played and standardized; I don’t think I know better than the designers. In 20+ years of custom leagues, I’ve had my problems with custom rules. In 7 seasons of ottoneu, I have never registered a single such gripe. This system is as good as it gets. You don’t have to take it from me- raise the concern with Niv and see what comes back.
The solution is simple. If I start an auction, I should be able to pull my bid. If no one else bids, I have to take that player at a minimum.
Think it through: in no other auction can you place a bid that you KNOW cannot win. In this system, the first place team is the only team that can do that. It gives an unfair advantage to the manager who should least have it.
Solution-wise, what is it? Let’s say the 1st place team is banned from placing min bids on others’ auctions; then the 2nd place team would just get that same hammer. Where does that logic stop? Think it through.
All comes back to bidding what the player is worth. If you think 10/11 other teams wouldn’t pay more than min, then don’t bid more than min. Otherwise, pay the extra buck and sleep well.
Someone else may be in 1st TODAY. They will have all the pros and cons of
This has been debated in ottoneu circles, and adjudicated by the founders. If you don’t think a player is worth 2 or more dollars, then don’t bid 2 or more dollars. Whoever holds first has the option to price-enforce, balancing the fact that they can never win a $1 bid on an auction they didn’t start. Those are just some of many points.
Despite appearances I don’t like the “loophole”, but it really isn’t one when you go down the rabbit-hole of considering all the ramifications.
I think you should be able to pull your initial bid if you start an auction. If no one else bids, your bid will have to remain, of course, but it’s kind of silly that whoever is in first place can always artificially drive up prices.
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