Six Picks Big Board | Play Six Picks for free


🏰🏰 19031.0 18.6 5.46 5.71 7118 1897 382 29 291 827 116 73 24 1508.1 102 70 1756 1140 499 45 183
Chuck Klein 18432.6 9.4 5.75 4.81 7219 1883 355 22 374 948 87 57 16 1510.0 73 49 1707 1360 494 77 214
AKA Big Papi 17754.9 173.8 5.55 5.08 6763 1819 376 20 323 709 106 144 36 1472.1 78 61 1522 1259 448 65 186
Otto Beta 17263.2 193.5 4.98 5.23 7069 1821 385 38 262 659 107 103 33 1516.2 79 67 1657 1267 486 62 189
Rugen 17059.0 89.7 5.38 4.80 6789 1754 370 27 332 731 83 119 34 1479.2 57 35 1528 1301 454 69 193
PNW Monsters 17029.2 68.2 5.43 4.90 7117 1920 375 29 274 696 113 143 33 1420.2 58 44 1576 1219 497 58 190
The Zombie Runners 16456.9 23.9 5.24 4.77 6596 1732 334 36 309 756 65 141 53 1404.1 54 70 1421 1243 463 65 185
Backup Catchers 16401.2 61.6 5.39 5.08 6740 1800 363 34 293 670 111 136 43 1296.0 61 60 1398 1113 442 67 157
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? 15294.1 66.3 5.50 4.42 6714 1748 361 20 349 722 88 76 18 1188.2 41 65 1268 1077 498 65 167
The Beasts from The East 15054.6 22.7 4.69 4.33 6831 1680 350 27 271 644 65 102 36 1510.1 83 53 1346 1428 497 64 208
Wrath of the Norseman 13847.3 56.2 4.41 5.19 5183 1295 259 22 158 460 80 43 9 1490.0 79 35 1678 1311 456 58 181
Mr Splash 13215.9 -6.3 4.92 4.58 5846 1494 291 21 246 610 62 60 26 1172.0 30 26 1188 1087 363 56 151

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Mr Splash 6.3 283.5 1,969.4
Chuck Klein 9.4 388.3 3,008.2
PNW Monsters 68.2 415.6 2,142.0
Rugen 89.7 729.1 2,698.8
The Zombie Runners 23.9 413.6 2,737.4
Otto Beta 193.5 816.1 3,343.9
Backup Catchers 61.6 473.9 2,424.4
Wrath of the Norseman 56.2 303.8 1,173.2
The Beasts from The East 22.7 526.7 2,677.3
🏰🏰 18.6 299.9 2,790.8
AKA Big Papi 173.8 775.5 3,090.3
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? 66.3 689.2 2,779.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Mr Splash 136 91 140 130 141 152 665 141 1172.0
Chuck Klein 162 162 162 162 162 162 809 162 1510.0
PNW Monsters 162 154 162 162 158 158 749 150 1420.2
Rugen 162 152 154 160 154 160 746 162 1479.2
The Zombie Runners 162 154 162 141 137 162 783 162 1404.1
Otto Beta 151 154 162 162 162 159 771 153 1516.2
Backup Catchers 154 160 156 157 151 142 754 149 1296.0
Wrath of the Norseman 162 153 83 123 115 88 546 115 1490.0
The Beasts from The East 162 160 153 157 152 149 736 148 1510.1
🏰🏰 162 162 156 158 153 162 793 162 1508.1
AKA Big Papi 162 155 148 153 148 157 782 148 1472.1
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? 129 155 159 152 162 162 743 162 1188.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Mr Splash Lineups 137 92 141 131 142 153 669 142 1179.0
Chuck Klein Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 814 163 1519.1
PNW Monsters Lineups 163 155 163 163 159 159 754 151 1429.1
Rugen Lineups 163 153 155 161 155 161 751 163 1488.2
The Zombie Runners Lineups 163 155 163 142 138 163 788 163 1413.0
Otto Beta Lineups 152 155 163 163 163 160 776 154 1526.0
Backup Catchers Lineups 155 161 157 158 152 143 759 150 1304.0
Wrath of the Norseman Lineups 163 154 84 124 116 89 549 116 1499.0
The Beasts from The East Lineups 163 161 154 158 153 150 741 149 1519.2
🏰🏰 Lineups 163 163 157 159 154 163 798 163 1517.2
AKA Big Papi Lineups 163 156 149 154 149 158 787 149 1481.1
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? Lineups 130 156 160 153 163 163 748 163 1196.0

  • Mr Splash
  • Chuck Klein
  • PNW Monsters
  • Rugen
  • The Zombie Runners
  • Otto Beta
  • Backup Catchers
  • Wrath of the Norseman
  • The Beasts from The East
  • 🏰🏰
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Who Needs Pitching Anyways?


  • Mr Splash
  • Chuck Klein
  • PNW Monsters
  • Rugen
  • The Zombie Runners
  • Otto Beta
  • Backup Catchers
  • Wrath of the Norseman
  • The Beasts from The East
  • 🏰🏰
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Who Needs Pitching Anyways?
