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Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society 18845.0 75.5 5.73 5.16 7369 1998 441 39 337 756 84 125 44 1496.0 114 59 1581 1391 470 54 173
Big Spiff 18656.2 187.1 5.79 5.11 7149 1957 411 31 329 846 94 86 38 1470.1 113 56 1648 1335 527 68 179
Veteran Presents 18470.3 40.4 5.48 5.31 7137 1935 384 30 292 823 65 106 35 1501.1 111 35 1615 1297 466 50 174
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ 18045.3 67.2 5.77 4.84 6988 1890 351 32 343 864 80 122 41 1462.2 73 79 1547 1352 497 64 189
The Exponentials 17629.0 36.3 5.51 4.92 7227 1945 410 31 314 695 50 165 40 1465.1 145 29 1487 1345 478 56 191
Larry Bernandez 16126.3 10.4 5.49 4.01 6701 1858 369 30 269 738 89 129 41 1505.1 37 34 1430 1477 545 49 216
Stroman Troopers 15882.2 64.5 4.79 4.55 7117 1859 353 34 249 595 82 164 58 1504.1 94 61 1445 1355 557 69 202
the stuff is electric 15868.2 35 4.83 4.86 6531 1684 318 26 267 681 78 117 47 1445.2 73 76 1563 1264 506 61 202
GF Chaunceys 3.0 15694.5 86.8 5.30 3.75 7340 1969 393 44 326 619 80 75 30 1440.1 59 33 1224 1475 500 48 216
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain 15183.6 24.4 5.60 4.29 6245 1730 340 30 292 719 52 97 40 1270.1 35 69 1277 1226 474 51 178
Big Papi memories 14616.8 -1.1 4.79 4.72 6345 1648 321 31 243 585 49 158 53 1332.2 23 93 1276 1220 433 54 161
Mötley Crüz 14537.3 31 5.12 4.46 6282 1610 324 25 288 675 67 89 27 1277.1 35 58 1227 1270 417 49 156

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Larry Bernandez 10.4 196.5 1,220.5
The Exponentials 36.3 558.1 2,828.2
GF Chaunceys 3.0 86.8 658.3 2,554.8
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ 67.2 697.9 3,382.1
Veteran Presents 40.4 518.0 2,986.5
Big Spiff 187.1 901.5 3,333.9
the stuff is electric 35.0 366.3 2,107.0
Stroman Troopers 64.5 417.7 2,604.4
Big Papi memories 1.1 259.4 2,128.3
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society 75.5 579.6 3,009.3
Mötley Crüz 31.0 262.2 2,111.2
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain 24.4 566.9 2,422.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Larry Bernandez 162 153 158 162 148 154 744 155 1505.1
The Exponentials 139 162 157 162 162 152 795 162 1465.1
GF Chaunceys 3.0 161 162 162 162 162 162 810 160 1440.1
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ 162 162 162 162 162 158 784 148 1462.2
Veteran Presents 162 162 155 152 155 161 805 162 1501.1
Big Spiff 162 162 155 162 153 162 808 161 1470.1
the stuff is electric 161 152 148 149 151 148 770 152 1445.2
Stroman Troopers 155 152 159 158 161 155 788 159 1504.1
Big Papi memories 117 155 140 148 146 155 729 149 1332.2
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society 159 161 162 162 162 162 810 162 1496.0
Mötley Crüz 162 138 139 138 141 155 716 138 1277.1
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain 113 158 135 141 145 145 752 148 1270.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Larry Bernandez Lineups 163 154 159 163 149 155 749 156 1514.2
The Exponentials Lineups 140 163 158 163 163 153 800 163 1474.1
GF Chaunceys 3.0 Lineups 162 163 163 163 163 163 815 161 1449.0
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 159 789 149 1471.2
Veteran Presents Lineups 163 163 156 153 156 162 810 163 1510.1
Big Spiff Lineups 163 163 156 163 154 163 813 162 1479.1
the stuff is electric Lineups 162 153 149 150 152 149 775 153 1454.1
Stroman Troopers Lineups 156 153 160 159 162 156 793 160 1513.2
Big Papi memories Lineups 118 156 141 149 147 156 734 150 1340.2
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society Lineups 160 162 163 163 163 163 815 163 1505.0
Mötley Crüz Lineups 163 139 140 139 142 156 720 139 1285.0
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain Lineups 114 159 136 142 146 146 757 149 1278.0

  • Larry Bernandez
  • The Exponentials
  • GF Chaunceys 3.0
  • Materialistic Thunder ⛈️
  • Veteran Presents
  • Big Spiff
  • the stuff is electric
  • Stroman Troopers
  • Big Papi memories
  • Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society
  • Mötley Crüz
  • Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain


  • Larry Bernandez
  • The Exponentials
  • GF Chaunceys 3.0
  • Materialistic Thunder ⛈️
  • Veteran Presents
  • Big Spiff
  • the stuff is electric
  • Stroman Troopers
  • Big Papi memories
  • Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society
  • Mötley Crüz
  • Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain
