Give Me All The Bacon and Eggs's trade block has been updated!
Southside Hitmen's trade block has been updated!
Give Me All The Bacon and Eggs's trade block has been updated!
Southside Hitmen's trade block has been updated!
Barves's trade block has been updated!
NPB Rejects's trade block has been updated!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on
November 15, 2015 11:38 PM
WAR Horse's trade block has been updated!
It's been a fun few years, but alas The Gnostics have been sold to Jeffrey Loria and moved to Aleppo. I'm sure you'll get a good replacement owner in no time. Cheers to everyone.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on
November 9, 2015 9:38 PM
Hey guys, sorry I thought I had replied. The only team was Round Mound, but it is now claimed (again). Also, if you haven't already, feel free to join us on Slack--we finally have a private group on there as well.
Stupid send button.
Rough Riders 🛶 on
October 31, 2015 11:49 AM
I'm still here. Haven't allocated yet though.
Rough Riders 🛶 on
October 31, 2015 11:48 AM
I'm still here. Haven't allocated yet though.
Rough Riders 🛶 on
October 31, 2015 11:48 AM
I'm still here. Haven't allocated yet though.
Rough Riders 🛶 on
October 31, 2015 11:48 AM
Posted about Round Mound on #leagueswanted
Round Mound and maybe FIP. The other two who haven't allocated are just waiting, I think
Yo how many dead teams do we have now? Should we do some Slack advertising?
Round Mound of Pound's trade block has been updated!
Barves's trade block has been updated!
Isotopes's trade block has been updated!
Citi Slickers on
October 26, 2015 12:10 PM
Welcome warhorse! Glad to have you--it's been a rollercoaster year for that team, heh.
Hey guys I just claimed Asleep at the Wheel. Roster is in rough shape but I'm looking forward to the reclamation project. I'm @warhorse in Slack.
Survived Scherzer! Gonna have to make a t-shirt...
Congratulations to the 2015 champion Naturals!
Ha, thanks! Winning for the first time! I kept finishing in third those first few years...
Gnostics you (or preferably your wife, kids or someone else who thinks fantasy baseball is stupid) pour a bottle of the chocolate drink Yoohoo over your head to commemorate such a fine accomplishment
Yeah. You can see the league history at this link. Pretty cool. http://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/37/recordbook
Yeah. You can see the league history at this link. Pretty cool. http://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/37/recordbook
Congrats Naturals on winning for the 2nd time. When you clinch in fantasy, do you pour beer or champagne over your own head? Like, just sitting in front of the computer, slowly and silently dumping booze on your head, maybe with Nyan cat playing in the background? I think that's the protocol.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on
October 3, 2015 7:55 AM
Here I was thinking we were slacking since no one is gonna hit 19k. Although as Vibber pointed out, not many teams have.
Really?! That's awesome!
Congrats, Dan. You now have the highest-scoring team in league history
Haha, don't wake that sleeping giant ahead of you! Yeah, with my real team well out of it, I've been barely checking lineups.
The Naturals ⚾ on
September 9, 2015 12:25 PM
Frank too busy making late push for 9th place to talk.
Royal(s) Mess on
September 9, 2015 12:02 PM
Frank too busy making late push for 9th place to talk.
Royal(s) Mess on
September 9, 2015 12:02 PM
September baseball
shhh! We are trying to sleep!
Quiet in here...
The Naturals ⚾ on
September 9, 2015 10:53 AM
Barves's trade block has been updated!
Southside Hitmen's trade block has been updated!
Yeah, thanks Barves. Ha.
As an Ms fan, I love labrum tears!
I seem to be timing these trades just right, eh Swashbucklers? So The Naturals, now the Koji is down, want to see if you can get a couple saves out of Gregerson before he tears a labrum?
Yeesh...Yelich for 2 saves and 17 points. Thanks Barves! Haha
Welcome Asleep!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on
August 10, 2015 4:04 PM
I adopted the vacant team. It is a total reclamation project. Not much to do but try to build a 2016 contender.
Barves's trade block has been updated!
Gates opened...
Southside Hitmen's trade block has been updated!
Agreed! I put a lot of weight on two, heh.
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