My email notifications for message board posts, etc. are working, Taco.
On another note-is anyone else having issues with getting email alerts from Ottoneu? I have my preferences set to get alerts on all posts, auction, trades, etc. but have not gotten any email alerts for several months.
I vote Yes. Every arbitration dollar is vital in the competitive balance of the league. We should give each team a few days to take care of that once the abandoned teams are claimed.
Band of Skulls on
December 21, 2021 12:17 PM
Yea for all to allocate.
My vote is yes. I would prefer everyone allocates their arb dollars
We need every one of those 7 to vote: Columbus, O'Clyde, Butch, SkyDog, Kekembas, Taco, Skulls. Simple majority wins.
Do we allow Zeezils, Schmohawks and Jib to make arb allocations; yea or nay? Please cast your vote as soon as possible and hold off on making any roster changes (trades or drops) until this is resolved.
Zeezils on
December 21, 2021 11:31 AM
We had 3 current owners not make arb allocations - Jib, Schmo, and me - plus the abandoned teams Kekemba and Sweet Lou. I think it's clear that we ought to give new owners of abandoned teams opportunity to do arb: it is a vital tool for competitiveness and parity and we ought not penalize new owners. But what about the other three? Given that there is an obvious conflict of interest for us 3, I will put it to a public vote of the other 7 current managers.
Zeezils on
December 21, 2021 11:27 AM
Graham, welcome back! Really glad to have you. As you can see from the recent messages, we're in a bit of a funk (but maybe my pessimism is a minority view and everyone else thinks the league is very healthy, which would be great!).
@Jib @SkyDog @Schmo - please chime in with your commitment (or not) for 2022.
Zeezils on
December 21, 2021 11:10 AM
Hey everyone! I've just taken over the Kekambas. Was a former member (and champ!) of this league a few years ago and am looking forward to returning. Expect plenty of trade talk over the next few weeks!
Still committed to the long term plan for my team and the league.
I'm committed. I took part in the arbitration process. Finishing last I know I have a huge rebuild program, but I'm not having a fire sale on what assets I have.
Band of Skulls on
December 20, 2021 12:07 PM
Hopefully we can hear from the other owners and get a commitment soon. If we do, we can begin the work of moving forward. This includes finding new owners and deciding on how to deal with the incomplete arbitration process from deadbeat owners (myself included).
Zeezils on
December 20, 2021 12:00 PM
@Columbus - one drop this year was new. I think he may have left to join a startup league. It's less about the here and now and more about the long-term dynamism. Replacing 3-4 owners per year is too much turnover. We need people to be invested.
We currently have 9 owners. Including me, we've heard feedback from 4 owners. Not a coincidence that it's from the top four teams in the standings. Success requires activity! I would love to continue the league.
Zeezils on
December 20, 2021 11:58 AM
This league is a lot of fun and I definitely want to continue. I am sure I left a few messages unanswered simply due to forgetting but I am actively checking my team everyday and will make a better effort not to leave messages unanswered. Obviously we need to find a few dedicated owners who are looking to build over a number of years in order to have a strong trade market. I sincerely hope we can keep this league going
Love the league... Remain fully committed
Butch Bando on
December 16, 2021 8:37 AM
I've only been in the league two years, but I think you do a great job commishing, Zeezils. Ultimately, there's not a whole lot you can do if people are not invested in a multi-year build. Were the people who dropped out first time Ottoneu players? I think if we get some experienced and/or motivated managers taking over the neglected teams it can revive this league! I'm willing to give it a shot, if others are.
I am not blameless - I have not done my part this offseason. If we continue, I am willing to rededicate myself as commish. I am also more than willing to share the responsibilities with someone else or step down entirely. I'm out of ideas on how to foster a fun and engaging league. Perhaps some fresh energy is required. I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on their vision of the future of the league.
Zeezils on
December 15, 2021 2:57 PM
In a keeper league with prospects, escalating salaries, and a cap, there ought to be a dynamic trade environment. Unlike redraft leagues, contenders and non-contenders should be able to work out deals because of different time horizons. It fosters parity over time and is fun! But we've become stagnant, which puts the league at a crossroads. Do we continue or disband? I'm all for keeping it going but we need commitment and activity!
Zeezils on
December 15, 2021 2:51 PM
We had only 7 in-season trades last year, and only 2 in the entire second half. I can't see what kinds of activity goes on with other teams, but I can say that I proposed at least 20 trades in-season (1 accepted). I received 2 offers all season.
But the problem is not that people aren't accepting my offers, its the unwillingness of teams to even participate in discussions. Messages go unanswered for weeks. Or the response is "Sorry, Player X is in my plans for next year" withou
Zeezils on
December 15, 2021 2:45 PM
Hey everyone. Apologies for completely failing at my duties as commissioner this offseason. This has been in part due to what I see as a lack of dynamism in the league and a fatigue in trying to recruit and retain active owners in my 10 years as commissioner. Every year, we have to recruit 3-4 new owners, many of whom don't stay active for even their first season. Over the past couple of years, I've noticed declining activity overall - fewer adds/drops/trades and fewer lineup changes.
Zeezils on
December 15, 2021 2:29 PM
I sent Zach (Zeesils) an email to check in a few days ago. No response.....
Butch Bando on
December 15, 2021 12:17 PM
Several teams did not do arbitration including Zeezils. Any word on whether this league will continue?
Trade block updated. Always open to talk on any player.
Thanks for a couple of great years. I was in 9 leagues last year. Too many. Good luck to all and dont waste your time on me with awesome trade ideas. I'm going to leave to the new owner.
Long Gone on
November 18, 2021 12:32 PM
Block updated-- Machado available. Looking for a package of contributors rather than a star or shiny prospect
Butch Bando on
November 16, 2021 8:43 AM
Congrats to the Baby Bears on a great season! In a 162-game season, it came down to 4 runs scored and a single strikeout! I haven't had any fingernails since mid-August. Very well done!
Zeezils on
October 4, 2021 3:17 PM
Congratulations Columbus! Even being too far back to have a chance that was a fun race to watch. I'm looking forward to getting back after it next year.
Wow, I'm going to miss the daily sweat of watching the live scoring. Obviously we're not playing for money here, but this is definitely one of my most important/favorite leagues. Great job everyone, and I'm looking forward to next year!
This is it, the final day of the season! Not looking good for me!
Zeezils on
October 3, 2021 12:29 PM
i hate to do this., but im a one and done. just kinda lost my fantasy baseball mojo. gonna just play in one league. ill continue to change my lineup for the rest of the season, but wanted to give a heads up so you could find a replacement.
Balls In Play on
August 30, 2021 9:09 PM
Anyone interested in a catcher—Gary Sanchez or Sal Perez?
desperate times call for desperate measures.....
i know i cant replace him completely, but if you have an OF who could get me some of acuna's stats, send a message. thanks~!!
WTF did you send me to watch???
July 4, 2021 12:19 AM
No taunting, just feeling bad for myself.
sucks, bears
I’m up to 12 on IL 😢
Tough season for injuries but 11 is a real run of bad luck!
Long Gone on
May 20, 2021 8:40 AM
ELEVEN guys on the injured list
Can everyone take a second to update their trade block? Its getting to that time of year
Butch Bando on
May 18, 2021 11:09 AM
Looking to make some trades and need some starting pitching.
Defending champ
Whoa! Pre-summer Sell-Off!
Zeezils on
May 12, 2021 1:13 PM
Watching Rodon dominate makes me feel like a real dummy
Finding Nimmo on
April 14, 2021 10:39 PM
Man my guys are off to a slow start. This is painful!
Long Gone on
April 10, 2021 4:10 PM
All right fellas, first pitch in less than two and a half hours. Good luck this season!
Zeezils on
April 1, 2021 10:41 AM
I will still be working when the draft starts. I work til 9. I will do my best to keep up.
March 16, 2021 12:33 PM
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