T-shirt sale


Yeah Jeets ⚾️ 18585.3 56.4 6.09 4.64 7070 1937 390 28 368 905 65 116 36 1513.1 109 35 1512 554 34 191
Bingo DeMoss 18397.3 35.2 5.69 5.11 7082 1918 390 35 303 864 61 145 45 1494.2 92 65 1715 479 66 181
See Through Bottom Boys 17452.6 21.4 5.39 4.96 7033 1869 385 37 279 848 96 99 49 1448.2 97 70 1576 451 59 188
Oo Oo That Smell 16668.9 64.8 5.21 4.80 6844 1768 374 23 300 803 78 81 39 1434.1 15 100 1438 410 43 175
The Ballad of Opie White 15913.4 55.8 5.30 4.21 6806 1869 359 28 279 604 94 110 32 1475.2 40 56 1422 544 66 200
Red Altoids 15605.1 49.1 5.43 4.45 6802 1888 401 40 286 576 65 163 50 1273.2 102 54 1253 418 54 194
Big Papi memories 15478.1 12.6 5.14 4.01 6744 1773 318 29 306 685 62 79 38 1507.1 38 59 1313 487 57 224
Double Tapered Perfection 14709.6 51.2 5.45 5.05 5755 1565 296 37 252 601 62 158 45 1207.2 103 54 1314 385 60 151
Dude…You’re Being Very Un-Dude 14640.7 48.9 5.20 5.24 5854 1565 323 27 236 626 61 99 28 1192.0 96 43 1244 381 40 122
Ricky Henderson's The Name 14193.5 100.1 5.05 4.80 6207 1593 328 24 297 593 55 62 19 1165.2 119 30 1224 432 34 154
Soggy Bottom Ballboys 12637.2 39.9 5.33 4.31 5887 1627 298 24 267 592 44 66 39 923.0 16 8 938 306 36 123
Mars Spiders 11835.6 115.2 4.80 4.18 5545 1430 294 40 218 483 49 139 45 1079.1 11 60 1131 430 38 157

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Dude…You’re Being Very Un-Dude 48.9 488.0 2,493.3
Ricky Henderson's The Name 100.1 570.6 2,207.9
Soggy Bottom Ballboys 39.9 603.8 1,919.2
Double Tapered Perfection 51.2 478.9 2,446.7
Mars Spiders 115.2 355.7 1,835.1
Bingo DeMoss 35.2 421.8 3,255.1
Red Altoids 49.1 423.4 2,524.7
Yeah Jeets ⚾️ 56.4 626.8 3,055.2
The Ballad of Opie White 55.8 542.5 2,800.8
Big Papi memories 12.6 205.9 2,008.9
Oo Oo That Smell 64.8 330.8 1,827.2
See Through Bottom Boys 21.4 595.5 2,587.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Dude…You’re Being Very Un-Dude 141 156 152 144 132 142 606 139 1192.0
Ricky Henderson's The Name 133 162 149 146 147 153 659 155 1165.2
Soggy Bottom Ballboys 117 117 155 109 153 135 687 151 923.0
Double Tapered Perfection 116 142 103 156 143 159 618 143 1207.2
Mars Spiders 154 154 126 123 121 149 639 62 1079.1
Bingo DeMoss 158 162 160 156 159 152 781 162 1494.2
Red Altoids 162 160 155 147 137 157 755 158 1273.2
Yeah Jeets ⚾️ 142 162 151 161 162 162 798 161 1513.1
The Ballad of Opie White 160 155 160 162 158 157 724 155 1475.2
Big Papi memories 162 152 149 139 134 161 779 159 1507.1
Oo Oo That Smell 145 153 143 162 162 147 810 156 1434.1
See Through Bottom Boys 157 162 162 159 158 162 792 154 1448.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Dude…You’re Being Very Un-Dude Lineups 142 157 153 145 133 143 610 140 1199.1
Ricky Henderson's The Name Lineups 134 163 150 147 148 154 663 156 1172.2
Soggy Bottom Ballboys Lineups 118 118 156 110 154 136 691 152 928.2
Double Tapered Perfection Lineups 117 143 104 157 144 160 622 144 1215.0
Mars Spiders Lineups 155 155 127 124 122 150 643 62 1086.0
Bingo DeMoss Lineups 159 163 161 157 160 153 786 163 1503.2
Red Altoids Lineups 163 161 156 148 138 158 760 159 1281.1
Yeah Jeets ⚾️ Lineups 143 163 152 162 163 163 803 162 1522.2
The Ballad of Opie White Lineups 161 156 161 163 159 158 728 156 1484.2
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 153 150 140 135 162 784 160 1516.2
Oo Oo That Smell Lineups 146 154 144 163 163 148 815 157 1443.0
See Through Bottom Boys Lineups 158 163 163 160 159 163 797 155 1457.1

  • Dude…You’re Being Very Un-Dude
  • Ricky Henderson's The Name
  • Soggy Bottom Ballboys
  • Double Tapered Perfection
  • Mars Spiders
  • Bingo DeMoss
  • Red Altoids
  • Yeah Jeets ⚾️
  • The Ballad of Opie White
  • Big Papi memories
  • Oo Oo That Smell
  • See Through Bottom Boys


  • Dude…You’re Being Very Un-Dude
  • Ricky Henderson's The Name
  • Soggy Bottom Ballboys
  • Double Tapered Perfection
  • Mars Spiders
  • Bingo DeMoss
  • Red Altoids
  • Yeah Jeets ⚾️
  • The Ballad of Opie White
  • Big Papi memories
  • Oo Oo That Smell
  • See Through Bottom Boys
