Enter 2025 OPL


adam 7429.6 -7 5.56 6.08 2673 698 130 5 139 303 38 40 15 563.0 26 24 691 436 167 21 53
⚡️Laser Show⚡️ 6795.3 21.9 5.35 5.22 2675 694 130 11 126 283 29 39 9 570.1 9 27 571 466 180 17 60
MakeDawsonSure 6528.3 97.3 5.15 5.06 2609 678 129 14 106 281 36 41 10 571.1 25 28 620 503 169 22 76
Colenoscopy 6515.8 85.1 5.03 5.04 2493 649 146 5 110 271 34 20 10 588.1 26 19 611 510 166 28 74
Bad News Bears 6371.6 45.4 5.33 4.94 2498 630 134 12 125 314 30 29 4 533.1 29 15 556 472 176 21 66
🌴 Myrtle⚾️Mania 🌴 6098.1 93.4 5.26 4.69 2570 692 127 12 103 248 41 43 16 530.0 22 26 560 454 195 28 75
Anchorage Glacier Pilots 6074.5 58.7 5.25 4.40 2444 627 108 12 120 308 25 34 11 560.0 33 12 587 542 186 26 83
Beane Counters 5851.9 67.3 5.30 4.12 2570 667 141 7 109 320 53 42 10 495.1 48 6 485 476 191 29 78
Ship of Fools 5327.1 34.1 5.40 4.50 2162 550 113 7 121 259 38 27 14 444.2 2 23 520 414 159 18 67
Midre Cummings and Goings 5030.5 86.5 5.26 4.32 2278 580 93 10 110 266 35 24 7 410.1 12 26 428 375 135 19 69
Ryman & Stealin 4095.9 -11 4.11 4.36 2055 468 90 10 70 219 40 30 11 401.1 6 16 455 336 151 20 68
Shipyard Wreckers 4094.1 121.4 3.86 4.36 1866 418 85 13 59 194 25 45 14 468.1 8 15 426 393 193 25 57

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Bad News Bears 45.4 568.5 3,059.1
Ryman & Stealin 11.0 416.7 1,797.0
Anchorage Glacier Pilots 58.7 531.2 2,736.8
adam 7.0 312.8 3,035.8
Shipyard Wreckers 121.4 497.3 2,062.5
Midre Cummings and Goings 86.5 473.4 2,099.6
⚡️Laser Show⚡️ 21.9 657.9 3,347.2
🌴 Myrtle⚾️Mania 🌴 93.4 570.9 2,967.0
Colenoscopy 85.1 835.9 3,179.5
Ship of Fools 34.1 448.9 2,449.9
Beane Counters 67.3 477.0 2,377.8
MakeDawsonSure 97.3 535.6 3,021.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bad News Bears 60 61 57 52 51 60 300 60 533.1
Ryman & Stealin 33 47 36 54 46 56 249 50 401.1
Anchorage Glacier Pilots 45 60 60 59 60 56 291 57 560.0
adam 60 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 563.0
Shipyard Wreckers 49 33 53 59 52 52 194 40 468.1
Midre Cummings and Goings 60 58 41 57 49 55 242 58 410.1
⚡️Laser Show⚡️ 60 60 60 60 60 60 294 60 570.1
🌴 Myrtle⚾️Mania 🌴 60 60 54 59 60 60 281 53 530.0
Colenoscopy 60 61 59 54 59 60 294 59 588.1
Ship of Fools 60 35 60 59 56 37 265 44 444.2
Beane Counters 60 58 60 60 61 59 300 61 495.1
MakeDawsonSure 48 60 60 59 60 60 300 60 571.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bad News Bears Lineups 165 168 157 143 140 165 826 165 1467.2
Ryman & Stealin Lineups 91 129 99 149 127 154 685 138 1104.1
Anchorage Glacier Pilots Lineups 124 165 165 162 165 154 801 157 1541.0
adam Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 826 165 1549.1
Shipyard Wreckers Lineups 135 91 146 162 143 143 534 110 1288.2
Midre Cummings and Goings Lineups 165 160 113 157 135 151 666 160 1129.0
⚡️Laser Show⚡️ Lineups 165 165 165 165 165 165 809 165 1569.1
🌴 Myrtle⚾️Mania 🌴 Lineups 165 165 149 162 165 165 773 146 1458.1
Colenoscopy Lineups 165 168 162 149 162 165 809 162 1619.0
Ship of Fools Lineups 165 96 165 162 154 102 729 121 1223.2
Beane Counters Lineups 165 160 165 165 168 162 826 168 1363.0
MakeDawsonSure Lineups 132 165 165 162 165 165 826 165 1572.0

  • Bad News Bears
  • Ryman & Stealin
  • Anchorage Glacier Pilots
  • adam
  • Shipyard Wreckers
  • Midre Cummings and Goings
  • ⚡️Laser Show⚡️
  • 🌴 Myrtle⚾️Mania 🌴
  • Colenoscopy
  • Ship of Fools
  • Beane Counters
  • MakeDawsonSure


  • Bad News Bears
  • Ryman & Stealin
  • Anchorage Glacier Pilots
  • adam
  • Shipyard Wreckers
  • Midre Cummings and Goings
  • ⚡️Laser Show⚡️
  • 🌴 Myrtle⚾️Mania 🌴
  • Colenoscopy
  • Ship of Fools
  • Beane Counters
  • MakeDawsonSure
