Six Picks Big Board | Play Six Picks for free


Mos Eisley Rodian Raiders 19239.7 1.6 5.33 5.88 7302 1979 422 27 269 805 74 75 37 1510.1 124 55 1453 1304 380 54 110
Tim Lincecum's Mustache 18170.1 62.5 5.25 5.38 6899 1816 391 22 286 833 82 103 26 1501.1 87 69 1426 1343 392 50 144
indyralph's Team 17759.1 36.8 4.73 5.75 7134 1815 361 16 226 833 72 104 41 1507.2 61 92 1446 1352 395 45 99
GP3 17263.7 7 4.61 5.62 7269 1970 385 42 182 521 59 185 44 1506.2 130 32 1396 1304 388 58 124
Vote For Pedro 16807.1 93 4.66 5.41 7158 1894 341 61 203 575 63 209 82 1483.2 65 71 1393 1371 447 40 107
Crimson Permanent Assurance ⚔️ 16788.5 177.6 4.73 5.56 6761 1793 331 39 224 624 80 107 41 1442.0 103 57 1409 1327 332 39 134
Dyersville Redbirds 16750.3 81.1 4.88 5.30 6961 1865 383 39 207 726 65 92 39 1423.2 94 43 1425 1255 461 61 134
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly 15487.1 88.3 4.52 5.23 6845 1822 365 40 187 526 83 155 49 1356.2 90 45 1271 1209 444 45 122
Oxford United 15303.5 39.9 4.43 4.72 6868 1790 372 30 177 589 74 152 62 1511.2 41 59 1234 1489 432 50 134
Waikiki Beachboys 14934.7 66.9 4.64 5.01 5861 1539 337 38 167 533 68 130 41 1491.1 57 48 1335 1412 429 45 131
The Musial Suspects 14713.9 90.2 4.29 4.95 6257 1639 308 38 167 522 63 110 40 1466.0 106 57 1347 1353 526 37 149
SABRfish 13970.2 10.9 4.04 4.93 6322 1605 341 35 171 468 77 79 38 1386.0 62 81 1211 1335 390 44 139

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Mos Eisley Rodian Raiders 1.6 382.0 2,862.9
Tim Lincecum's Mustache 62.5 489.4 2,436.7
Oxford United 39.9 309.7 2,214.1
Waikiki Beachboys 66.9 481.9 2,066.5
SABRfish 10.9 351.9 1,598.2
Dyersville Redbirds 81.1 520.5 2,645.1
indyralph's Team 36.8 507.3 2,779.9
Vote For Pedro 93.0 589.2 2,636.8
Crimson Permanent Assurance ⚔️ 177.6 436.5 2,508.7
GP3 7.0 354.8 2,701.3
The Musial Suspects 90.2 443.4 1,807.7
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly 88.3 586.4 2,396.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Mos Eisley Rodian Raiders 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1510.1
Tim Lincecum's Mustache 164 163 162 159 162 162 796 155 1501.1
Oxford United 163 151 133 160 160 157 759 163 1511.2
Waikiki Beachboys 163 163 133 158 154 158 553 124 1493.1
SABRfish 163 151 139 150 140 152 722 152 1386.0
Dyersville Redbirds 163 162 158 150 160 157 774 162 1423.2
indyralph's Team 160 150 159 163 162 162 807 159 1507.2
Vote For Pedro 134 162 151 152 153 155 814 163 1483.2
Crimson Permanent Assurance ⚔️ 163 163 155 161 147 159 745 159 1442.0
GP3 160 142 163 163 163 159 805 155 1506.2
The Musial Suspects 163 122 144 160 140 114 749 146 1466.0
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly 162 153 153 144 163 143 794 145 1356.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Mos Eisley Rodian Raiders Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1519.2
Tim Lincecum's Mustache Lineups 165 164 163 160 163 163 801 156 1510.1
Oxford United Lineups 164 152 134 161 161 158 764 164 1521.0
Waikiki Beachboys Lineups 164 164 134 159 155 159 556 125 1502.1
SABRfish Lineups 164 152 140 151 141 153 726 153 1394.1
Dyersville Redbirds Lineups 164 163 159 151 161 158 779 163 1432.1
indyralph's Team Lineups 161 151 160 164 163 163 812 160 1517.0
Vote For Pedro Lineups 135 163 152 153 154 156 819 164 1492.2
Crimson Permanent Assurance ⚔️ Lineups 164 164 156 162 148 160 750 160 1450.2
GP3 Lineups 161 143 164 164 164 160 810 156 1516.0
The Musial Suspects Lineups 164 123 145 161 141 115 754 147 1475.0
Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly Lineups 163 154 154 145 164 144 799 146 1365.0

  • Mos Eisley Rodian Raiders
  • Tim Lincecum's Mustache
  • Oxford United
  • Waikiki Beachboys
  • SABRfish
  • Dyersville Redbirds
  • indyralph's Team
  • Vote For Pedro
  • Crimson Permanent Assurance ⚔️
  • GP3
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly


  • Mos Eisley Rodian Raiders
  • Tim Lincecum's Mustache
  • Oxford United
  • Waikiki Beachboys
  • SABRfish
  • Dyersville Redbirds
  • indyralph's Team
  • Vote For Pedro
  • Crimson Permanent Assurance ⚔️
  • GP3
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly
