Last day to submit vote-offs! Looks like we still have 5 teams that haven't submitted any votes.
RunninRedbirds on
November 14, 2020 3:22 PM
Nice Win Eggs! Congrats!
Congrats Eggs. Well played.
Yes, well-played guys! Once again, I made it almost to the end but messed up my cap limits again
Thanks Tornadoes! I was sweating things for sure the last couple of weeks trying to pull it off. Definitely looking forward to 162 next year. Though this 60 felt intense enough!
RunninRedbirds on
September 28, 2020 12:23 AM
Congrats, Eggs and wOBA! Hell of a season. My boys just didn't have enough to keep up. Looking forward to trying to hunt you down next year!
Meat Tornadoes on
September 27, 2020 10:49 PM
Oops. Wrong league. Disregard.
No objection here!
Hello Commish. Looks like you can install Couch Managers so we can get the data from the auction if you like. See link: https://community.ottoneu.com/t/import-couchmanagers-draft-results/7281
Frito Feet on
March 21, 2020 7:55 AM
That was very uplifting Commish ;) See you guys in here soon
Even though I havent prepped one second for this, I say we go ahead and do it tomorrow. I could be dead by the time the season starts anyways.
I'm stuck at home anyway.
Frito Feet on
March 18, 2020 5:53 PM
I'd be fine either way, but I wouldn't mind going tomorrow--any distraction (something to do, especially before my xbox arrives!) would be welcome at this point.
Personally I'd rather not wait. Gives me something to look forward to this week!
Are we set on our draft date? Any concerns or interest in delaying until there is more info about the upcoming season? Just checking, I'm probably okay either way.
Reese Harper on
March 18, 2020 12:00 PM
Welcome to the league! Glad to have you on board, and just in time to draft Thursday! Best of luck, and I'm sure you'll love Ottoneu! Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Greetings from western NC! I'm a newb. Please be kind.
Frito Feet on
March 14, 2020 11:11 AM
It's set for 8 Eastern on 3/19.
Do we have a start time for the draft yet?
Reese Harper on
March 2, 2020 8:55 AM
There was no opposition, so now its Thurs 3/19.
any opposition to Thurs 3/19?
Update: I don't have any conflicts regarding that week except another auction on Monday the 16th (Thursday is fine for example)
3/17 is St. Patricks Day, and wouldn't work for me. Any chance we could do Thursday 3/19 or Monday 3/16?
Snakes Alive on
February 18, 2020 1:59 PM
Thanks for moving it. Looking forward to it!
RunninRedbirds on
February 18, 2020 1:46 PM
The 17th works for me as well
Just changed to Tues 3/17. Seems like there wasnt any opposition to that.
18th works for me
AKA Big Papi on
February 17, 2020 7:37 PM
The 18th would be fine for me. Really any night that week except Monday, 3/16.
Meat Tornadoes on
February 17, 2020 3:40 PM
I'm fine with anything besides Fri/Sat night
I'm amenable to any day. All good for me.
Mike Schmidt on
February 17, 2020 2:26 PM
18th works for me, but I'd be okay if we need to schedule a different day, too.
Reese Harper on
February 17, 2020 2:25 PM
18th doesn't work for me. If you're shooting for that week I could do Monday, Tuesday or Thursday at the same time. Just not Wednesday.
RunninRedbirds on
February 17, 2020 1:30 PM
Drafts good with me.
Mike Schmidt on
February 17, 2020 1:17 PM
March 18 works for me.
Sorry 3/18/20.
I just set the auction for 3/17/20 at 8 PM, eastern. That is certainly not locked in, so please chime in with conflicts and we can see if we can get a time the works for everyone.
Welcome to the league!
RunninRedbirds on
February 17, 2020 11:23 AM
Howdy everyone! I'm really looking forward to this year and glad to be playing otto with y'all!
Reese Harper on
February 17, 2020 11:17 AM
Glad to have you. Thanks for joining! One step closer to full.
RunninRedbirds on
February 9, 2020 10:49 PM
Hello everyone, just joined, looking forward to this season!
AKA Big Papi on
February 9, 2020 10:48 PM
I think I read there's a 9 day grace period and then they're posted publicly.
Do we have any idea on draft dates?
RunninRedbirds on
February 4, 2020 12:08 PM
what's the procedure now, do we have a couple ownerless teams?
Hey Commish, turns out I wont be able to make it back. Good luck this year everyone.
Frito Feet on
January 23, 2020 7:18 AM
Hi all. I just took over SB2 and am looking to pare down the roster. If you're interested in any pieces, feel free to reach out. Thx!
RunninRedbirds on
December 27, 2019 2:23 PM
hi everyone ... its been short but i won't be coming back next season.... thank you and good luck
can the commisioner remove me from this team please
AKA Big Papi on
December 5, 2019 11:03 AM
hey all. I'm used to the Arb system, This is my first offseason doing voting. But I'm clicking around and around not getting anywhere. 'Arb voting' doesn't offer me any clear direction. How to go about it? Thx
Just wrapped up my voting so i'm signing off, best of luck next year
AKA Big Papi on
October 18, 2019 9:32 AM
Hey everyone, i won't be able to be back next year. I can stick around for arbitration unless you find a replacement wanting to jump in immediately though.
AKA Big Papi on
October 1, 2019 8:43 AM
Congrats Tornadoes. Huge Win!
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