Trotters, I got you. In the spirit of transparency, I’ll flip a coin for each of your auctions. For each heads, I’ll put a $10 bid on the player. Each tails will be a bid if $0.
The Monolith will let you pass
The Monolith on
April 25, 2024 10:33 AM
Don’t mind me trying to find a capable team this morning. Just let me win those auctions and we can go about our days lol
ATG Trotters on
April 25, 2024 9:43 AM
Still early. For better (or worse), this is not one of those leagues where they eliminate a team every month. :)
It's still early, right guys? Right? *Laughs nervously*
Anyone in need of some starting pitching?? I’ve got plenty. Need some bats to bolster the lineup.
ATG Trotters on
April 19, 2024 9:15 AM
Third guy on the DL so far this week and it’s Tuesday. Excuse me while I go get some duct tape.
smg58 on
April 16, 2024 5:33 PM
Life really happened fast for me this year. Mid table is looking like the new goal.
The Monolith on
April 8, 2024 9:03 PM
Marmots learning that it's lonely at the top. Much more exciting to be in a tight battle for 9th place, with a couple of former league winners nipping at my heels. ;)
Yeah, what the hell, guys? I didn't even know other teams were allowed to make trades if I was not involved.
You do realize that you need the permission of Cicely Marmots in order to make a trade that doesn't include him.
smg58 on
April 8, 2024 5:15 PM
Alright fellas, the impending Strider TJ has forced my hand, I need to make a trade for a starting pitcher. Who's got 1 (or maybe 2!) that we can talk about? DM's are open.
The Monolith on
April 7, 2024 11:56 AM
YOUR crumbling season?
smg58 on
April 7, 2024 11:35 AM
I wish we could use gifs on this board so i could litter it with ones about my crumbling season.
The Monolith on
April 6, 2024 1:11 PM
If any of you guys happen to be in Cincy for Mets/Reds, let me know! We can grab a beer and make regrettable trades 👀
Did someone say trades? I’ll take whatever you guys got at this point.
ATG Trotters on
April 3, 2024 7:16 PM
(Looking at last year's start vs this year) Life comes at you fast
The Monolith on
April 3, 2024 10:49 AM
Very tempting! Let's revisit at season's end!
Throw in Machado and you got a deal!
I trade....places with you in the standings?
So... who wants to make a trade?!
FWIW...AJ Puk's new contract is backloaded and highly incentivized. :)
I feel that, smg. I made an example out of AJ Puk to send a message to the boys. I would encourage you to do the same…
My team OPS is barely breaking .500, and my bullpen ERA is 31.50. I have you all just where I want you...
smg58 on
March 30, 2024 9:54 AM
An overslide for sure, but not at the same level as the Tejeda play. I think McNeil was expecting a hard slide as he lost the ball before Hoskins hit him. Hoskins mostly missed him until he took out the plant leg. Seems unnecessary to me, and glad no one was hurt.
Lame move for sure
The Monolith on
March 30, 2024 9:11 AM
Just saw the Rhys Hoskins slide. Yikes. I bet Mets fans had Ruben Tejada flashbacks…pretty sure he’s taking one behind the back or in the ribs today.
Man really sucks that since the season has started all FA's stats are 0 instead of last years numbers
The Monolith on
March 24, 2024 5:05 PM
Trades will soon be allowed again, rejoice!
TODAY'S THE DAY!!!! See everybody at 9!!!
smg58 on
March 24, 2024 4:38 PM
I, for one, am super glad Yamamoto has revealed himself as a complete bust prior to draft day. Huge relief out of Team Cicely, let me tell you.
If this was a points league, would Yamamoto's owner get 45 points? Sounds pretty good!
Deflating market value... who takes the risk? FIND OUT SUNDAY!
The Monolith on
March 21, 2024 5:04 PM
Well hey, nobody's on the hook for Yamamoto's start!
smg58 on
March 21, 2024 5:03 PM
It seems we can't enter lineups until the craft is complete. My other league drafted last week, so I entered a lineup for today. I have 3Ks, a crappy Whip, and I dropped to 9th place, lol. Makes me feel better about this league. :)
So... we never figured out if these games in South Korea will count, did we? Judging by the standings, I'm guessing not.
I pay for Extra Innings every year and it's well worth it IMHO.
The Monolith on
March 20, 2024 11:32 AM
I just saw T-mobile is bringing back their free MLB.tv promotion for another year. You can get a free subscription beginning on 3/26! This has been a godsend for remote fans like myself.
Related, the Crimson Strikes will introduce T-mobile patches on their jerseys for the 2024 season.
Draft is a week and a half away, and I've done no prep. I've got you guys right where I want you.
The Monolith on
March 13, 2024 9:59 AM
Yeah I mean.. I know as of today, you cant set a lineup. So maybe opening day that becomes available? I always thought it was after the draft that opened up but I might be wrong. I have to Dodgers or Padres I don't think so doesn't really matter for me.
The Monolith on
March 4, 2024 11:04 AM
This is what Niv said in 2019 (similar early start): "The auction draft can start whenever you want - you can definitely wait until after March 20th. Any games that happen before your auction draft is marked as done will not count towards final standings."
Then he said this in answer to question about 2024: "Yes, that remains true. Either you can set lineups before 3/20 or you can skip those games."
So...that clarifies nothing, lol.
I think the only issue is ... I dont think you can set a lineup until after the draft. I know you can't right now.
The Monolith on
March 4, 2024 10:54 AM
Whew, that's what I thought. I think we will stick with the date we have; like Whizzo said having all 12 is a higher priority than drafting before the two games in Korea. But i would still make sure your Dodgers and Padres are active just in case.
smg58 on
March 4, 2024 10:49 AM
I can definitely do the 24th. If folks wanted to push it up before Opening Day, I was just throwing out one alternate date. Sorry for the confusion!
Cicely does that mean that you can't do the 24th???
smg58 on
March 4, 2024 10:40 AM
This month is crazy busy for me, but if we moved it up two weeks to THIS SUNDAY the 10th, I could swing it. Not sure about everyone else. Other than that, I'd most likely have to do a week night.
Niv stated on the community page that auctions can be scheduled whenever, even after the season starts. There was some ambiguity about whether the South Korea games would could, but I am sure we can live with it either way. If you have Dodger or Padre keepers, you could put them in the lineup now and see what happens.
I say we move the draft to mid-April. How well did you choose your keepers? Are you willing to break your budget for the random middle infielder with a .315 career SLG who hits five home runs opening week?
I’m fine with this too but just want to make sure the site will allow us to auction after the season officially begins.
It’s fine. I understand how tricky it can be to coordinate 12 schedules. All good!
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