Six Picks Big Board | Play Six Picks for free


Some Slapdicks 19770.0 39.5 5.98 5.38 7360 2066 420 38 338 787 97 128 34 1514.1 111 54 1703 1308 453 50 189
Unnecessary Calisthenics 19282.0 57.9 5.95 5.22 7146 1966 384 26 333 939 85 111 35 1502.1 140 31 1644 1374 479 63 178
Carlos Ruiz 16653.3 100.7 5.56 4.74 6823 1886 368 45 302 592 93 171 50 1374.2 44 73 1355 1243 470 58 168
The 15th Act 16653.0 29.5 5.05 4.88 7105 1939 343 20 281 617 59 94 38 1444.2 99 60 1372 1341 404 61 182
Baby Pfaadt 16586.5 2.2 5.28 4.24 7197 1911 436 33 322 634 77 119 45 1502.1 43 71 1473 1457 506 52 222
Tanner Houck Fan Club 16426.0 82.1 5.05 4.71 6761 1739 333 25 307 718 77 125 42 1476.1 45 88 1494 1356 464 46 202
Big Papi memories 16237.1 52.2 5.48 5.36 6237 1657 352 23 250 752 49 78 26 1347.0 112 47 1457 1176 458 38 152
Zen of Bunting 15565.3 -2.6 5.41 4.56 6289 1720 363 30 285 664 68 140 53 1318.1 52 65 1343 1252 506 51 165
KilleBrews 15528.6 35.7 5.50 4.05 6349 1726 345 36 277 649 82 108 34 1505.0 51 44 1357 1530 505 56 205
SteamRollers 15311.1 130.3 5.17 4.96 6505 1722 351 23 266 717 74 113 39 1218.2 96 30 1165 1119 420 49 129
Pitch Clock Violation 12939.9 74.2 4.99 4.68 6229 1581 309 30 278 696 53 113 47 919.1 40 61 877 831 312 33 122
Suntory Time 12819.9 125.9 4.90 4.50 6020 1559 308 26 241 621 51 55 22 1054.2 69 50 1083 981 429 42 147

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Big Papi memories 52.2 617.2 2,533.2
SteamRollers 130.3 524.9 2,245.1
Suntory Time 125.9 544.1 2,429.6
The 15th Act 29.5 574.2 2,572.4
Baby Pfaadt 2.2 302.2 2,465.8
Carlos Ruiz 100.7 483.3 2,458.5
Zen of Bunting 2.6 378.8 2,222.3
Some Slapdicks 39.5 774.0 3,627.0
Unnecessary Calisthenics 57.9 632.2 2,893.4
Tanner Houck Fan Club 82.1 420.4 2,390.0
KilleBrews 35.7 359.6 1,652.1
Pitch Clock Violation 74.2 492.7 1,902.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Big Papi memories 54 152 121 115 156 151 735 162 1347.0
SteamRollers 157 144 144 147 142 156 752 150 1218.2
Suntory Time 112 128 88 146 144 157 735 137 1054.2
The 15th Act 149 142 160 162 162 159 809 157 1444.2
Baby Pfaadt 159 162 162 162 157 162 810 162 1502.1
Carlos Ruiz 158 161 160 132 130 160 762 161 1374.2
Zen of Bunting 162 155 153 130 148 157 712 150 1318.1
Some Slapdicks 162 162 162 162 162 162 809 162 1514.1
Unnecessary Calisthenics 162 162 162 159 162 162 791 162 1502.1
Tanner Houck Fan Club 162 162 161 156 158 147 778 154 1476.1
KilleBrews 162 148 150 133 140 149 684 147 1505.0
Pitch Clock Violation 162 122 125 129 154 152 739 149 919.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Big Papi memories Lineups 54 153 122 116 157 152 740 163 1355.1
SteamRollers Lineups 158 145 145 148 143 157 757 151 1226.0
Suntory Time Lineups 113 129 89 147 145 158 740 138 1061.0
The 15th Act Lineups 150 143 161 163 163 160 814 158 1453.1
Baby Pfaadt Lineups 160 163 163 163 158 163 815 163 1511.1
Carlos Ruiz Lineups 159 162 161 133 131 161 767 162 1383.0
Zen of Bunting Lineups 163 156 154 131 149 158 716 151 1326.1
Some Slapdicks Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 814 163 1523.2
Unnecessary Calisthenics Lineups 163 163 163 160 163 163 796 163 1511.1
Tanner Houck Fan Club Lineups 163 163 162 157 159 148 783 155 1485.1
KilleBrews Lineups 163 149 151 134 141 150 688 148 1514.1
Pitch Clock Violation Lineups 163 123 126 130 155 153 744 150 925.0

  • Big Papi memories
  • SteamRollers
  • Suntory Time
  • The 15th Act
  • Baby Pfaadt
  • Carlos Ruiz
  • Zen of Bunting
  • Some Slapdicks
  • Unnecessary Calisthenics
  • Tanner Houck Fan Club
  • KilleBrews
  • Pitch Clock Violation


  • Big Papi memories
  • SteamRollers
  • Suntory Time
  • The 15th Act
  • Baby Pfaadt
  • Carlos Ruiz
  • Zen of Bunting
  • Some Slapdicks
  • Unnecessary Calisthenics
  • Tanner Houck Fan Club
  • KilleBrews
  • Pitch Clock Violation
