Enter 2025 OPL


Spencer Squared 18795.3 104.3 5.03 6.02 7418 2073 403 42 192 628 58 207 60 1512.0 178 11 1520 1312 389 37 111
Mr Baseball 18613.8 56.2 5.14 5.70 7447 2027 466 42 222 666 89 158 49 1508.2 116 66 1571 1259 461 60 139
Bats from the Past 17827.9 27 4.89 5.65 6973 1844 382 47 253 634 83 81 39 1507.2 97 48 1430 1333 444 47 100
YUSEI KIKUCHI, I SEIYA SUZUKI 17648.8 243.1 5.10 5.13 7286 1926 359 35 243 814 79 171 52 1514.1 92 96 1336 1450 457 72 130
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Arozarena 17623.1 11.7 4.73 5.72 7024 1875 382 29 209 658 83 141 58 1500.2 175 20 1406 1368 447 38 104
Midnight's Children 17296.6 134.9 4.76 5.48 7224 1871 390 29 220 723 70 96 42 1502.1 100 61 1484 1310 383 32 158
Schwarbombs 16069.3 18.6 4.53 5.05 7024 1826 347 44 216 629 61 103 36 1463.2 56 71 1300 1366 415 45 134
Outfield of Dreams 16051.9 17.8 4.16 5.41 6921 1754 325 44 173 628 67 112 42 1507.1 29 79 1457 1333 393 49 129
Fame Throwa 15364.5 3.1 4.34 4.79 6935 1779 327 42 219 521 72 140 53 1502.0 51 78 1251 1453 459 54 136
Player to be named later 14585.6 152.1 4.56 4.96 6320 1631 357 23 220 558 71 87 30 1325.0 48 97 1315 1270 457 37 139
U-30 Youth All Stars 12822.6 41.2 4.81 4.88 5962 1580 315 36 182 584 66 120 35 1030.1 12 18 864 933 261 39 92
Kuhl Krushers 3.0 11195.8 48.7 4.14 4.23 5587 1392 268 22 158 531 54 66 28 1134.1 2 65 916 1151 413 42 109

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Bats from the Past 27.0 362.6 2,778.0
Outfield of Dreams 17.8 387.1 2,165.2
Midnight's Children 134.9 686.8 3,083.9
Player to be named later 152.1 408.1 2,176.7
Mr Baseball 56.2 493.4 3,284.0
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Arozarena 11.7 347.7 2,304.1
U-30 Youth All Stars 41.2 250.0 1,582.9
Kuhl Krushers 3.0 48.7 290.3 1,216.2
YUSEI KIKUCHI, I SEIYA SUZUKI 243.1 1,068.1 3,594.7
Schwarbombs 18.6 369.3 2,136.2
Fame Throwa 3.1 179.8 1,448.0
Spencer Squared 104.3 603.5 3,012.7

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bats from the Past 162 163 152 143 152 163 813 153 1507.2
Outfield of Dreams 164 163 163 161 151 163 786 150 1507.1
Midnight's Children 163 163 159 163 163 160 770 163 1502.1
Player to be named later 149 147 148 153 147 162 706 146 1325.0
Mr Baseball 163 162 163 163 162 162 811 162 1508.2
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Arozarena 162 162 163 156 162 163 784 161 1500.2
U-30 Youth All Stars 134 101 157 127 100 152 705 145 1030.1
Kuhl Krushers 3.0 136 125 134 145 153 127 594 132 1134.1
YUSEI KIKUCHI, I SEIYA SUZUKI 162 162 162 160 162 159 810 162 1514.1
Schwarbombs 162 157 155 151 151 162 812 162 1469.1
Fame Throwa 163 163 163 151 154 154 778 157 1502.0
Spencer Squared 162 153 163 163 163 163 795 162 1512.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Bats from the Past Lineups 163 164 153 144 153 164 818 154 1517.0
Outfield of Dreams Lineups 165 164 164 162 152 164 791 151 1516.2
Midnight's Children Lineups 164 164 160 164 164 161 775 164 1511.1
Player to be named later Lineups 150 148 149 154 148 163 710 147 1333.0
Mr Baseball Lineups 164 163 164 164 163 163 816 163 1518.0
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Arozarena Lineups 163 163 164 157 163 164 789 162 1509.2
U-30 Youth All Stars Lineups 135 102 158 128 101 153 709 146 1036.2
Kuhl Krushers 3.0 Lineups 137 126 135 146 154 128 598 133 1141.1
YUSEI KIKUCHI, I SEIYA SUZUKI Lineups 163 163 163 161 163 160 815 163 1523.2
Schwarbombs Lineups 163 158 156 152 152 163 817 163 1478.1
Fame Throwa Lineups 164 164 164 152 155 155 783 158 1511.0
Spencer Squared Lineups 163 154 164 164 164 164 800 163 1521.1

  • Bats from the Past
  • Outfield of Dreams
  • Midnight's Children
  • Player to be named later
  • Mr Baseball
  • Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Arozarena
  • U-30 Youth All Stars
  • Kuhl Krushers 3.0
  • Schwarbombs
  • Fame Throwa
  • Spencer Squared


  • Bats from the Past
  • Outfield of Dreams
  • Midnight's Children
  • Player to be named later
  • Mr Baseball
  • Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Arozarena
  • U-30 Youth All Stars
  • Kuhl Krushers 3.0
  • Schwarbombs
  • Fame Throwa
  • Spencer Squared
