Willing to trade a starting pitcher for a reliever if anyone is short starting and has RP depth and open to moving one.
Fame Throwa on
July 30, 2020 5:47 PM
Finally! Happy Baseball everyone :)
Schwarbombs on
July 23, 2020 9:39 AM
Just looking forward to some baseball!
hey all. I guess this is happening. any questions? issues? comments?
Either these daily 2 min videos are really good, or I am just really missing baseball: https://twitter.com/Kurkjian_ESPN/status/1255505461136297985
Liam's a classy guy like that, our thanks to the future Mrs. Finley!
Liam Hendricks bought my fiance lunch today. To be fair, he bought everyone at Alameda Hospital lunch, but it's still cool. 👍
thanks for the offer. it's appreciated. everyone stay safe.
Hope everyone is staying safe and taking the Covid stay at home suggestion seriously. If you have any questions, I am not an expert, but I am well educated/informed. My aunt is an ICU nurse in Washington and treated a critical case and my fiance's family is two nurses, an x-ray tech, and a dentist. Feel free to shoot me an email.
neat! that's very similar.
Here is the link: https://www.espn.com/fantasy/baseball/story/_/id/28834883/we-celebrated-fantasy-baseball-40th-building-greatest-team-all-time
Mr Baseball on
March 18, 2020 3:54 PM
ESPN ran an article last week about the same idea in rottisserie fantasy baseball.
Mr Baseball on
March 18, 2020 3:50 PM
ok. had a dream/thought. what if it were possible to create a league where the goal was to create the best "all time team". still using ottoneu $400 auction draft model and FA add/drop system. Out of the park has data on "all historical MLB seasons (1871-2019)" ottoneu not so much. and then each week you 'set your roster' by choosing which season for each player you want to use (or something). might be a cool way to use data that exists, plus some strategy decisioning, and cr
Out of the Park offers simulated games: https://ootpdevelopments.onfastspring.com/ootp/
Mr Baseball on
March 17, 2020 10:44 AM
I've been thinking about finding a place to set up a sim league where it simulates played games, just for something to do. Have heard a lot about it but never have tried it. Might be worth considering this year...
Fame Throwa on
March 16, 2020 10:37 PM
Note - not saying I won't be working (it's possible my supervisor is in the league), just saying I will be trapped inside for three weekends.
Just a weird thought... We could do an entire re-draft if everyone else gets quarantined like me for three weeks. Maybe start a second league? I am down, for the amount of fun I get out of interacting with you folks a second league with most of the same folks and an opportunity to completely reset the economy would be interesting. Hell. We could always do that for the fun of it, like a mini game. Just spit balling. I have free time until April 6th.
half a thought. glad we drafted. Looks like things will not be back to normal for a long whiles. I wonder if it would be possible to MacGyver the Ottoneu system to allow a different kind of game play in the interim. currently have no idea what that might look like. but could be fun to try. like I said...half a thought.
Silly handwashing psa video (4 min). I've started using the song at the end. https://youtu.be/a2LLF9eE_VI
my roster look very pretty to me. looking forward to staring at it for two months. and also maybe make some moves. I'm game to trade.
CDC extended their recommendation of no gatherings of over 50 people in the US for 8 weeks. Looks like no baseball till at least 6/1. Gives us all plenty of time to keep thinking we did a great job at the auction today. Stay safe everybody.
Fame Throwa on
March 15, 2020 8:17 PM
Sounds good. I'm ready for Sports!!! (well, fake sports)
I'll draft, but I really don't understand. The idea of drafting players today runs in the opposite direction of the concept of a thoughtful long-term league like this. I just don't understand this urgency.
Fame Throwa on
March 15, 2020 1:48 PM
I’ll be there, drafting as if there is no tomorrow. No need for refunds.
Mr Baseball on
March 15, 2020 1:47 PM
I understand people's reservations. I think your perspective is legitimate and potentially right. I've made all the points that lay out my reasoning. one additional one is that I like the idea of having something that is not on hold for the next few weeks. if you disagree, I understand. I hope you will at least draft for a round or two today to make it fun. think of it as a mock draft. you'll get a refund.thanks for caring. draft is still on for 2:00.
I’d vote for another date as well
I don't quite understand the downside to both sides thing. The season is not starting for a month at least - although pitchers will need time to ramp back up, so even if they call everybody back in a month, they can't start playing that fast. What's the downside to drafting when there's actual information?
Fame Throwa on
March 15, 2020 12:46 PM
I will commit to commissioning that. my hope is that even if you do not agree that you will draft today. you can draft under protest or with real strong reservations. I will refund or resign or whatever seems appropriate if it obviously turns out poorly. if everyone drafts as well as they can today, then we can at least get in new owners later. if some don't, the league will be unbalanced for the foreseeable. sorry we couldn't all feel equally good about this. but we draft at 2:00. good luck!
thanks for all the carefully thought through comments. to reiterate, this is all new. we are flying blind. my position is not that scheduling will be difficult. my position is that postponing will not lead to greater competitiveness. I like the idea of us collectively making our best decisions on who to draft today and then corporately figuring out how to amend game-play as new info become available. ottoneu gives us that flexibility. I think we should make use of it. season 9 will be different.
So, there are several fence-sitters. Personally I do not believe that the season will start before 1 May and possibly later. I strongly feel drafting now is not the right decision. This is a serious league, which is why it is the last remaining of my leagues. I get the point about scheduling, but it seems to me that we can all make a firm commitment to be flexible when eventually a kickoff date for the season will be set and the time for a draft comes around.
Mr Baseball on
March 15, 2020 10:58 AM
Comish you go above and beyond (best fantasy sports commissioner I’ve seen). No need for refunds by you :) I’ll be ready or find a proxy.
Del Unser on
March 15, 2020 10:57 AM
Very much on the fence and I could go either way. This is obviously all unprecedented and definitely will be a shitshow. I understand it is a pain getting everyone on same page for draft date though, so I definitely understand where the commish is coming from.
and like it has been said, it seems like there are only downsides either way. but we have to make a decision. my personal bias is that I would rather err in action than by inaction. but I understand that may be a mistake. so if everyone is willing/able to attend and participate in the draft today then I take full responsibility if that ends up being wrong-headed in retrospect and will personally refund your $20 and work in whatever way to reset rosters to keep the league fair, balanced and fun.
there's no doubt about it, we're in a pickle. This will be the eighth draft this league has had since it was formed, but this is new. About half of the teams here have had the same owner since the beginning. Every year we aim to be among the most competitive leagues in Ottoneu. Most years that's the case. It's always been my goal for every team to have a shot to win every year. that makes it the most fun. I would not draft today if I thought that would be compromised by the current uncertainty.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, wishing you a speedy and full recovery. As for the draft, I'm definitely feeling the ambiguity of all this. Kind of seems like there's only downsides either way. I'm on board whatever gets decided
Hey I don’t think I have the virus - but definitely woke up at 3am to a virus. If enough people are on the fence I’d vote for choosing a new date closer to the season - selfishly too so Id be able to participate better (but only of course if other people are leaning no)
Del Unser on
March 15, 2020 7:25 AM
Totally agree on a few points. 👍 I suppose one of the reliable things is that the stars get protected in spring. So that's bound to repeat.
Fair point, but it was literally impossible to anticipate that. The last update I saw posted by SI / via CNN was that MLB sources were anticipating perhaps Memorial Day or June 1 for a reasonable start date. It would be like drafting in December for a regular year. They're more than likely going to have to repeat Spring Training. How many guys got hurt in the last 2 weeks? Now stop training for 1+ months and start over? It's unprecedented. See you at the auction table tomorrow!
Fame Throwa on
March 14, 2020 5:45 PM
Life in the fantasy world. I think going ahead with the draft helps us keep it in the fantasy realm where we consider the real life potential as fantasy risk. I.e. every player has a bit more risk now, but I already put that risk tag on every SP I drafted. I honestly don't know how to project SP health, so it's all a bit of a gamble. Just so happens, I am a gambling man.
Wow! So many great points. I will add my two cents, and hopefully not repeat. As much as coronoavirus adds to the up in the air, there is always a bit of that. Injuries (and deaths) can come out of no where. I will say again, only for context the man's life wasn't measured in virtual dollars, that $5 Jose Fernandez dying derailed everything on my fantasy team. Two weeks before John had offered me Clayton Kershaw for him and I had turned it down. Just saying, we always have to adjust for real
I'm taking off, but I assume we're drafting then? As someone else said, the more I think about this I'm not into drafting right now, but if that's the league decision then I'll make sure to be here. Really looking forward to this league and format, just not aware of a good approach to drafting this weekend when we don't if or when they're going to play. A guy like Blake Snell, for example, I'm not very interested in right now with the elbow. But if they don't play till May 1 or later...
Fame Throwa on
March 14, 2020 4:17 PM
this is definitely a whole different thing. and yes, we will all be drafting with a bunch of uncertainty. If it eased anyones mind I can screenshot everyone's current roster/draft position/available dollars. And if half the league dies and other half has permanent lung scaring then in a month or so we can collectively decide to just go back to where things are currently at and redraft with all the new knowledge in our pockets.
Agreed on that last point. If we're drafting, we're drafting, but the amount of uncertainty is such that short of undoing the entire auction in the event of infected players or whatever, it can't really be walked back. We'd just have to draft with the understanding we might be picking players that won't ever be able to take the field this year, just no way to know. I know injuries and such can always happen, but this is a whole different thing.
Fame Throwa on
March 14, 2020 2:48 PM
Whereas if you knew all this pre-draft you’d pay for another star, or you’d limit your dollars for the corona-infected Ronald Acuña to adjust for diminished value. Just saying: in this case it is kot the freeing up of the dollars that matter. It’s that you cannot use those freed up dollars to replace the player, because comparable are all on everyone else’s roster. And it will just be random luck, because we don’t know who will get infected and when.
Mr Baseball on
March 14, 2020 2:38 PM
It’s not like I am categorically opposed. If the general feeling is to go ahead, I’ll conform to that decision. Just like to get one more point out just to be able to say ‘I told you so’ in the future (I am not pedantic at all). It matters a lot if your corona infected player is Ronald Acuña Jr that you paid 60 bucks at auction, ir it is Kole Calhoun that cost you 3 virtual dollars. One is irreplaceable post-draft even after a free cut courtesy of the commish, the other is just waiver wire stuff
Mr Baseball on
March 14, 2020 2:35 PM
I too think that we should go ahead with the draft tomorrow as planned. based on past experience it will be much harder to find a new date that is also available with the Ottoneu universe. we're all drafting kind of blind. this is new territory. but I do think it would mentally feel like a step toward normalcy to at least real draft fake baseball even if real baseball players and lounging at home. if there's vociferous and unquenchable opposition we can take a league vote to decide for reals.
hi. just wanted to say that any commissioner would be very happy to have this problem: concerned owners stating reasonable positions amid concern over fair-play and overall fun-ness. so a short thanks for you all being so cool.
I hear the concerns about starting too soon and not knowing what we're wading into. as a sort of assurance I'd like to say that as the system gives commissioners god-like control to adjust rosters and team scenarios. so if things go haywire, then I can help amend things
Yeah think all points are good and will go along with league decides. Just out of curiosity - Comish if someone is ruled out for say a definite long period of time because of the virus, would we have the option to cut him penalty free? (Sort of like we handled pre draft season Enders?). Just curious
Del Unser on
March 14, 2020 12:06 PM
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