T-shirt sale


BOHICA 19074.0 86.8 6.12 4.98 7224 1931 372 28 416 853 91 100 33 1487.0 89 68 1685 499 67 186
The Lou Browns 17923.3 80.8 6.40 4.09 7227 2043 428 43 418 737 92 117 52 1402.2 49 64 1390 514 80 214
Greene Eggs and Harper 17759.4 70.3 6.05 4.56 7231 1956 391 38 374 863 88 95 26 1363.0 79 59 1412 475 55 190
Philadelphia Collins 17479.5 -2 5.03 5.13 7141 1786 368 40 332 682 99 132 39 1504.2 77 63 1723 447 69 180
Uncle Charlie 17078.7 50.2 5.59 4.97 6495 1745 396 15 319 707 58 52 27 1460.0 126 26 1699 414 48 215
The Book of Bo Bichette 📗 16932.9 64.8 5.69 4.50 7030 1901 440 28 320 705 108 84 29 1413.2 114 46 1472 424 58 228
Fielder's Choice 16411.0 75 5.39 4.68 6796 1829 355 40 295 622 102 166 40 1402.1 67 64 1570 474 54 200
Big Papi memories 15295.4 57.1 5.42 4.43 6359 1673 316 26 305 645 74 115 34 1372.1 40 100 1536 448 55 227
RICOhtani 15171.8 2 4.97 3.70 7183 1814 371 51 318 671 63 100 43 1506.0 10 13 1510 577 60 244
Musial Standard 14052.2 26.6 4.55 4.63 6102 1565 307 27 235 611 57 73 23 1308.1 66 52 1354 451 51 171
🎙️ Harry Doyle 🍺 13437.8 66.2 6.33 5.04 5045 1383 293 31 261 726 78 58 15 948.0 51 23 1114 294 36 119
Burn on big river, Burn On 12723.3 121 5.64 4.12 5957 1620 317 32 302 648 56 123 27 825.1 5 14 857 272 32 124

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
RICOhtani 2.0 3.6 1,491.2
Burn on big river, Burn On 121.0 428.7 2,139.8
The Book of Bo Bichette 📗 64.8 501.8 2,641.6
🎙️ Harry Doyle 🍺 66.2 376.0 1,851.9
Greene Eggs and Harper 70.3 786.8 3,113.9
Fielder's Choice 75.0 371.9 2,338.0
Big Papi memories 57.1 392.4 2,435.8
BOHICA 86.8 615.2 2,793.1
Philadelphia Collins 2.0 205.8 2,154.2
Uncle Charlie 50.2 517.8 2,672.0
The Lou Browns 80.8 648.8 2,534.0
Musial Standard 26.6 248.4 1,949.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
RICOhtani 162 162 162 159 162 162 810 155 1506.0
Burn on big river, Burn On 162 156 139 123 100 150 669 155 825.1
The Book of Bo Bichette 📗 135 162 155 160 162 162 761 162 1413.2
🎙️ Harry Doyle 🍺 153 146 160 75 131 123 579 948.0
Greene Eggs and Harper 154 162 159 162 162 156 799 156 1363.0
Fielder's Choice 162 162 152 151 142 158 746 155 1402.1
Big Papi memories 142 149 131 156 135 140 723 126 1372.1
BOHICA 162 162 159 162 157 159 790 157 1487.0
Philadelphia Collins 162 158 162 162 162 162 810 162 1504.2
Uncle Charlie 114 144 148 150 152 157 750 142 1460.0
The Lou Browns 162 149 146 162 160 162 808 156 1402.2
Musial Standard 162 151 162 143 146 144 713 135 1308.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
RICOhtani Lineups 163 163 163 160 163 163 815 156 1515.2
Burn on big river, Burn On Lineups 163 157 140 124 101 151 673 156 830.2
The Book of Bo Bichette 📗 Lineups 136 163 156 161 163 163 766 163 1423.0
🎙️ Harry Doyle 🍺 Lineups 154 147 161 75 132 124 583 0 954.0
Greene Eggs and Harper Lineups 155 163 160 163 163 157 804 157 1372.0
Fielder's Choice Lineups 163 163 153 152 143 159 751 156 1411.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 143 150 132 157 136 141 728 127 1381.1
BOHICA Lineups 163 163 160 163 158 160 795 158 1496.2
Philadelphia Collins Lineups 163 159 163 163 163 163 815 163 1514.1
Uncle Charlie Lineups 115 145 149 151 153 158 755 143 1469.2
The Lou Browns Lineups 163 150 147 163 161 163 813 157 1411.2
Musial Standard Lineups 163 152 163 144 147 145 718 136 1317.0

  • RICOhtani
  • Burn on big river, Burn On
  • The Book of Bo Bichette 📗
  • 🎙️ Harry Doyle 🍺
  • Greene Eggs and Harper
  • Fielder's Choice
  • Big Papi memories
  • Philadelphia Collins
  • Uncle Charlie
  • The Lou Browns
  • Musial Standard


  • RICOhtani
  • Burn on big river, Burn On
  • The Book of Bo Bichette 📗
  • 🎙️ Harry Doyle 🍺
  • Greene Eggs and Harper
  • Fielder's Choice
  • Big Papi memories
  • Philadelphia Collins
  • Uncle Charlie
  • The Lou Browns
  • Musial Standard
