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🌻🌱Garden Hoerners🌱🌻 18457.0 7.2 5.57 4.99 7529 1988 402 25 321 772 120 164 35 1529.1 79 73 1694 1397 474 39 210
Fantasy Vibes 17599.0 59.4 4.80 5.45 7189 1757 370 30 281 723 138 153 38 1523.0 85 47 1557 1263 428 51 161
Winnetka Bears 17509.7 159.4 5.26 4.82 7408 1936 379 27 281 789 90 167 33 1518.2 143 23 1674 1356 539 79 219
Grizzly Adams 16934.2 46 5.63 5.14 6838 1790 343 30 335 780 94 188 44 1279.0 127 49 1334 1125 455 55 157
Kids These Days 16720.7 -16.7 4.88 4.88 7404 1923 410 45 234 690 58 177 57 1495.0 91 60 1609 1315 562 69 193
SAM I AM 15590.2 63.1 5.86 4.88 6682 1872 347 49 285 563 93 205 41 1144.1 14 57 1360 1013 379 47 162
Vizzini 15369.9 35.1 5.15 4.32 6946 1781 361 27 309 737 79 82 22 1317.2 47 40 1377 1183 504 77 194
Diamond Dogs 🐺 15359.7 62.3 5.12 5.17 6635 1719 352 33 261 664 70 204 44 1206.0 41 84 1231 1082 368 49 132
Analog Giants 14984.6 74.9 4.91 4.65 6843 1683 322 26 277 788 93 70 26 1294.2 65 64 1239 1210 445 63 159
Highway Star 14511.6 68.5 4.90 4.36 6276 1573 326 25 235 655 80 126 30 1449.0 85 49 1386 1454 487 76 189
AKA Big Papi 14430.8 21.6 4.93 4.59 5837 1465 302 21 263 593 69 155 32 1396.1 24 66 1393 1254 519 59 171
Chicago Mayors 11235.0 138.8 4.73 4.74 5818 1452 277 24 236 527 56 151 31 805.0 8 28 791 724 238 25 98

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Grizzly Adams 46.0 293.3 2,299.7
Analog Giants 74.9 428.9 2,255.7
Diamond Dogs 🐺 62.3 501.8 2,733.6
🌻🌱Garden Hoerners🌱🌻 7.2 777.9 3,158.8
Kids These Days 16.7 431.4 2,550.4
Fantasy Vibes 59.4 441.2 2,362.0
Vizzini 35.1 244.6 2,155.5
AKA Big Papi 21.6 294.0 1,522.2
Highway Star 68.5 467.4 2,126.2
Chicago Mayors 138.8 602.5 2,233.7
Winnetka Bears 159.4 317.5 2,753.3
SAM I AM 63.1 413.5 2,064.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Grizzly Adams 162 158 157 150 147 156 748 161 1279.0
Analog Giants 162 139 136 148 127 157 800 158 1294.2
Diamond Dogs 🐺 162 155 136 160 148 162 723 137 1206.0
🌻🌱Garden Hoerners🌱🌻 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1529.1
Kids These Days 154 161 162 162 161 161 808 162 1495.0
Fantasy Vibes 162 163 162 162 161 162 804 162 1523.0
Vizzini 162 156 152 158 161 150 787 151 1317.2
AKA Big Papi 157 127 126 135 124 155 667 136 1396.1
Highway Star 139 142 151 153 150 162 625 148 1449.0
Chicago Mayors 158 121 141 124 136 121 657 110 805.0
Winnetka Bears 162 161 160 162 160 162 810 162 1518.2
SAM I AM 162 137 125 159 153 122 706 145 1144.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Grizzly Adams Lineups 163 159 158 151 148 157 753 162 1286.2
Analog Giants Lineups 163 140 137 149 128 158 805 159 1302.2
Diamond Dogs 🐺 Lineups 163 156 137 161 149 163 727 138 1213.1
🌻🌱Garden Hoerners🌱🌻 Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1538.2
Kids These Days Lineups 155 162 163 163 162 162 813 163 1504.0
Fantasy Vibes Lineups 163 164 163 163 162 163 809 163 1532.1
Vizzini Lineups 163 157 153 159 162 151 792 152 1325.2
AKA Big Papi Lineups 158 128 127 136 125 156 671 137 1405.0
Highway Star Lineups 140 143 152 154 151 163 629 149 1458.0
Chicago Mayors Lineups 159 122 142 125 137 122 661 111 810.0
Winnetka Bears Lineups 163 162 161 163 161 163 815 163 1528.0
SAM I AM Lineups 163 138 126 160 154 123 710 146 1151.1

  • Grizzly Adams
  • Analog Giants
  • Diamond Dogs 🐺
  • 🌻🌱Garden Hoerners🌱🌻
  • Kids These Days
  • Fantasy Vibes
  • Vizzini
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Highway Star
  • Chicago Mayors
  • Winnetka Bears
  • SAM I AM


  • Grizzly Adams
  • Analog Giants
  • Diamond Dogs 🐺
  • 🌻🌱Garden Hoerners🌱🌻
  • Kids These Days
  • Fantasy Vibes
  • Vizzini
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Highway Star
  • Chicago Mayors
  • Winnetka Bears
  • SAM I AM
