Play Six Picks


The Walking Wounded 17986.6 54 5.54 4.85 7455 1996 407 37 323 630 111 248 50 1501.1 24 94 1467 1351 430 68 183
RiverDogs 🐢 17972.2 51.2 5.46 4.94 7244 1873 390 45 313 809 89 196 42 1508.2 42 102 1567 1366 485 74 182
Honey Nut Ichiros 17819.6 106.3 5.54 5.29 6682 1734 352 24 307 780 85 172 37 1500.0 96 59 1595 1344 483 55 160
Toronto Blues πŸ”· 17517.7 60 5.33 4.91 7150 1808 343 26 322 849 107 99 25 1504.0 25 115 1568 1394 440 73 187
Ballard Brewdogs 17046.9 35.3 5.19 4.98 7245 1823 378 24 312 741 116 127 37 1448.1 121 47 1513 1305 493 52 187
Choir Boys πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 16397.1 55.7 5.12 4.92 6842 1804 378 23 247 690 86 126 31 1443.2 49 43 1543 1215 517 64 177
Cincinnati Tigers 16188.4 16.6 5.28 4.05 7375 1858 360 38 316 819 88 203 40 1466.1 16 54 1565 1427 543 75 226
Brockmire 16060.6 140.1 4.87 4.97 7186 1816 333 32 281 666 109 183 42 1355.1 114 26 1492 1183 438 72 191
Southeast TX State Cherokees 16021.2 43 5.02 4.66 7209 1844 376 25 291 730 76 100 21 1369.2 89 44 1398 1196 499 66 192
Jake Burger in Paradise 15955.5 31.1 4.93 5.16 6218 1621 347 22 223 624 76 85 23 1486.2 160 11 1622 1281 540 60 186
The Musial Suspects 15405.3 65.3 4.85 5.14 6514 1644 329 35 259 559 95 190 44 1346.1 70 49 1342 1181 400 59 148
Philly Jawns 13002.8 28.8 4.73 5.05 5856 1462 285 26 218 639 50 119 40 1082.1 64 72 1164 1010 373 49 129

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Southeast TX State Cherokees 43.0 547.6 2,446.5
Brockmire 140.1 493.7 2,486.8
Choir Boys πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 55.7 444.1 1,941.3
The Musial Suspects 65.3 377.0 1,932.1
Honey Nut Ichiros 106.3 473.8 2,505.7
Toronto Blues πŸ”· 60.0 385.0 2,948.1
The Walking Wounded 54.0 459.0 2,780.8
RiverDogs 🐢 51.2 424.9 2,655.4
Philly Jawns 28.8 362.6 1,622.6
Ballard Brewdogs 35.3 405.0 2,363.1
Jake Burger in Paradise 31.1 490.8 2,682.2
Cincinnati Tigers 16.6 316.0 2,890.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Southeast TX State Cherokees 162 162 146 159 161 162 810 159 1369.2
Brockmire 162 160 162 161 162 162 786 162 1355.1
Choir Boys πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 150 162 140 159 144 162 747 150 1443.2
The Musial Suspects 162 129 162 156 161 156 690 133 1346.1
Honey Nut Ichiros 162 131 157 155 122 154 761 144 1500.0
Toronto Blues πŸ”· 162 162 150 152 149 161 804 162 1504.0
The Walking Wounded 162 157 159 161 161 162 810 160 1501.1
RiverDogs 🐢 162 161 153 158 161 162 810 162 1508.2
Philly Jawns 162 106 107 147 136 147 669 119 1082.1
Ballard Brewdogs 162 162 162 162 155 156 774 162 1448.1
Jake Burger in Paradise 154 145 134 151 155 143 652 147 1486.2
Cincinnati Tigers 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1466.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Southeast TX State Cherokees Lineups 163 163 147 160 162 163 815 160 1378.0
Brockmire Lineups 163 161 163 162 163 163 791 163 1363.2
Choir Boys πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Lineups 151 163 141 160 145 163 752 151 1452.1
The Musial Suspects Lineups 163 130 163 157 162 157 694 134 1354.2
Honey Nut Ichiros Lineups 163 132 158 156 123 155 766 145 1509.0
Toronto Blues πŸ”· Lineups 163 163 151 153 150 162 809 163 1513.1
The Walking Wounded Lineups 163 158 160 162 162 163 815 161 1510.1
RiverDogs 🐢 Lineups 163 162 154 159 162 163 815 163 1518.0
Philly Jawns Lineups 163 107 108 148 137 148 673 120 1089.0
Ballard Brewdogs Lineups 163 163 163 163 156 157 779 163 1457.0
Jake Burger in Paradise Lineups 155 146 135 152 156 144 656 148 1495.2
Cincinnati Tigers Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1475.1

  • Southeast TX State Cherokees
  • Brockmire
  • Choir Boys πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Toronto Blues πŸ”·
  • The Walking Wounded
  • RiverDogs 🐢
  • Philly Jawns
  • Ballard Brewdogs
  • Jake Burger in Paradise
  • Cincinnati Tigers


  • Southeast TX State Cherokees
  • Brockmire
  • Choir Boys πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Honey Nut Ichiros
  • Toronto Blues πŸ”·
  • The Walking Wounded
  • RiverDogs 🐢
  • Philly Jawns
  • Ballard Brewdogs
  • Jake Burger in Paradise
  • Cincinnati Tigers
