Enter 2025 OPL

Ballpark Beers šŸŗ gives up...

Player NameSalary
Devin Williams NYY RP R $10
Sal Frelick MIL OF L $5
Outgoing Loan $8
Has $1 free, will have $1 free

Talked it over w a few people and was getting hammered on trade review. I think taking the starters out here makes it closer to even.

Nashville Hot Chickens šŸ”„šŸ“ gives up...

Player NameSalary
Orlando Arcia ATL SS R $1
Carlos Estevez KCR RP R $3
Taj Bradley TBR SP R $3
Has $5 free, will have $5 free

Iā€™m cool with this šŸ˜Ž Good luck the rest of the way!

The league has approved this trade

Approved: 1 Vetoed: 0 Abstained: 11