Teams That Did Not Allocate
Team Name |
Breaking BABIP |
Lindenwood Stars |
RocketScience |
Spaceballs II |
Moneyballers |
El Paso Chihuahuas |
Arbitration Overview
Team | Curr $ Allocated To | Curr Salary |
Breaking BABIP | $14 | $475 |
Alcatraz Sea Lions | $14 | $415 |
Baby Sharks | $17 | $498 |
Lindenwood Stars | $15 | $482 |
Know Your Werth | $9 | $397 |
RocketScience | $11 | $482 |
BACARDI🦇BATS | $17 | $341 |
Spaceballs II | $11 | $434 |
Moneyballers | $20 | $493 |
Maple Leafs | $17 | $451 |
El Paso Chihuahuas | $12 | $226 |
Quick and the DFAed | $18 | $410 |