T-shirt sale


World Wide Webb 17510.9 177.7 5.21 5.62 6385 1659 368 19 278 664 91 88 30 1506.1 62 34 1610 1174 384 45 163
Bomb Throwing Anarchists 17126.6 68.2 4.87 5.52 7241 1853 368 30 254 685 92 140 40 1428.2 147 22 1532 1199 430 72 159
Striders on the Storm 17046.0 20.5 5.07 5.50 6604 1698 335 26 269 590 108 99 26 1505.1 90 57 1633 1259 517 64 145
Lefties Grove 15973.1 7.2 5.11 5.45 6753 1698 356 23 272 754 72 115 32 1264.1 35 92 1410 1068 377 50 144
The Bryce Is Right 15611.5 71.3 4.47 5.01 6781 1676 337 27 240 619 93 122 36 1467.2 62 56 1428 1319 457 76 152
Definitely May-Lee 14310.9 21.3 4.81 4.77 6048 1546 282 26 234 710 62 87 23 1281.2 24 76 1182 1132 396 55 151
The Metropolitans 14045.0 5.3 4.99 4.28 6724 1812 370 32 209 658 87 87 31 1190.0 34 44 1094 1149 369 59 161
Fre(e)man of Arrakis 12612.1 62.9 5.19 4.90 5491 1453 324 23 221 613 89 82 27 944.2 79 9 974 913 309 32 109
Big Papi memories 12499.9 44.6 5.04 4.59 6111 1562 350 15 252 611 97 80 29 915.0 41 6 883 806 287 61 116
Green Acres 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - - - - - - -

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Definitely May-Lee 21.3 369.4 2,072.8
World Wide Webb 177.7 562.8 3,118.3
Big Papi memories 44.6 365.7 1,395.4
The Metropolitans 5.3 618.0 2,244.8
Lefties Grove 7.2 449.1 2,443.0
Fre(e)man of Arrakis 62.9 567.6 2,013.0
Green Acres 0.0 0.0 0.0
Bomb Throwing Anarchists 68.2 592.3 2,812.9
The Bryce Is Right 71.3 502.4 2,418.1
Striders on the Storm 20.5 177.4 1,734.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Definitely May-Lee 149 132 134 138 139 157 708 147 1281.2
World Wide Webb 132 162 152 147 126 149 723 144 1506.1
Big Papi memories 162 154 159 150 77 157 649 139 915.0
The Metropolitans 162 159 143 147 151 150 755 128 1190.0
Lefties Grove 162 140 162 156 152 149 726 129 1264.1
Fre(e)man of Arrakis 162 159 140 157 153 128 483 156 944.2
Green Acres 0.0
Bomb Throwing Anarchists 162 157 162 159 162 158 790 150 1428.2
The Bryce Is Right 162 161 155 144 142 158 768 159 1467.2
Striders on the Storm 162 147 140 139 144 162 686 147 1505.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Definitely May-Lee Lineups 150 133 135 139 140 158 713 148 1290.0
World Wide Webb Lineups 133 163 153 148 127 150 728 145 1516.0
Big Papi memories Lineups 163 155 160 151 78 158 653 140 921.0
The Metropolitans Lineups 163 160 144 148 152 151 760 129 1197.2
Lefties Grove Lineups 163 141 163 157 153 150 731 130 1272.2
Fre(e)man of Arrakis Lineups 163 160 141 158 154 129 486 157 950.2
Green Acres Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Bomb Throwing Anarchists Lineups 163 158 163 160 163 159 795 151 1438.0
The Bryce Is Right Lineups 163 162 156 145 143 159 773 160 1477.1
Striders on the Storm Lineups 163 148 141 140 145 163 691 148 1515.0

  • Definitely May-Lee
  • World Wide Webb
  • Big Papi memories
  • The Metropolitans
  • Lefties Grove
  • Fre(e)man of Arrakis
  • Green Acres
  • Bomb Throwing Anarchists
  • The Bryce Is Right
  • Striders on the Storm


  • Definitely May-Lee
  • World Wide Webb
  • Big Papi memories
  • The Metropolitans
  • Lefties Grove
  • Fre(e)man of Arrakis
  • Green Acres
  • Bomb Throwing Anarchists
  • The Bryce Is Right
  • Striders on the Storm
