League Message Board
We have a draft date! Thank you all for sharing your availability. We are set to draft at 6PM ET on Sunday, March 23. Unfortunately, this means that we will skip all points from the Korea series, but we are opting for a date and time which maximizes the possibility of 100% participation. Should your schedule change and you need a proxy, please let me know ASAP so that we can find someone.
Looking forward to another excellent year!
Hi, everyone! Thank you for responding to the Google form. Unfortunately, our schedules are particularly hard to align this year. I have narrowed down three potential dates. Please respond to this **NEW, FINAL FORM** so we can set a date and plan accordingly: https://forms.gle/oxskNX5YjKgwRzCu9 Thank you!
(Apologies for those who have noticed the Google form is forcing a checked box for each row into the evening - some of you have checked all of the boxes on one column, which makes it easy for me to see when is too late for you from the other days.)
Please use this Google form to provide your availability for the Annual Auction Draft (details at top of the form): https://forms.gle/TXheukfKkyYGJa5q6
How we looking on draft dates?
Chase Delauter (CLE) and Anthony Gutierrez (TEX) have been added to Just a Normal Fluffalo Woman for $1. Anthony Gutierrez was immediately cut upon request.
Colby Thomas has been added to Big Papi memories for $1
Please promote Colby Thomas from my MiLB roster to my MLB roster
January 31, the Ottoneu Renewal deadline, is one week from today.
Please ensure that your team has been properly renewed!
In addition, January 31 is the keeper deadline. We will be in touch about scheduling the Annual Auction and MiLB Draft in the coming days.
Best of luck as you make your final roster moves!
Less than 29 days left to make deals!
Drafted players have been added to the MiLB roster sheet and Restricted Players list. I have also requested that three players who are not in the Ottoneu system (Ben Hess, Kash Mayfield, and Boston Bateman) be added so that I can restrict them as well.
Please take a minute to review your MiLB roster and confirm that all changes reflect your draft selections.
Yes Papi I really wanted Teoscar. 🙈 🏎️
I guess he really wanted Teoscar, gave some nice promising pieces to get him, we rarely see this kind of trade in this league. I'm sorry I didn't have him, would of done it too GL
Thank you for working through a busy time of my year and a buggy draft sheet, which I intend to update for the coming season. The draft is now complete!
This means that MiLB call-ups *and* MiLB trades are open. In the coming days, I will register all of your selections into the restricted players list and update the MiLB roster sheet. I will announce when this is complete.
Enjoy the offseason and goodluck with roster moves in advance of the
The draft officially begins! Please head to Discord to participate. Draft board:
We are set to begin the draft at 2pm ET via Discord. Olneyville Harps III will have the first pick. The draft link will be posted there as the draft commences. I have also posted procedural details in the #general channel. Please proceed to discord for more information.
Thanks, everyone!
The Roster Sheet has been updated to reflect your call ups and cuts (many thanks to St. Francis for processing these!).
If anything has been missed, please let me know ASAP. MiLB Rosters are now frozen until the conclusion of the draft, which will begin on Sunday at 2pm. As a reminder, players who have been rostered in any capacity this year (even if cut) will not be eligible until after the keeper deadline.
Johncarlos Lara (ATL) and David Sandlin (BOS) were added and cut from Olneyville Harps III.
No, St. Francis has been logging the changes into Ottoneu, I am now going to look over all of these changes and the form responses, implement them into the sheet, and announce the changes so that anyone can flag any errors before the draft on Sunday.
My changes are not yet reflected on my minor roster yet. Shall I be worried?
Zach Daniels (HOU) and Kristian Robinson (ARI) have been added to and cut from St. Francis and Co.
Wilmer Flores (DET) and Nick Frasso (LAD) were added to and cut from It's Real Velour
Elijah Green (WAS) and Gavin Cross (KCR) were added to and cut from Fluffalo.
Thank you to CARDINALS for noticing that I mixed up my dates on the form. We are sticking to Friday and Sunday, but the form should have said Friday (8th) and Sunday (10th).
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything else you need. Thanks as always for your patience. This draft always hits at a particularly busy time of year for me.
George Klassen (LAA) and Gabriel Gonzalez (MIN) have been added to and removed from Late-Summer Vegetable Harvest
Mike Vasil (NYM), Brock Porter (TEX), and Dax Fulton (MIA) have been added to and cut from Cardinals.
Shim (PIT) has been added to and cut from Thrilled to be Here.
Snelling (SDP), Iriarte (CHW), Bush Jr. (TBR), Jang (LAD), and Mitchell (KCR) were added and cut from Future Value
Tamarez (HOU) and Solomento (PIT) have been added and cut from I'd Check you for Pine Tar
📣 When calling up players, please specify if you’d like them immediately cut from your roster, or if you’d like them added to your current roster. 📣
Hello, everyone, the Arbitration Draft is nearly upon us!
Please follow the link below for all details concerning the draft schedule, call ups, slots, etc.
Later this week, I will send out: (1) Updated roster slots and draft order (following the thresholds that determine roster size at the end of each season) (2) A Google form which you will submit to confirm that your roster is up to date and without error. I will also send out a notes on eligibility you should be aware of in advance of the draft.
Have a great arbitration period and enjoy some Stanton highlights!
Arbitration is underway and that means it is time for Arbitration MiLB Draft 2024.
The draft will begin on Thursday, November 7th at 2pm ET.
As always, this will be a slow draft with 12 hour draft slots. If there are any significant concerns with this date and time, please let me know by end of day Friday.
Thanks for the kind words, Big Papi! Very glad you are staying with us. :)
Sorry to be so late, downsizing on leagues, chopped around 60 as of today but as I told you, this is a keeper even if I finish 12 next season (building up, I think). Congrats on your win and being on top all year. This is one of the most well managed league in Ottoneu, so you and you partner do a great job Thank you to you both.
Thanks to everyone for another excellent year and good luck to all those with rooting interests in the MLB postseason!
St. Francis and I will be in touch with you in the coming weeks about the Arbitration MILB Draft. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out (here or via Discord).
- Greendale
Jackson Jobe (DET) has been added to Thrilled To Be Here for $1
Nick Yorke has been added to Olneyville Harps III for $1
Luisangel Acuna has been added to Just a Normal Fluffalo Woman for $1
Kumar Rocker has been added to 🫣late-summer vegetable harvest🫣😩 for $1
Mason Montgomery has been added to Saint Francis & Co. for $1
Caden Dana has been added to It's Real Velour for $1
Ty Madden has been added to CARDINALS for $1.
Rhett Lowder has been added to I’d Check You for Pine Tar for $1
Griffin Conine has been added to Big Papi memories for $1
Trey Sweeney has been added to Thrilled To Be Here for $1
Drew Romo has been added to Hits and Giggles for $1
Jace Jung has been added to Olneyville Harps III for $1
Please call up Jace Jung. Thanks
Andres Chaparro has been added to Thrilled To Be Here for $1
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