League Message Board
Just so you all know, someone in another league just nominated Kris Bryant for a wwire bid. I'm not the only turkey. My other weakness like Texas is Edward Cabrera. It's worse than laying off beer for a month :)
NolanRyans on
February 26, 2025 9:17 PM
90 minutes until the auction. Get ready to go!
Hearing no objections to the 25th, I set the auction date and time. Feb. 25th, 9pm. The auction room is available now if you want to check it out. Homepage, click on Auction Draft. Remember that you can preload your draft list with the watchlist available on your roster page.
Ok. Second attempt. How about Feb. 25 starting at 9pm eastern. Anyone absolutely unable to auction at that time?
Unfortunately the 20th & 22nd are the only two that don't work for me. (I think, depends on the time zone for the 26th)
We have had a very fast response from most in the league. Thanks! February 20 starting at 9pm eastern is the leading candidate. Let me know if that will absolutely not work for you.
Excited to start the new league year with the annual auction. I am sending a link to the survey via email. Please complete the survey and be as flexible as possible. It is difficult to find a workable date for 12.
Welcome! Join the league discord server and talk trade or complain about the Dodgers signing everyone again this offseason: https://discord.gg/XxhmAag3
Walker Buehler has a new manager. Welcome Peter!
I'll be a little late to the draft tonight. Please start without me and you can skip my turn until it I'm in the draft room. Thanks.
NolanRyans on
March 12, 2024 1:10 PM
Welcome to the league Liam! Liam will get a round of free cuts to get his team in shape for the auction. I’ll work that out with him directly. I will send a poll for an auction date and time now that the league is full once again. I am excited to start the new Otto year.
Makes sense. Thx Monongahela.
NolanRyans on
February 7, 2024 5:33 PM
We have a team in need of a manager. We have two options. (1) We can find a manager first and then schedule the auction. (2) We can schedule the auction and hope to find a manager before that date who can participate in the auction. Right now we are pursuing the first option.
When is the auction date for 2024?
NolanRyans on
February 3, 2024 11:31 PM
Auction starts promptly at 9:30 pm eastern tomorrow. See you all there!
The votes for auction date are in. No date had unanimous availability. Sunday 2/19 at 9:30 eastern / 8:30 central will allow one of our league mates to finish an auction before ours and then have round two at night. Thanks for your flexibility Wes! Let me know if that date is unworkable.
I just sent an email to all managers with an auction date poll. Take a look and click your availability when you have a free minute with your clalendar. It is of course somewhat difficult to get twelve teams on line at the same time so please try to be as accommodating as you can.
What's up next? Do we have a date and time for the auction?
Entering the final day for cuts and trades before the roster freeze. Almost everyone has already renewed...Great to see! After the deadline I will send out a poll to narrow down an auction date and time.
Fun dispersal draft this afternoon. I updated all the rosters and we are ready to continue with the off-season.
Dispersal today! Last I heard it would start at 3pm.
Looks like the dispersal will start on Thursday. I’ll keep you updated.
The new managers are busily prepping for the dispersal draft. I believe they will be ready to commence next week. It will be a snake draft of players at existing salaries before I cleared the rosters. You can follow along on a Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PdDcNPQe02Yneb4Id5inYwfo66v3ymw2PtJCGhaJSok/edit?usp=sharing
We will be keeping track of all selections on the sheet. I will then fill the rosters as we go. Let me know if you have any questions. Should be
Thanks! I will be sending a link to the dispersal spreadsheet tomorrow. So we can all follow along.
Jason, Thanks for bringing on the new owners. Great to have a full house again!
NolanRyans on
December 13, 2022 10:55 PM
Welcome everyone! Great stuff Jason finding all new owners. Appreciate it
Final new manager added. Welcome Spencer! That makes a full league.
I just added two new managers. Welcome James and Stephen!
Second new manager now on board. Welcome Clark! Three more on the way.
We have a new manager! Welcome Ryan. More to come in coming hours...
I suggest that managers make proposals about any change they want to see, we can discuss, and then vote.
Another playoff feature is number of starting pitchers. We currently use the default of two per day.
There is an option with a two week format to limit the total number of starts to somewhere between seven and ten.
We can choose:
the number of playoff teams:4, 6, or 8
One week or two week semi
One or two week final
We briefly discussed playoff structure changes. There are several options. We currently have six playoff teams, one week championship, one week semifinal, and one week quarterfinal with bye for top two teams.
All good! Thanks to everyone for the effort in getting arb in. We are good to go. Check the Discord channel to discuss rule changes for the upcoming season. If you are not on the channel let me know. This is going to be another great season.
Thanks, I forgot to allocate to one team. I think I'm submitted now?
Dem Bums on
November 14, 2022 3:04 PM
Make sure you go in and submit your arbitration today. Deadline is tonight. Thanks!
I'm in for now so we're up to 5 though I think we're going to need several owners and Monongahela, our commish, is either lurking or hasn't checked in yet. My other leagues have already sent several reminders.
NolanRyans on
November 11, 2022 11:59 PM
only 3 days left to do arbitration. only 3 teams have done it so not sure if league has enough active managers at the moment.
Thanks for the reminder.
Dem Bums on
November 1, 2022 4:51 PM
don't forget about arbitration!
Thanks for another season. I will not be returning. Life has gotten too busy to manage this from Japan. Please find another owner this off season.
congrats Monongahela Crickets Mourning 🐷 crew. fun season and see y'all arb
Looks like I'll be out - best of luck to everyone. This is fun.
Auction starting....log on now
Auction starting in just under five hours. Get your +1 finger ready.
Looks like Thursday, March 10 at 9 pm eastern is the best date for the auction. Only day with no negative votes.
The discord link is https://discord.gg/BYMFMZsD
No draft tomorrow. Date is still TBA. Commish will be sending out a poll soon
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