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BlueRecordPointsAvg. PtsAvg. Pts Against
🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺6-25998.8682.04660.34
Rearden Steel 2024 OPL participant5-36022.9714.74662.79
ABLA Kekambas4-45259.1708.22645.92
Bogaerts That Joint2-64940.7595.89674.65
GreenRecordPointsAvg. PtsAvg. Pts Against
New York 86ers5-35731.2713.11686.69
Balloon Boys 2024 OPL participant4-45444.6641.79685.96
Crazy Birds4-45381.4706.52648.55
Queen City1-74858591.42703.93
RedRecordPointsAvg. PtsAvg. Pts Against
Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs 2024 OPL participant5-35693.5674.04650.20
Blue Jays4-45432.4723.59669.03
Random Number Generators4-45408.6654.85695.35
Old Dogs4-45401.3656.45679.28


🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺 5708.3 42.6 4.99 5.79 2303 579 126 14 87 234 22 34 15 469.1 29 23 499 355 151 17 46
Rearden Steel 5585.1 102.6 4.77 5.24 2121 535 111 7 76 222 28 63 11 533.1 29 25 508 461 153 18 57
New York 86ers 5442.6 144.6 5.06 5.22 2116 528 107 16 92 203 26 33 11 501.0 8 29 535 427 135 13 62
Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs 5355.5 90.3 4.72 4.92 2256 557 102 11 68 262 33 54 8 514.1 30 29 484 453 187 40 53
Crazy Birds 5159.7 140.5 4.45 5.39 2240 554 107 3 74 196 26 41 15 477.0 34 15 503 410 166 13 48
Balloon Boys 5060.2 127.6 5.17 4.39 2176 580 118 9 80 240 28 41 14 455.1 30 9 426 441 143 19 63
Random Number Generators 5053.1 151.7 4.64 5.37 2017 510 90 18 66 207 15 47 15 468.2 18 21 462 378 155 16 45
Blue Jays 5039.3 55.4 4.99 4.38 2252 564 120 4 97 260 26 45 15 445.0 7 6 371 430 149 13 44
Old Dogs 4960.6 76.9 4.36 5.18 2124 527 83 8 75 192 25 44 15 473.0 17 21 537 421 147 19 57
ABLA Kekambas 4845.1 94.3 4.52 5.34 2107 520 99 14 69 181 24 90 22 430.2 31 11 481 361 154 23 47
Bogaerts That Joint 4720.5 58.8 4.33 5.90 1960 468 103 14 60 217 21 39 16 402.1 14 22 447 315 112 11 38
Queen City 4481.8 141.2 4.07 4.62 2116 506 111 7 60 197 30 44 20 461.0 20 27 442 402 185 20 58

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Blue Jays 55.4 710.6 2,883.8
Rearden Steel 102.6 722.0 3,199.1
New York 86ers 144.6 822.1 2,917.9
Crazy Birds 140.5 581.6 2,789.4
Queen City 141.2 540.8 2,642.4
Bogaerts That Joint 58.8 807.4 2,766.7
Random Number Generators 151.7 790.7 2,637.0
Balloon Boys 127.6 674.1 2,727.6
Old Dogs 76.9 550.7 2,745.2
ABLA Kekambas 94.3 588.0 2,456.1
Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs 90.3 746.4 2,984.8
🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺 42.6 577.6 2,855.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Blue Jays 50 53 51 52 51 46 262 54 445.0
Rearden Steel 37 50 49 46 50 46 257 50 533.1
New York 86ers 43 50 42 48 49 50 225 51 501.0
Crazy Birds 51 54 46 49 48 46 242 46 477.0
Queen City 42 51 45 51 48 50 243 48 461.0
Bogaerts That Joint 47 47 53 50 40 47 214 44 402.1
Random Number Generators 29 48 51 48 48 49 224 50 468.2
Balloon Boys 47 49 50 46 51 48 251 50 455.1
Old Dogs 43 52 47 51 51 45 242 45 473.0
ABLA Kekambas 16 50 51 52 46 50 248 50 430.2
Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs 49 53 48 52 49 50 244 54 514.1
🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺 53 46 49 51 51 52 248 50 469.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Blue Jays Lineups 141 149 144 147 144 130 739 152 1255.0
Rearden Steel Lineups 104 141 138 130 141 130 725 141 1504.0
New York 86ers Lineups 121 141 118 135 138 141 635 144 1413.0
Crazy Birds Lineups 144 152 130 138 135 130 683 130 1345.1
Queen City Lineups 118 144 127 144 135 141 685 135 1300.0
Bogaerts That Joint Lineups 133 133 149 141 113 133 604 124 1134.2
Random Number Generators Lineups 82 135 144 135 135 138 632 141 1321.2
Balloon Boys Lineups 133 138 141 130 144 135 708 141 1284.0
Old Dogs Lineups 121 147 133 144 144 127 683 127 1334.0
ABLA Kekambas Lineups 45 141 144 147 130 141 699 141 1214.2
Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs Lineups 138 149 135 147 138 141 688 152 1450.2
🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺 Lineups 149 130 138 144 144 147 699 141 1323.2

  • Blue Jays
  • Rearden Steel
  • New York 86ers
  • Crazy Birds
  • Queen City
  • Bogaerts That Joint
  • Random Number Generators
  • Balloon Boys
  • Old Dogs
  • ABLA Kekambas
  • Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs
  • 🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺


  • Blue Jays
  • Rearden Steel
  • New York 86ers
  • Crazy Birds
  • Queen City
  • Bogaerts That Joint
  • Random Number Generators
  • Balloon Boys
  • Old Dogs
  • ABLA Kekambas
  • Jeffery Toobin's Jackin' Dongs
  • 🐷 Mad Teeth Baseball 🐺
