Trade cancelled, good luck with the negotiations :-)
I made a mistake and accidentally accepted that trade when trying to make a counter offer. Is there a way we can void it? Sorry for the mistake.
Welcome to the league San Bernardino
Welcome! Always glad to have another Inland Empire hooligan.
Meanwhile I did pay up and will be slightly relocating :-)
Glad to be here. Going to be reviewing the league all night. Cheers.
Welcome to the league new Portland owner
We’ll miss you, but good luck in your other leagues going forward!
I’ll mark the team as abandoned soon so we can get a replacement owner.
Hi all. Just wanted to let you know that I will not be returning next season. While I love the Ottoneu format and have really enjoyed participating in this league, I just don't have the time to keep up with multiple daily moves league. I think my team is in reasonably good shape, so hopefully finding a new owner shouldn't be too difficult. Good luck to you all in 2023!
100% of our arbitration dollars were allocated! Way to go, fellas.
Next big date is the keeper declaration deadline on January 31st. No penalty for any cuts made up until then.
In the meantime, let's make some trades!
Arbitration is underway! Deadline is a month from now, but I'll keep an eye on it and start sending out email reminders when there's a few weeks left in an effort to get 100% participation this season.
I’m in an paid up
Congrats to PD and IS. It was a fun season. I’ll be back for sure.
Yeah, that came right down to the end. I pushed in pretty hard this year selling off my young guys so glad it worked out. Looking forward to going again next year with you all.
Looking like a tie for 1st!? Congrats P&D, hell of a battle. With all that star power, we feel pretty lucky to share the top spot with you.
Thanks everyone for a fun second season! Unfortunately, Vorhees has informed me he won't be returning next year. Thanks for playing these last couple years, best of luck going forward.
I'll go ahead and mark his team as abandoned so a new owner can claim it. If anyone else isn't planning on returning, please let me know ASAP
If anyone wants to make a deadline day trade I’ve got saves available in bard and bautista
Unfortunately, our moves have not worked. We are going into sell mode. Hit us up
And also, thank you to the other managers who have been helpful in answering questions!
Hey guys, based on a few of the questions asked, just wanted to say that Ottoneu rules are universal across all leagues, and as commish I don't really have control of most settings. It is highly recommended that you read through the rules page (https://ottoneu.fangraphs.com/rules) to make sure you're taking advantage of the economics of the game. I understand that there's a bit of a learning curve, I'm still figuring things out too, so don't hesitate to ask questions here or through DMs :-)
Well, you're allowed to do that, but here is a 30 day waiting periode to repick a player and drop him again cutting your cap penalty dollars in half for that player
it's allowed!
I've been doing that same thing (re-picking up players and dropping them again). I don't see any issues with so I hope I wasn't doing something wrong.
What's our league policy on teams re-picking up players they've already cut then dropping them again to lower their cap hits for those players? I saw Big Papi Memories do it with Jean Segura, and if it's allowed then I want to do it for a few players TBH
Anderson and Gonsolin on the block. Gonsolin is for sure a guy that will help someone’s ratios. I can include helsley in a deal with one of them if the return is right.
Thanks, that's helpful
It is not league-specific. From official ottoneu rules, section V (adding and dropping players), item d: Teams are allowed to bid such that they would go over roster or cap limits if they win the auction. If they do win the auction, they will have to get under roster and cap limits before they can set their lineups, make trades, or bid on other auctions
What's our league policy for going over budget to pick players up? I was under the impression we're only supposed to bid dollars that we actually have available, but I've noticed a number of times people going way over their budgets to get a player and then clearing dollars after the fact. I'm not trying to complain or cause problems, just want to know what our league rules are so I can adjust how I operate.
Trades and auctions are officially open, have at it!
I’ve imported rosters! I went over it a few times and everything looks good to me, but I want to give you all a chance to look yours over and see if there are any issues before I open up trades/auctions. If I don’t hear anything by tomorrow morning, I’ll open it up and we’ll be full go for the season.
This is last call! There are currently no auctions going, so in 24 hours I’ll be ending the auction and importing rosters (unless I see an ongoing auction tomorrow). Good work, fellas. We’re almost there!
Just a reminder that the Ohtani in the draft room is not eligible to be drafted. I will undo that nomination/pick in the morning (it won't let me while the draft is paused, I guess) and give Big Papi another nomination.
Happy draft day! A few things before we get going. 1) The Ohtani in the draft room is not eligible to be drafted. 2) Seiya Suzuki is eligible, as he will be added to the Ottoneu player pool soon 3) Position eligibility in couch managers does not line up perfectly with Ottoneu, so double check on guys as you nominate/bid. For example, Josh Bell is 1B only in couchmanagers, but has OF eligibility in Ottoneu.
Draft room is full! Keepers are all loaded as well, everything looks accurate to me but I’d appreciate it if you all took a quick look at your rosters just to make sure. I’m thinking we’ll start it tomorrow, say 9 AM PST/noon est? Gives everyone time to ask any questions/verify rosters
I've created our slow auction draft (free for all of you to join):
password: northern
Detailed instructions can be found in our league discord:
We'll start as soon as everyone joins!
I hadn't seen that, thanks! I was planning on having to enter everything manually both ways.
Sounds like a reasonable plan. You may have already found this, but FYI just in case:
Between the two polls, every date had at least 2 "nos." I'm thinking that our best option is to do a slow auction through couchmanagers, I'm just looking to make sure that it'd have all the features we need. I think it would work, my main concern is whether our co-managed teams would be able to have both managers logged in. I'm also open to any other ideas!
Any news on draft date? My other leagues have done so recently, which can further complicate the scheduling effort. As such, it would be good to lock something down. Thanks for any updates!
Let's try another set of dates, since none from the first batch worked for everyone.
Respond to that poll in the next 48 hours please. Hopefully we'll find a day. If not, we may have to do an online slow auction, but we'd wanna start that right away.
I'm not on Discord but would love an update regarding potential draft timing. I'll be traveling quite a bit over the second half of the month. As such, the first weekend of April works best for me.
Play ball!
Baseball is back!!1
Thanks for the reminder. I just posted a poll in the discord regarding the draft, if you haven't joined yet, here's the link:
It's much easier to have discussions regarding league-wide decisions in there, so please join up so your voice can be heard!
Any ideas on a draft date yet?
Keeper deadline is tonight! Trim the fat now or be stuck with the cap penalties :-)
I'll start discussion on picking a draft day later this week.
Open to offers on Anderson and Verdugo ahead of the deadline.
Thinking about moving Nola, Robert and civale before the deadline, hit me up with offers
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