Enter 2025 OPL


Montreal ExposRecordPointsAvg. PtsAvg. Pts Against
Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer15-516145.5807.28708.25
Geaux Tigers 🐯 2022 OPL participant15-515161.8758.09684.86
Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦 14-615271.4763.57664.67
Lightsaber Metrics 10-1014824.7741.24706.83
A Love Supreme7-1312501.9625.10708.24
Perpetual Rebuild4-1611292.7564.51700.04
Seattle PilotsRecordPointsAvg. PtsAvg. Pts Against
Arthurian🗡Legends 14-615720.5786.03678.50
Maine Beer Trails14-614927.8746.34681.80
Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦9-1112465.5623.28674.17
Shoeless O's9-1112251.6612.58697.10
The Brew Jays 🇨🇦6-1413276.9664.13714.11
Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️3-1712980.2649.24722.80


Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦 18007.3 216.1 5.40 5.73 6767 1756 345 29 323 653 101 120 38 1457.2 118 62 1601 1203 448 68 146
Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer 17364.6 86.2 4.94 5.83 6693 1716 364 28 250 684 85 119 50 1456.0 53 90 1594 1072 417 51 155
Arthurian🗡Legends 17169.2 98.7 5.32 5.17 6638 1733 353 23 279 792 82 62 23 1478.1 74 70 1492 1283 450 86 161
Lightsaber Metrics 16964.8 71.2 4.70 5.38 6944 1730 360 26 255 668 117 125 42 1517.1 114 52 1565 1295 430 69 172
Geaux Tigers 🐯 15745.1 161.5 4.86 5.24 6611 1630 349 19 259 718 77 91 25 1372.0 46 65 1345 1209 392 60 134
Maine Beer Trails 15738.8 203 4.88 5.15 6659 1747 353 22 219 651 71 141 41 1377.1 46 62 1453 1178 444 46 159
The Brew Jays 🇨🇦 13282.5 143.5 4.68 4.93 5762 1488 329 22 184 525 75 98 38 1220.2 42 63 1104 1099 371 41 129
Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️ 12984.7 98.4 4.53 5.04 5650 1406 271 31 223 475 67 91 29 1187.2 68 34 1256 1101 365 58 135
A Love Supreme 12501.9 48 4.54 4.85 5338 1327 265 18 202 498 60 54 21 1222.0 47 51 1145 1084 352 52 148
Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦 12465.5 58.6 4.61 5.26 5274 1313 281 21 168 528 57 87 23 1143.2 75 50 1141 999 362 52 119
Shoeless O's 12251.6 90.6 4.15 5.15 5670 1367 268 18 168 580 82 60 20 1120.0 35 58 1131 1002 362 58 108
Perpetual Rebuild 11290.1 73.2 4.29 4.53 5501 1383 300 23 168 483 72 79 29 1043.2 31 31 1016 926 396 44 128

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦 58.6 461.8 2,168.8
Arthurian🗡Legends 98.7 610.0 2,329.5
Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦 216.1 871.1 3,633.0
Shoeless O's 90.6 601.0 2,094.7
Perpetual Rebuild 73.2 511.4 2,550.6
Lightsaber Metrics 71.2 711.6 3,043.0
The Brew Jays 🇨🇦 143.5 631.3 3,081.3
Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️ 98.4 553.3 2,453.6
Geaux Tigers 🐯 161.5 583.3 3,142.5
Maine Beer Trails 203.0 812.0 3,103.1
A Love Supreme 48.0 539.6 2,765.6
Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer 86.2 589.2 2,182.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦 99 121 116 127 130 124 567 114 1143.2
Arthurian🗡Legends 139 147 152 149 138 163 752 148 1478.1
Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦 135 162 147 150 154 149 729 162 1457.2
Shoeless O's 123 128 135 134 141 133 638 130 1120.0
Perpetual Rebuild 116 130 137 127 130 121 632 135 1043.2
Lightsaber Metrics 142 160 157 159 149 154 801 152 1517.1
The Brew Jays 🇨🇦 122 137 119 133 114 123 674 129 1220.2
Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️ 110 137 139 133 128 130 644 123 1187.2
Geaux Tigers 🐯 140 153 146 141 151 151 721 157 1372.0
Maine Beer Trails 130 155 146 148 148 151 744 152 1377.1
A Love Supreme 102 127 139 121 130 126 581 122 1222.0
Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer 137 154 155 151 153 149 751 148 1456.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦 Lineups 89 109 105 115 117 112 512 103 1033.0
Arthurian🗡Legends Lineups 126 133 137 135 125 147 679 134 1335.1
Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦 Lineups 122 146 133 136 139 135 659 146 1316.2
Shoeless O's Lineups 111 116 122 121 127 120 576 117 1011.2
Perpetual Rebuild Lineups 105 117 124 115 117 109 571 122 942.2
Lightsaber Metrics Lineups 128 145 142 144 135 139 724 137 1370.2
The Brew Jays 🇨🇦 Lineups 110 124 108 120 103 111 609 117 1102.2
Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️ Lineups 99 124 126 120 116 117 582 111 1072.2
Geaux Tigers 🐯 Lineups 126 138 132 127 136 136 651 142 1239.1
Maine Beer Trails Lineups 117 140 132 134 134 136 672 137 1244.0
A Love Supreme Lineups 92 115 126 109 117 114 525 110 1103.2
Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer Lineups 124 139 140 136 138 135 678 134 1315.1

  • Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦
  • Arthurian🗡Legends
  • Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦
  • Shoeless O's
  • Perpetual Rebuild
  • Lightsaber Metrics
  • The Brew Jays 🇨🇦
  • Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️
  • Geaux Tigers 🐯
  • Maine Beer Trails
  • A Love Supreme
  • Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer


  • Chico's Bail Bonds 🇨🇦
  • Arthurian🗡Legends
  • Balls Deep ⚾️🇨🇦
  • Shoeless O's
  • Perpetual Rebuild
  • Lightsaber Metrics
  • The Brew Jays 🇨🇦
  • Cutch's Crew 🏴‍☠️
  • Geaux Tigers 🐯
  • Maine Beer Trails
  • A Love Supreme
  • Hold me closer N-Ohtani dancer
