T-shirt sale


I Bought a $15 Nootbaar! 16615.5 31.1 5.21 5.60 6907 1781 352 24 281 761 107 115 32 1253.1 80 64 1329 995 362 63 139
Red Canaries 16382.1 40.2 5.06 5.36 7114 1803 359 40 279 729 111 141 33 1271.2 75 53 1314 1124 380 67 126
Quadraphonic Blaupunkts 16354.5 22.1 4.91 5.56 7318 1949 397 31 250 585 75 120 36 1254.2 72 56 1289 1040 360 63 122
Jingu rainouts 15505.2 82.6 4.57 5.27 7363 1812 417 23 237 654 122 127 38 1270.1 14 65 1390 1053 422 48 136
Mismatched Sox 14768.8 0 5.00 5.38 6011 1539 304 27 243 597 91 81 37 1251.0 99 17 1273 1108 335 35 134
Sticky Onions 14271.8 0 4.84 4.78 6313 1553 328 22 252 706 76 67 22 1261.2 63 42 1156 1126 398 61 146
Not a 🥔 13555.1 0 4.94 4.70 5813 1457 318 23 220 665 88 69 23 1227.0 31 85 1201 1181 420 50 141
Wacky Wombats 13503.8 0 4.68 4.95 5929 1504 295 20 210 573 62 78 27 1231.0 48 51 1270 1075 363 63 157
Dot 99 💥 13046.6 0 4.43 5.25 5508 1348 287 24 191 481 50 84 30 1251.0 17 71 1251 1050 374 39 129
Capt' Crunch Berrios 12994.1 0 4.96 5.45 5338 1349 310 19 210 541 68 55 29 1091.1 55 64 1141 930 289 36 126
A Risible Dirigible 🍄 12846.8 0 4.57 5.22 5366 1314 287 15 193 519 72 83 22 1197.1 61 52 1248 1026 341 76 138
Big Dumper & The Funky Bunch 11020.0 0 4.74 4.87 5098 1330 243 24 166 467 57 95 32 944.2 58 44 913 864 306 41 113

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Dot 99 💥 0.0 0.0 0.0
Not a 🥔 0.0 0.0 0.0
Big Dumper & The Funky Bunch 0.0 0.0 0.0
Jingu rainouts 82.6 375.6 1,333.0
I Bought a $15 Nootbaar! 31.1 330.6 1,290.5
Sticky Onions 0.0 0.0 310.0
Red Canaries 40.2 313.0 1,285.3
Capt' Crunch Berrios 0.0 0.0 0.0
Quadraphonic Blaupunkts 22.1 284.0 1,462.0
Mismatched Sox 0.0 0.0 267.7
A Risible Dirigible 🍄 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wacky Wombats 0.0 0.0 0.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Dot 99 💥 135 117 123 131 132 88 620 114 1251.0
Not a 🥔 123 129 133 131 130 135 676 120 1227.0
Big Dumper & The Funky Bunch 135 135 102 135 109 105 511 122 944.2
Jingu rainouts 153 165 162 161 154 160 809 163 1270.1
I Bought a $15 Nootbaar! 153 156 156 152 152 151 764 158 1253.1
Sticky Onions 142 142 141 143 142 142 710 142 1261.2
Red Canaries 157 158 156 160 158 158 787 156 1271.2
Capt' Crunch Berrios 87 111 122 135 135 122 581 127 1091.1
Quadraphonic Blaupunkts 159 158 158 159 157 145 817 156 1254.2
Mismatched Sox 140 138 134 136 136 142 646 136 1251.0
A Risible Dirigible 🍄 133 128 116 119 115 128 577 128 1197.1
Wacky Wombats 135 135 133 134 134 134 649 130 1231.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Dot 99 💥 Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Not a 🥔 Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Big Dumper & The Funky Bunch Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Jingu rainouts Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
I Bought a $15 Nootbaar! Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Sticky Onions Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Red Canaries Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Capt' Crunch Berrios Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Quadraphonic Blaupunkts Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Mismatched Sox Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
A Risible Dirigible 🍄 Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wacky Wombats Lineups 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

  • Dot 99 💥
  • Not a 🥔
  • Big Dumper & The Funky Bunch
  • Jingu rainouts
  • I Bought a $15 Nootbaar!
  • Sticky Onions
  • Red Canaries
  • Capt' Crunch Berrios
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkts
  • Mismatched Sox
  • A Risible Dirigible 🍄
  • Wacky Wombats


  • Dot 99 💥
  • Not a 🥔
  • Big Dumper & The Funky Bunch
  • Jingu rainouts
  • I Bought a $15 Nootbaar!
  • Sticky Onions
  • Red Canaries
  • Capt' Crunch Berrios
  • Quadraphonic Blaupunkts
  • Mismatched Sox
  • A Risible Dirigible 🍄
  • Wacky Wombats
