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Rowengartners 6114.4 203.7 5.32 5.26 2391 637 132 8 90 254 16 52 10 529.0 50 9 534 156 24 52
LOS BARBUDOS 5963.7 110.5 5.04 5.33 2437 610 120 5 99 274 32 37 13 511.1 35 15 551 145 19 52
Hippie Powers 5490.4 123.1 5.26 4.88 2197 570 109 7 97 281 20 29 11 471.2 36 17 463 189 18 47
Consistency Is Victory 5479.7 88.7 4.11 5.02 2122 504 107 20 69 202 19 78 26 591.0 11 33 631 175 22 65
Beantown Defenders 5203.3 36.1 5.12 4.68 2342 618 130 20 80 246 34 44 11 416.1 13 38 467 173 8 57
Brewerytown Bombers 5191.7 131.9 4.60 5.02 2280 578 108 8 66 213 25 62 16 491.1 42 12 503 156 23 55
WooSox 5167.5 91.8 4.26 4.95 2198 501 98 10 88 235 32 40 16 516.2 22 11 518 141 21 56
Freakin' Fetchers 5135.9 66.4 5.05 4.97 2390 597 101 13 101 246 33 38 7 397.1 16 12 413 136 12 40
Bangor Bunyons 4844.7 25.8 3.59 4.96 2181 503 97 7 51 212 13 47 10 539.0 32 20 534 181 20 56
Don’t Bogaerts the J Bradley 🏟️ 4681.0 135.8 4.61 4.71 2164 537 91 10 82 184 33 59 15 430.0 6 21 407 139 30 42
Paunch Angle 4618.4 96.5 4.35 4.74 1947 473 100 4 64 226 31 60 16 456.0 2 37 479 128 19 61
jayjay2000 3681.8 6.9 4.90 5.24 2145 540 116 11 80 198 22 16 10 188.2 18 18 186 56 7 23

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Paunch Angle 96.5 620.7 2,265.6
Consistency Is Victory 88.7 720.1 2,881.1
Freakin' Fetchers 66.4 583.8 2,483.7
Beantown Defenders 36.1 553.1 2,426.8
WooSox 91.8 770.1 2,629.5
jayjay2000 6.9 294.6 1,911.2
Brewerytown Bombers 131.9 569.4 2,686.0
Bangor Bunyons 25.8 602.2 2,480.0
Rowengartners 203.7 731.6 3,147.9
Don’t Bogaerts the J Bradley 🏟️ 135.8 690.5 2,576.0
LOS BARBUDOS 110.5 734.0 2,978.0
Hippie Powers 123.1 740.9 2,862.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Paunch Angle 69 51 45 46 50 45 206 53 456.0
Consistency Is Victory 48 51 49 51 52 52 260 48 591.0
Freakin' Fetchers 53 54 51 53 52 54 252 57 397.1
Beantown Defenders 57 54 54 56 53 44 266 52 416.1
WooSox 66 49 48 43 49 50 257 50 516.2
jayjay2000 83 37 49 50 48 34 206 43 188.2
Brewerytown Bombers 47 52 50 47 51 53 242 50 491.1
Bangor Bunyons 49 55 44 53 49 54 246 56 539.0
Rowengartners 58 53 48 51 52 52 257 55 529.0
Don’t Bogaerts the J Bradley 🏟️ 47 46 51 52 55 51 224 50 430.0
LOS BARBUDOS 72 52 52 52 53 50 261 51 511.1
Hippie Powers 54 56 49 50 48 46 256 48 471.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Paunch Angle Lineups 219 162 143 146 158 143 653 168 1444.2
Consistency Is Victory Lineups 152 162 155 162 165 165 824 152 1872.1
Freakin' Fetchers Lineups 168 171 162 168 165 171 798 181 1258.2
Beantown Defenders Lineups 181 171 171 177 168 139 843 165 1319.0
WooSox Lineups 209 155 152 136 155 158 814 158 1636.2
jayjay2000 Lineups 263 117 155 158 152 108 653 136 597.2
Brewerytown Bombers Lineups 149 165 158 149 162 168 767 158 1556.1
Bangor Bunyons Lineups 155 174 139 168 155 171 779 177 1707.1
Rowengartners Lineups 184 168 152 162 165 165 814 174 1675.2
Don’t Bogaerts the J Bradley 🏟️ Lineups 149 146 162 165 174 162 710 158 1362.0
LOS BARBUDOS Lineups 228 165 165 165 168 158 827 162 1620.0
Hippie Powers Lineups 171 177 155 158 152 146 811 152 1494.0

  • Paunch Angle
  • Consistency Is Victory
  • Freakin' Fetchers
  • Beantown Defenders
  • WooSox
  • jayjay2000
  • Brewerytown Bombers
  • Bangor Bunyons
  • Rowengartners
  • Don’t Bogaerts the J Bradley 🏟️
  • Hippie Powers


  • Paunch Angle
  • Consistency Is Victory
  • Freakin' Fetchers
  • Beantown Defenders
  • WooSox
  • jayjay2000
  • Brewerytown Bombers
  • Bangor Bunyons
  • Rowengartners
  • Don’t Bogaerts the J Bradley 🏟️
  • Hippie Powers
