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Smallville Crows 6215.6 131 4.50 5.03 2452 594 114 13 97 233 22 70 22 634.0 24 35 655 575 217 18 71
The Kluszewskinators 6210.3 106.8 4.80 5.45 2505 600 109 17 90 283 34 69 18 562.2 32 7 630 467 167 19 63
Oscarville Ptarmigans 6116.7 80.3 4.96 4.99 2051 552 110 5 69 263 25 39 13 636.2 17 27 616 553 209 27 66
All Proofs 6057.4 55.3 5.37 5.31 2428 642 121 5 101 272 31 65 19 486.0 25 37 468 396 175 22 49
Devil Dogs 5906.1 77.1 4.85 5.27 2509 626 131 9 96 241 30 34 14 519.1 29 22 516 447 179 27 48
LIMA.FTC 5685.4 69.3 5.35 4.72 2565 656 137 5 112 298 29 60 12 431.1 7 31 437 424 143 18 49
That's What Heim Said 5516.0 91.8 4.52 5.19 2462 624 112 18 66 230 21 42 14 509.1 22 33 510 447 143 24 59
Camden Yards Cronies 5349.3 138 4.49 5.03 2312 566 118 10 82 213 46 34 20 504.1 10 30 511 408 208 13 54
Port City Plungers Redux 5246.6 139.5 4.10 5.46 2300 531 93 9 77 217 20 71 17 500.0 38 11 484 401 169 23 45
The Capa-detaters 5212.5 156.7 4.81 4.85 2162 523 108 8 85 258 30 42 7 487.2 31 30 459 460 139 29 60
MacTown Maulers 5174.6 123.2 3.42 4.89 1988 437 95 7 46 185 24 24 7 678.1 34 19 695 594 208 26 89
No Way 4937.8 102.6 4.51 5.10 2203 569 108 14 68 176 17 51 15 448.2 26 10 471 378 122 19 60

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Capa-detaters 156.7 705.9 2,484.6
Camden Yards Cronies 138.0 655.6 2,750.0
Port City Plungers Redux 139.5 706.7 2,677.7
That's What Heim Said 91.8 709.9 2,878.0
Smallville Crows 131.0 723.2 3,182.9
MacTown Maulers 123.2 671.7 2,863.0
All Proofs 55.3 671.2 3,115.3
Devil Dogs 77.1 629.6 2,662.4
No Way 102.6 704.2 2,503.7
The Kluszewskinators 106.8 602.4 3,084.3
Oscarville Ptarmigans 80.3 602.4 3,072.7
LIMA.FTC 69.3 554.0 2,910.5

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Capa-detaters 34 51 46 46 55 45 262 53 487.2
Camden Yards Cronies 72 56 54 50 53 47 241 53 504.1
Port City Plungers Redux 63 51 52 54 50 53 243 48 500.0
That's What Heim Said 69 53 52 51 52 46 261 52 509.1
Smallville Crows 97 51 49 55 55 54 258 53 634.0
MacTown Maulers 65 50 54 41 41 50 201 42 678.1
All Proofs 92 53 52 49 45 54 251 51 486.0
Devil Dogs 72 52 53 57 51 52 260 56 519.1
No Way 54 42 51 53 52 50 234 51 448.2
The Kluszewskinators 54 55 55 59 56 55 268 54 562.2
Oscarville Ptarmigans 53 52 50 50 52 50 238 47 636.2
LIMA.FTC 60 60 56 53 55 55 287 56 431.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Capa-detaters Lineups 106 158 143 143 171 140 814 165 1515.1
Camden Yards Cronies Lineups 224 174 168 155 165 146 749 165 1567.0
Port City Plungers Redux Lineups 196 158 162 168 155 165 755 149 1553.2
That's What Heim Said Lineups 214 165 162 158 162 143 811 162 1582.2
Smallville Crows Lineups 301 158 152 171 171 168 802 165 1970.0
MacTown Maulers Lineups 202 155 168 127 127 155 625 131 2107.2
All Proofs Lineups 286 165 162 152 140 168 780 158 1510.0
Devil Dogs Lineups 224 162 165 177 158 162 808 174 1613.2
No Way Lineups 168 131 158 165 162 155 727 158 1394.0
The Kluszewskinators Lineups 168 171 171 183 174 171 833 168 1748.1
Oscarville Ptarmigans Lineups 165 162 155 155 162 155 740 146 1978.1
LIMA.FTC Lineups 186 186 174 165 171 171 892 174 1340.0

  • The Capa-detaters
  • Camden Yards Cronies
  • Port City Plungers Redux
  • That's What Heim Said
  • Smallville Crows
  • MacTown Maulers
  • All Proofs
  • Devil Dogs
  • No Way
  • The Kluszewskinators
  • Oscarville Ptarmigans


  • The Capa-detaters
  • Camden Yards Cronies
  • Port City Plungers Redux
  • That's What Heim Said
  • Smallville Crows
  • MacTown Maulers
  • All Proofs
  • Devil Dogs
  • No Way
  • The Kluszewskinators
  • Oscarville Ptarmigans
