League Message Board
1 hour reminder of draft
Reminder of draft this Sunday afternoon (March 2nd) @ 2pm central time.
Let's keep it at the same time I set it at. March 2nd at 2pm central time. It's never fun trying to find a time cause there is always something or someone that has something going on. I appreciate Scoop being okay with us making this work.
Hi all! I will make either option fit the best I can. I just wanted to be upfront in case I missed a pick or something that I might have some competing priorities that day but it should be cool as long as you can work with me! I won't be ignoring yall :). Thanks!
Scoop Jardine on
February 11, 2025 12:40 PM
So we're back to square one it sounds like? Should we just lock in that original date/time - 3/2 @ 3 pm eastern?
LFPs on
February 11, 2025 10:39 AM
Hi all! I will try to make Sunday morning the best that I can. I am supposed to be at work but I will try to multitask :) I guess. I only have 8 guys to grab I think. I can also try to make Sunday afternoon work. Thanks all!
Scoop Jardine on
February 11, 2025 7:57 AM
I can make morning work
I'm not sure about the rest of the league, but I'm open to drafting that Sunday morning (3/2) if that's what works for everyone.
LFPs on
February 11, 2025 6:11 AM
I could do the 6-10 am CST time slot on Sunday March 3, preferably earlier. I will also be drafting from Asia.
Ground Control on
February 10, 2025 10:20 PM
Scoop and Ground Control, are there any times Sunday that work for you. To accommodate my work/sleep schedule, I could do 6-10 am CST, (sleep), 2-5 pm CST, (work), and 7-10 pm CST. If we can fit the draft in those areas that would be preferable without too much disruption to my work and sleep. I live in Asia by the way.
Barny Tater on
February 10, 2025 9:36 PM
Anytime Sunday would work for me.
LFPs on
February 10, 2025 10:04 AM
I cannot do that time, Sunday March 3 at 7:30 PM CST.
Ground Control on
February 10, 2025 5:46 AM
I'm in too! Thanks for the idea Barney. I don't want to create an issue if it is troublesome for others though. Appreciate the flexibility!
Scoop Jardine on
February 9, 2025 7:24 PM
Works for me
To accommodate Scoop's work time. How about Sunday, March 3 at 7:30 pm cst. I would do the auction while at work.
Barny Tater on
February 9, 2025 6:08 PM
I know I’m the new guy, and I don’t really have any pull. But I’m just jumping in to say that Sunday works for me
Squints on
February 8, 2025 7:37 PM
This is my worry when we throw stuff out there. For the original date, we had 1 conflict. We are always gonna have 1 conflict with time zones and schedules. I don’t know what to do other than saying the date I picked will need to be worked around. Unless someone can find one date that works.
I'm not available on March 1
Saturday is cool with me!
Scoop Jardine on
February 8, 2025 6:35 AM
Saturday March 1 appears to be good for me. -ECB
Sundays might be off the table since Barny Tater needs to be done around the same time Scoop would be ready. Does the day before - Saturday 3/1 work for everyone? - either afternoon/evening?
LFPs on
February 7, 2025 7:49 AM
I could maybe do 2:30 cst. I am doing the draft before I go to work. How long do the auctions typically last? If they are two hours that could maybe work. But I really don’t want to miss out on late auction bidding either. I wonder if we could stop the auction after two hours. Like a time limit.
Barny Tater on
February 7, 2025 7:25 AM
Hi all! I'd love to make that date and time work but unfortunately I work on Sundays until 5pm est. Could we push it an hour later and I will figure something out to massage it? Sorry for the inconvenience :(.
Scoop Jardine on
February 7, 2025 7:14 AM
Alright, I’m in another league with 5 other guys and we worked out a time on March 2nd at 3 est/2 cen.
It was a struggle to find a common time with us so I’m hoping this works for the 6 others. Please try to make this work. If you absolutely cant, please message back on here and we can try to make something work. But like I said, it was a struggle for us 6.
everyone has re-upped for next year on ottoneu but MarcellOzuna. Try to do that today just in case someone is going to grab your team (Chances low, but just in case). Reminder you can cut guys for free today up til 11:59pm ET tonight. Thanks guys!
Friendly reminder the last day to cut guys without penalty will be Friday night before midnight!
Happy New Year everyone. Droids and myself are the only 2 that have extended our teams. Please pay the $20 ottoneu fee by the end of January 31st. At that point, we will find a time to do the draft. Thanks!
Good work on doing arbitration. Only 5 teams left and you have until the 14th to get those put in.
Hello all. I would like to introduce Nick Anander to the league. The owner last year with Squints didn't check since April so I gave him the boot. I would like to have everyone participate and LFP's knows of Nick from the Boston area and thinks he'll be a good active manager. You have until November 15th do arbitration. I'm expecting everyone to take part in that and you have a whole month to do so. I'll send out future reminders as well.
Congrats LFP, total dominance!
I'm on board, but I'm also on board of helping me find people that we can fill. I know every year we do have an opening, its not easy to find people.
Thanks! - got a couple lucky breaks with the trade timing (dealing Crochet right as he stopped pitching well/getting capped) - will be an interesting arbitration this year . . .
And yeah, I agree with Ground Control - this league is way more fun when all the owners have at least minimal engagement.
LFPs on
October 1, 2024 3:23 PM
Could we get a higher degree of participation from those two owners? Or replace them if need be?
I’m happy to be that guy: the person who finished in last place hasn’t made a transaction since June and the person in second to last hasn’t even checked their roster since April 6.
Just sent payment. Congrats to you 3. Again, if you plan on not playing next year, let me know now so I can try to find someone ASAP before arbitration. If I hear nothing I'm assuming your back and the next message will be to do arbitration. Thanks guys.
Indeed congrats to Matt and thanks again to Derek for keeping us all organized. Appreciate it. -ECB
Congratulations of the dominance. Thank you tor the great season Derek!
Scoop Jardine on
October 1, 2024 6:06 AM
Congrats to Matt on dominating this year. I'm thinking me trading you Sale and Rooker wasn't a good move on my part. When the games are final after today's makeup, I'll send you and the other 2 winners money. $700 to Matt, $300 to scoop and $200 to Ground Control. Thanks again guys for another year. I'll send out something soon about confirming your back. I haven't heard anyone wanting to be done so I'm assuming we'll be back. The biggest thing would be doing arbitration. Thanks!
That was an impressive run! I'll pour some of my drink out after the presser :)
I traded for Trout on August 11, 2015 and he has been on my roster ever since. With the news today that he's out for the year, probably time to say goodbye. Sort of feel like it deserves a press conference or something...Has anyone else had a player on their roster for the last 10 seasons?
Everyone has paid. This year we are gonna keep the same payouts as last year. $700/$300/$200 Best of luck all!
I'm down to 4 left to pay. 2 days left til opening day!
I have received payment from 4/12 teams (Ground Control, East Coast BIas, Otto-Nudes). Please get this to me by Thursday (opening day). $100 to me at venmo @Derek-Ouren
Friendly reminder that we have the draft Saturday night at 8pm Eastern. 2/3 daughter compete in a dance competition all weekend so I will be drafting from my phone or somewhere in northern Minnesota. I might have someone be a co-commish in case anything goes on the draft in case I get busy or thrown somewhere by my wife. Thanks guys and hoping Saturday goes smoothly.
By my count: Ground Control/ECB/Otto-Nudes/Barney Tater votes yes (4), Moneyball/Peter Brand/LFP's/Generous Carriage/Marcell Ozuna/Droids/Squints votes no(7). Scoop didn't vote. I would say we need at least the majority to vote and we are not getting that this year. Send me your league fee of $100 sometime before opening day. This weekend I can take them too. I like having all the fees by opening day so we have no funny stuff... venmo: Derek-Ouren
Good at $100
Squints on
March 12, 2024 9:04 PM
I’m fine with keeping at $100.
Good at 100
MarcellOzuna on
March 12, 2024 7:06 PM
yes to increase
Barny Tater on
March 12, 2024 5:28 PM
I'll vote yes for the increase to $150
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