T-shirt sale


The HaminBros 🍄 18481.5 55.2 5.45 5.30 7379 1970 399 36 299 755 80 142 33 1504.1 119 51 1676 1322 463 53 189
Paonia Cherry Pickers 18200.7 3 5.39 5.40 7046 1826 392 34 300 760 114 105 23 1503.0 109 40 1617 1310 445 55 166
Say Hey or Clemente? 18086.8 11.9 5.43 4.97 7342 1893 400 22 331 833 92 97 25 1516.1 23 74 1647 1409 477 58 172
Blame it on Bad Luck 17028.4 29 5.14 4.90 7130 1856 341 26 280 698 103 183 40 1502.0 72 70 1516 1353 501 65 180
Cy Young's 76.12% HOF Voting % 16885.0 149.9 5.25 4.59 7454 1926 370 38 290 740 121 168 31 1464.2 67 81 1430 1373 478 53 201
Roubo by Lie-Nielson 16800.1 13.5 4.87 5.30 6953 1752 361 30 255 709 71 160 36 1469.2 114 47 1689 1247 542 69 175
Otto Fourteen ⚾️⚾️ 16707.1 17.9 4.66 5.20 7163 1798 367 30 244 618 114 158 40 1516.0 53 94 1542 1367 396 74 170
Brown Note🎶 16273.4 76 5.68 4.06 6529 1785 344 23 317 766 72 177 41 1467.1 14 59 1415 1404 515 64 215
Average Joe’s 15970.0 41.9 5.44 4.41 6987 1837 354 38 285 818 81 195 38 1311.0 60 63 1372 1118 523 63 207
Aventura Spirits 14784.5 5.6 4.53 4.48 6703 1607 304 26 252 670 60 127 31 1504.0 124 36 1434 1418 552 63 202
Big Papi memories 14042.7 111.5 5.26 5.45 6625 1703 355 38 302 606 62 203 46 877.2 117 30 1005 727 349 53 108
Brue Frères 12925.0 29.4 4.57 3.92 6554 1590 343 32 263 569 79 168 58 1230.1 16 74 1210 1235 445 56 192

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Roubo by Lie-Nielson 13.5 426.8 2,452.6
Brown Note🎶 76.0 372.6 1,934.4
Aventura Spirits 5.6 122.1 1,614.9
Blame it on Bad Luck 29.0 350.1 2,856.4
Paonia Cherry Pickers 3.0 600.5 2,957.5
Otto Fourteen ⚾️⚾️ 17.9 357.0 2,323.6
The HaminBros 🍄 55.2 630.6 2,848.0
Say Hey or Clemente? 11.9 478.8 2,804.4
Big Papi memories 111.5 344.6 1,597.9
Brue Frères 29.4 622.9 2,322.2
Average Joe’s 41.9 394.4 2,201.5
Cy Young's 76.12% HOF Voting % 149.9 408.4 3,379.9

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Roubo by Lie-Nielson 153 154 148 162 162 162 763 148 1469.2
Brown Note🎶 162 162 144 138 135 159 766 148 1467.1
Aventura Spirits 162 130 157 153 130 152 749 141 1504.0
Blame it on Bad Luck 162 160 154 153 154 156 797 147 1502.0
Paonia Cherry Pickers 143 162 148 156 157 157 795 152 1503.0
Otto Fourteen ⚾️⚾️ 162 151 160 154 149 162 794 162 1516.0
The HaminBros 🍄 160 159 162 161 162 162 800 161 1504.1
Say Hey or Clemente? 162 162 161 162 162 162 810 162 1516.1
Big Papi memories 157 162 129 160 135 155 730 132 877.2
Brue Frères 158 162 147 141 146 152 704 162 1230.1
Average Joe’s 154 158 162 162 162 162 751 160 1311.0
Cy Young's 76.12% HOF Voting % 162 159 159 162 162 162 810 161 1464.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Roubo by Lie-Nielson Lineups 154 155 149 163 163 163 768 149 1478.2
Brown Note🎶 Lineups 163 163 145 139 136 160 771 149 1476.1
Aventura Spirits Lineups 163 131 158 154 131 153 754 142 1513.1
Blame it on Bad Luck Lineups 163 161 155 154 155 157 802 148 1511.0
Paonia Cherry Pickers Lineups 144 163 149 157 158 158 800 153 1512.1
Otto Fourteen ⚾️⚾️ Lineups 163 152 161 155 150 163 799 163 1525.1
The HaminBros 🍄 Lineups 161 160 163 162 163 163 805 162 1513.2
Say Hey or Clemente? Lineups 163 163 162 163 163 163 815 163 1525.2
Big Papi memories Lineups 158 163 130 161 136 156 735 133 883.0
Brue Frères Lineups 159 163 148 142 147 153 708 163 1237.2
Average Joe’s Lineups 155 159 163 163 163 163 756 161 1319.0
Cy Young's 76.12% HOF Voting % Lineups 163 160 160 163 163 163 815 162 1473.2

  • Roubo by Lie-Nielson
  • Brown Note🎶
  • Aventura Spirits
  • Blame it on Bad Luck
  • Paonia Cherry Pickers
  • Otto Fourteen ⚾️⚾️
  • The HaminBros 🍄
  • Say Hey or Clemente?
  • Big Papi memories
  • Brue Frères
  • Average Joe’s
  • Cy Young's 76.12% HOF Voting %


  • Roubo by Lie-Nielson
  • Brown Note🎶
  • Aventura Spirits
  • Blame it on Bad Luck
  • Paonia Cherry Pickers
  • Otto Fourteen ⚾️⚾️
  • The HaminBros 🍄
  • Say Hey or Clemente?
  • Big Papi memories
  • Brue Frères
  • Average Joe’s
  • Cy Young's 76.12% HOF Voting %
