T-shirt sale


Grey Area 18243.3 20 5.62 4.90 7353 1976 419 26 318 786 96 153 38 1500.0 40 105 1507 1376 419 51 195
Linguo 17342.7 -5.1 4.93 5.14 7382 1863 359 23 295 708 88 142 28 1510.2 120 36 1610 1286 445 79 200
Very Few Stars and Mostly Scrubs 16711.0 47.6 5.26 4.67 6906 1801 355 31 315 686 100 171 43 1456.0 61 69 1493 1289 548 65 191
Grit City Grinders 16686.9 93.4 5.36 4.88 6952 1801 376 30 276 750 95 139 37 1434.0 115 38 1517 1330 428 48 202
Teoscar Mayer Wiemer 16103.5 38.7 5.24 4.73 6773 1799 351 30 274 666 82 89 36 1423.1 13 34 1440 1265 418 52 178
Chet Steadman's Grunts 16049.7 35.3 4.97 4.45 6984 1805 375 23 261 704 125 158 32 1472.2 30 104 1362 1372 480 63 198
Pizza Rats 15522.7 7.4 4.78 4.80 6610 1657 344 22 272 592 74 175 39 1447.1 81 41 1516 1261 612 88 161
Gunnar? I hardly know her 15381.0 40.1 5.01 5.47 5840 1467 292 32 267 707 40 133 42 1295.1 90 55 1466 1057 425 68 152
The Batsmen 15328.5 45.5 4.81 5.02 6510 1561 326 27 255 749 103 101 29 1380.1 54 71 1519 1231 533 76 150
Shambling Horde of IL 14251.3 40.1 5.37 4.92 5930 1611 318 43 225 605 81 139 32 1146.1 47 49 1123 1055 348 43 130
Keep Austin Weird 14047.7 87.4 5.08 4.13 7035 1759 318 52 301 745 75 193 45 1086.0 53 21 1171 976 477 45 174
Yu-Tang Clan 13533.9 45.5 4.88 4.44 6200 1620 331 16 230 500 77 153 38 1245.0 71 47 1203 1173 482 59 159
Mustachioed Gentlemen 12730.3 98.5 4.91 4.68 5374 1351 282 24 199 594 73 129 25 1182.1 37 72 1194 1131 371 54 151
Happ O'Hoppe Hooray 12450.8 58.2 4.56 4.58 6122 1545 299 40 187 596 95 176 42 1043.2 59 17 1066 980 343 47 140

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Shambling Horde of IL 40.1 439.9 2,243.8
Grey Area 20.0 198.3 2,622.0
Pizza Rats 7.4 329.9 1,853.0
Very Few Stars and Mostly Scrubs 47.6 603.9 2,659.8
Chet Steadman's Grunts 35.3 369.7 2,291.6
Mustachioed Gentlemen 98.5 447.4 2,248.8
Linguo 5.1 92.5 2,284.5
Happ O'Hoppe Hooray 58.2 410.5 1,797.8
Teoscar Mayer Wiemer 38.7 345.3 2,128.0
Keep Austin Weird 87.4 321.8 1,760.4
Grit City Grinders 93.4 421.9 2,564.2
The Batsmen 45.5 447.8 2,092.3
Gunnar? I hardly know her 40.1 454.4 2,163.7
Yu-Tang Clan 45.5 455.8 2,052.6

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Shambling Horde of IL 125 37 150 162 147 124 738 121 1146.1
Grey Area 162 163 162 162 162 160 807 162 1500.0
Pizza Rats 155 159 146 152 143 159 734 144 1447.1
Very Few Stars and Mostly Scrubs 162 147 155 162 162 155 792 149 1456.0
Chet Steadman's Grunts 162 162 151 156 151 161 807 162 1472.2
Mustachioed Gentlemen 162 155 108 114 81 138 586 121 1182.1
Linguo 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1510.2
Happ O'Hoppe Hooray 162 124 139 150 147 151 668 143 1043.2
Teoscar Mayer Wiemer 162 146 152 150 131 161 736 152 1423.1
Keep Austin Weird 151 162 158 162 162 163 763 162 1086.0
Grit City Grinders 158 162 146 148 155 157 739 142 1434.0
The Batsmen 162 161 150 124 146 162 693 146 1380.1
Gunnar? I hardly know her 162 124 149 145 148 120 669 137 1295.1
Yu-Tang Clan 140 131 130 129 121 136 715 136 1245.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Shambling Horde of IL Lineups 126 37 151 163 148 125 743 122 1153.1
Grey Area Lineups 163 164 163 163 163 161 812 163 1509.0
Pizza Rats Lineups 156 160 147 153 144 160 739 145 1456.0
Very Few Stars and Mostly Scrubs Lineups 163 148 156 163 163 156 797 150 1465.0
Chet Steadman's Grunts Lineups 163 163 152 157 152 162 812 163 1481.2
Mustachioed Gentlemen Lineups 163 156 109 115 82 139 590 122 1189.2
Linguo Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1520.0
Happ O'Hoppe Hooray Lineups 163 125 140 151 148 152 672 144 1050.0
Teoscar Mayer Wiemer Lineups 163 147 153 151 132 162 741 153 1432.0
Keep Austin Weird Lineups 152 163 159 163 163 164 768 163 1092.2
Grit City Grinders Lineups 159 163 147 149 156 158 744 143 1442.2
The Batsmen Lineups 163 162 151 125 147 163 697 147 1388.2
Gunnar? I hardly know her Lineups 163 125 150 146 149 121 673 138 1303.1
Yu-Tang Clan Lineups 141 132 131 130 122 137 719 137 1252.2

  • Shambling Horde of IL
  • Grey Area
  • Pizza Rats
  • Very Few Stars and Mostly Scrubs
  • Chet Steadman's Grunts
  • Mustachioed Gentlemen
  • Linguo
  • Happ O'Hoppe Hooray
  • Teoscar Mayer Wiemer
  • Keep Austin Weird
  • Grit City Grinders
  • The Batsmen
  • Gunnar? I hardly know her
  • Yu-Tang Clan


  • Shambling Horde of IL
  • Grey Area
  • Pizza Rats
  • Very Few Stars and Mostly Scrubs
  • Chet Steadman's Grunts
  • Mustachioed Gentlemen
  • Linguo
  • Happ O'Hoppe Hooray
  • Teoscar Mayer Wiemer
  • Keep Austin Weird
  • Grit City Grinders
  • The Batsmen
  • Gunnar? I hardly know her
  • Yu-Tang Clan
