Enter 2025 OPL

Auction for Jarred Kelenic SEA OF L

Ended on May 15, 2021 11:12 PM

Auction started by Foxtrottin Ninjas Redux

Sandlot All-Stars $24
Northern Lights $24
⚡ Maximum Thwoppage ⚡ $22
House Marte $22
The Musial xSuspects $20
Foxtrottin Ninjas Redux $19
🐟🚣🏼‍♀️Hook Line Sinker🚣🏼‍♀️🐟 $16
☕A Cup of Todd Coffey $16
Juan Soto is a Traitor $15
Orsulak Sleestaks🔅 $12
Yu, Soldja Boy Tell Em $8