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Childish Bambino 6216.2 92.6 5.22 5.54 2273 580 129 9 92 258 23 35 8 553.1 12 40 566 487 174 26 42
The Fish 🐠 6081.9 85.8 4.95 6.32 2301 583 104 10 77 277 42 35 12 482.0 53 14 506 354 125 14 42
Sexy Singles in YOUR Area 🍑 5710.8 16.1 5.02 5.20 2388 595 114 5 100 254 22 53 15 496.1 22 28 518 429 156 30 55
Generous Carriage 5617.8 85.9 4.66 5.37 2258 561 110 15 66 230 31 79 28 531.2 12 27 586 421 190 18 57
The Influencer In The Wild✅ 5366.1 133.2 5.17 5.00 2244 578 118 10 85 244 22 67 16 459.1 22 25 445 383 140 21 59
The Musial Suspects 5365.4 70.3 4.33 5.55 2086 524 111 9 67 201 28 33 14 505.0 36 22 500 425 161 20 45
Brass Knucksies 5140.9 61.3 4.60 5.27 2268 540 84 15 92 210 23 49 15 463.1 10 27 497 385 132 18 56
Dugout Wizards 🧙 4904.9 134.4 4.56 5.17 2285 536 98 12 86 249 33 56 15 409.1 19 24 417 359 128 18 46
I Got Matsui. 🍶 4857.3 66.1 4.79 4.96 2200 561 128 8 73 236 23 32 8 403.0 25 20 414 395 135 19 43
Brickma's Hot Ice 4851.2 73.2 4.26 5.16 2156 544 119 6 59 187 22 35 17 461.0 33 21 451 410 161 14 48
Smokin & Drinkin Make Me Cool 4804.5 21.9 4.53 4.66 2213 567 135 23 59 181 20 69 18 447.0 19 20 425 418 157 18 52
An EXTREMELY Stable Fantasy Genius 3996.3 24 4.19 4.18 2119 491 87 8 66 228 26 44 7 388.0 10 19 404 353 160 16 60

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Smokin & Drinkin Make Me Cool 21.9 680.1 2,555.2
An EXTREMELY Stable Fantasy Genius 24.0 448.0 1,845.0
Childish Bambino 92.6 945.1 3,120.3
The Influencer In The Wild✅ 133.2 884.3 2,772.5
The Musial Suspects 70.3 644.6 3,054.1
Brass Knucksies 61.3 671.4 2,670.5
Sexy Singles in YOUR Area 🍑 16.1 640.3 2,811.2
The Fish 🐠 85.8 752.7 3,352.8
Generous Carriage 85.9 627.1 2,765.2
Dugout Wizards 🧙 134.4 778.0 2,573.2
I Got Matsui. 🍶 66.1 762.1 2,520.7
Brickma's Hot Ice 73.2 531.2 2,475.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Smokin & Drinkin Make Me Cool 61 50 51 51 54 53 231 50 447.0
An EXTREMELY Stable Fantasy Genius 47 54 46 37 45 38 251 49 388.0
Childish Bambino 49 47 53 50 53 50 250 52 553.1
The Influencer In The Wild✅ 53 51 51 49 51 44 244 51 459.1
The Musial Suspects 52 50 49 53 46 53 236 52 505.0
Brass Knucksies 55 49 49 51 49 47 239 48 463.1
Sexy Singles in YOUR Area 🍑 59 53 53 54 54 52 248 51 496.1
The Fish 🐠 59 51 50 52 51 49 250 51 482.0
Generous Carriage 62 52 49 51 50 51 228 50 531.2
Dugout Wizards 🧙 66 50 51 51 50 52 244 47 409.1
I Got Matsui. 🍶 47 50 51 50 49 51 250 49 403.0
Brickma's Hot Ice 55 45 48 48 48 49 239 48 461.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Smokin & Drinkin Make Me Cool Lineups 199 163 166 166 176 173 753 163 1458.0
An EXTREMELY Stable Fantasy Genius Lineups 153 176 150 121 147 124 819 160 1265.1
Childish Bambino Lineups 160 153 173 163 173 163 815 170 1804.2
The Influencer In The Wild✅ Lineups 173 166 166 160 166 144 796 166 1498.0
The Musial Suspects Lineups 170 163 160 173 150 173 770 170 1647.0
Brass Knucksies Lineups 179 160 160 166 160 153 780 157 1511.0
Sexy Singles in YOUR Area 🍑 Lineups 192 173 173 176 176 170 809 166 1618.2
The Fish 🐠 Lineups 192 166 163 170 166 160 815 166 1572.0
Generous Carriage Lineups 202 170 160 166 163 166 744 163 1734.0
Dugout Wizards 🧙 Lineups 215 163 166 166 163 170 796 153 1335.0
I Got Matsui. 🍶 Lineups 153 163 166 163 160 166 815 160 1314.1
Brickma's Hot Ice Lineups 179 147 157 157 157 160 780 157 1503.1

  • Smokin & Drinkin Make Me Cool
  • An EXTREMELY Stable Fantasy Genius
  • Childish Bambino
  • The Influencer In The Wild✅
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Brass Knucksies
  • Sexy Singles in YOUR Area 🍑
  • The Fish 🐠
  • Generous Carriage
  • Dugout Wizards 🧙
  • I Got Matsui. 🍶
  • Brickma's Hot Ice


  • Smokin & Drinkin Make Me Cool
  • An EXTREMELY Stable Fantasy Genius
  • Childish Bambino
  • The Influencer In The Wild✅
  • The Musial Suspects
  • Brass Knucksies
  • Sexy Singles in YOUR Area 🍑
  • The Fish 🐠
  • Generous Carriage
  • Dugout Wizards 🧙
  • I Got Matsui. 🍶
  • Brickma's Hot Ice
