How's it going for everyone? I figured I would post on the league page just in case not everyone is checking Slack.
Philly Black Sox's trade block has been updated!
Jersey Mike's Subs's trade block has been updated!
Stumptown Lagers's trade block has been updated!
Thanks; that worked. I knew it had to be something simple I wasn't doing. So intuitive to do the drag and drop, which it actually lets you do the grabbing and moving, but not the dropping. I'm all set now. Hopefully I won't have any more challenges and the Maulers can get down to what they do best...maul!
Chancey Pants's trade block has been updated!
Maulers- If you click on your team name at the top of the page, it should bring you to your lineup. You have the option of click (Bench) next to the players name to choose their position OR the position in the lineup up and the eligible players for that position will light up in green for you to add.
Stumptown Lagers's trade block has been updated!
Click on the word bench. It should be green, then click on the position you want him to play. Make sure you are on the lineup page.
Newbie on
March 29, 2017 5:55 AM
I don't know why I am so technically challenged as I am usually pretty good with this stuff. But when I click on a player, I am then taken to his player card on another page.
Just click on player and then click on the position you want them to play.
Newbie on
March 28, 2017 8:33 PM
Hey guys, first time manager in Ottoneu. I am struggling to figure out how to set line-up, when I try and drag and drop into the position slots from my roster it does not let me. But I see other teams have set their lineups. Am I missing something? Yes, I know I am also the last guy to get on Slack....
Philly Black Sox's trade block has been updated!
White Sammy Sosas's trade block has been updated!
Jersey Mike's Subs's trade block has been updated!
Baby Ruth 🇺🇸's trade block has been updated!
Newbie on
March 26, 2017 7:40 PM
West Allis Stallions's trade block has been updated!
Demon Daze's trade block has been updated!
White Sammy Sosas's trade block has been updated!
White Sammy Sosas's trade block has been updated!
Mike M sent me a direct invite, so I believe I am finally on. It's been an unbelievable journey onto Slack, sort of like the Holy Grail. Anyway, can someone invite me to team page, name is maulers
Reminder: Draft Day 2 is scheduled for March 26th at 1:00 PM EST.
Maulers, I was unable to locate you on Slack. Are you sure that is your username?
Newbie on
March 20, 2017 7:26 AM
I have an account now called maulers, can you invite me?
El Oso Blanco on
March 19, 2017 11:51 AM
It will not autodraft. Roster will be empty.
Newbie on
March 18, 2017 8:01 PM
Does anyone know how the draft works if someone doesn't show up? Will it auto draft like an ESPN draft or something would? Or is their roster empty?
Quick note. I removed myself from commissioner until the draft is over. As I'm getting a proxy for both draft days, I don't want to have anything go wrong. I'll be added back as co-commissioner once the drafts are over.
Lucky strikes says you have been added to slack. you will need to create an account now and we can add you to the league page
I'll try to help you out Maulers.
Newbie on
March 14, 2017 10:11 AM
I still cannot get onto Slack. I believe I am the last one in the league still unable. I have posted to the beginners page asking Lucky Strikes to invite me but no luck. I do not have any social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) so I cannot send him direct message. Could someone send him a message asking to send me an invite. I really want to be an active participant in the league, but am finding it frustrating in terms of getting this Slack account.
El Oso Blanco on
March 14, 2017 10:04 AM
Go into draft day 1 with the understanding that it will be 4 hours. Not everyone can finish the draft all in 1 day, so we will need to find proxies for day 2.
The rumor is that first year drafts take between 8 and 10 hours. I was thinking that we draft for about 4 hours and then finish the remainder of the draft on day 2. Up for discussion though.
Newbie on
March 10, 2017 9:13 PM
How long do we expect to draft on the 19th? Is there any possibility we can finish everything in one day?
Does anyone have any questions about anything?
This is hilarious, I know I created the league but events have happened & not happened that might jeopardize my draft day 1 status too. :) Regardless, this should be a blast, starting this league which has already been very active is great. I'll definitely need a proxy for Sunday day 2 as all of my friends will be hungover after a wedding we are all in.
Ill make it work on the 26th.
Sorry, everyone except Stumptown and Sammy Sosa's. Sammy Sosa - I can help you find a proxy. No worries!
Newbie on
March 9, 2017 3:52 PM
Draft Day #2 - Looks like Sunday, March 26 at 1:00PM is the date we will hold the second half of our draft. That day works best for everyone except for Stumptown Lagers. I am sure we can find him a proxy though! Really looking forward to this draft!
Newbie on
March 9, 2017 3:51 PM
Nice! Good to know, thanks
Also, if you have done your research into who you want to target, you can start adding players to your watchlist by clicking the W+ button. I have heard that this is a good way to "pre-rank" your players. These players will then drop off the list as they are drafted.
Newbie on
March 6, 2017 2:30 PM
I encourage everyone to click on the Auction Draft tab on the top of our league page. Get familiar with this page, even though we can't do anything in the draft just yet, it will pay off to know where we have to click to nominate a player, bid on players, etc... there is a video that was posted on how the draft works too. I can repost it if anyone needs it.
Now that we have draft day 1 set. Let's nail down day 2. Mike (Baby Ruth) has created the poll http://doodle.com/poll/35rzetkhr4cq49qs that 10 managers have taken. Yes, I am only available Monday the 20th, and will be getting a proxy, either a friend or an ottoneu request. The quicker we nail down day 2, we can see what time works best for everyone to start that draft.
Thanks everyone for participating in the draft time poll for day 1.
It appears that the most popular time for the draft on March 19th is 1:00PM EST. 10 out of the 11 voters voted for 1:00PM. If anyone needs a proxy (stand-in) please let me know and I can try to find one for you.
Newbie on
March 6, 2017 11:20 AM
2 owners haven't voted yet. Please vote ASAP. http://doodle.com/poll/uytxxi4mhfivtwg3
Newbie on
March 4, 2017 6:40 PM
Maulers, let us know when you get on slack so we can invite you to the league page.
You are correct. Don't need to send an email. You either need to direct message him or post on the Ottoneu Beginner Leagues thread requesting access. Direct message works best.
Newbie on
March 3, 2017 3:25 PM
Baby ruth will have to correct me if I'm wrong. When you go to community , click on Ottoneu Beginner Leagues and type in this message on the board @LuckyStrikes please add me to slack. When he adds you, we can then add you to our slack team page.
I still cannot get on Slack. I have tried and tried. I have followed the community link and tried to connect to Lucky Strikes, but I am not seeing an e-mail for him. Can someone invite me, I would love to join.....
So we have 11 of the 12 owners on Slack. Who are we missing? Slack is a great place to discuss trades, talk trash, and discuss baseball in general. It would be great if we could get everyone on slack.
Newbie on
March 3, 2017 10:52 AM
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