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Third Degree Burns 🔥 20174.8 51.5 5.80 5.97 7081 1915 382 23 348 816 106 126 44 1529.2 55 90 1760 1114 455 68 152
Horton Hears a Woo 18494.3 5.1 5.66 5.14 7138 1876 374 37 356 789 104 89 34 1504.1 108 46 1678 1290 513 67 194
The Just Few 18035.8 11.1 5.43 4.90 7289 1901 392 19 324 834 98 91 23 1526.1 43 98 1623 1307 506 100 199
Brooks Was Here 17978.3 190.7 5.36 5.36 7090 1825 352 28 339 758 78 88 31 1473.2 90 54 1606 1292 385 54 180
Double Trouble 16033.9 103.5 5.41 5.25 6196 1623 321 24 309 670 101 80 24 1290.2 143 8 1567 1092 477 63 179
FREE PETE 15703.8 52.4 4.97 4.64 6621 1618 326 32 299 734 107 88 27 1447.2 47 77 1434 1290 527 51 189
Yoshida Battles the Pink Robots 15622.5 29.4 4.51 5.44 6263 1561 333 16 260 587 79 46 23 1401.0 58 55 1488 1154 436 67 140
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 15244.6 43.5 5.06 4.35 6598 1739 351 32 271 587 67 117 19 1429.2 76 39 1394 1300 502 82 207
Project Mayhem ☠️ 15199.2 45.8 5.41 4.82 6436 1666 330 27 297 628 98 167 30 1244.1 59 55 1295 1117 430 49 161
Duck Season 🦆🎯 13905.3 67.7 5.34 4.15 6402 1690 329 25 262 877 82 85 35 1046.0 0 19 1089 976 310 39 168
San Diego Slurm 🐌 13401.1 54.2 4.75 4.77 6243 1607 347 19 246 542 72 110 33 1103.1 36 35 1180 969 320 46 160
Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake 13169.5 40.7 5.09 4.54 6319 1651 328 27 255 597 85 89 19 1009.0 81 33 1005 922 391 27 145

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Brooks Was Here 190.7 758.0 2,780.5
Project Mayhem ☠️ 45.8 330.0 2,117.0
Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake 40.7 513.6 2,102.8
Yoshida Battles the Pink Robots 29.4 340.0 1,820.4
The Just Few 11.1 229.7 2,355.4
FREE PETE 52.4 584.2 2,375.4
Double Trouble 103.5 469.0 2,332.4
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 43.5 499.1 2,386.8
San Diego Slurm 🐌 54.2 382.4 2,097.9
Duck Season 🦆🎯 67.7 385.0 1,945.0
Third Degree Burns 🔥 51.5 448.2 2,674.8
Horton Hears a Woo 5.1 442.1 2,841.0

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Brooks Was Here 162 160 160 159 162 161 763 154 1473.2
Project Mayhem ☠️ 134 140 150 148 135 99 741 156 1244.1
Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake 162 162 101 157 153 146 661 145 1009.0
Yoshida Battles the Pink Robots 143 139 144 150 147 155 756 138 1401.0
The Just Few 162 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1526.1
FREE PETE 149 159 147 153 141 146 765 150 1447.2
Double Trouble 162 152 158 162 148 152 624 155 1290.2
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam 162 157 156 156 156 149 715 133 1429.2
San Diego Slurm 🐌 162 148 140 135 130 113 743 142 1103.1
Duck Season 🦆🎯 162 143 154 149 140 147 763 131 1046.0
Third Degree Burns 🔥 151 155 162 161 158 162 791 162 1529.2
Horton Hears a Woo 120 162 162 162 162 162 810 162 1504.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Brooks Was Here Lineups 163 161 161 160 163 162 768 155 1482.2
Project Mayhem ☠️ Lineups 135 141 151 149 136 100 746 157 1252.0
Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake Lineups 163 163 102 158 154 147 665 146 1015.0
Yoshida Battles the Pink Robots Lineups 144 140 145 151 148 156 761 139 1409.2
The Just Few Lineups 163 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1535.2
FREE PETE Lineups 150 160 148 154 142 147 770 151 1456.1
Double Trouble Lineups 163 153 159 163 149 153 628 156 1298.2
Wham Bam Goodbye Sam Lineups 163 158 157 157 157 150 719 134 1438.1
San Diego Slurm 🐌 Lineups 163 149 141 136 131 114 748 143 1110.0
Duck Season 🦆🎯 Lineups 163 144 155 150 141 148 768 132 1052.1
Third Degree Burns 🔥 Lineups 152 156 163 162 159 163 796 163 1539.0
Horton Hears a Woo Lineups 121 163 163 163 163 163 815 163 1513.2

  • Brooks Was Here
  • Project Mayhem ☠️
  • Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake
  • Yoshida Battles the Pink Robots
  • The Just Few
  • Double Trouble
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • San Diego Slurm 🐌
  • Duck Season 🦆🎯
  • Third Degree Burns 🔥
  • Horton Hears a Woo


  • Brooks Was Here
  • Project Mayhem ☠️
  • Ogdens' Nut Gone Flake
  • Yoshida Battles the Pink Robots
  • The Just Few
  • Double Trouble
  • Wham Bam Goodbye Sam
  • San Diego Slurm 🐌
  • Duck Season 🦆🎯
  • Third Degree Burns 🔥
  • Horton Hears a Woo
