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Large Farva 6465.4 120.3 5.29 5.84 2404 627 114 13 88 318 26 45 13 521.0 26 21 573 420 163 16 44
Chyna Jr 6197.1 57.1 4.93 5.58 2460 601 113 16 98 299 22 42 17 529.2 19 24 535 431 157 10 49
Busch Banditos 5810.4 55.6 5.08 4.46 2322 616 125 12 80 233 25 91 29 590.1 13 21 567 538 204 28 75
The Milwaukee Beers 5780.7 119.9 4.78 5.21 2477 648 137 16 78 198 33 51 14 510.1 8 18 545 408 176 23 54
Titty City 5776.9 165.9 4.34 5.79 2307 561 103 11 59 241 28 73 12 538.0 69 6 525 444 173 32 42
Hollyhood 5469.7 132.3 4.20 5.50 2302 531 96 8 97 197 24 40 16 521.0 22 36 543 436 143 13 59
Rick Vaughn's Wild Things 5226.7 57.7 4.26 4.97 2405 556 116 3 88 246 29 24 6 499.2 24 35 529 436 151 24 71
Cat & Kaboom 5124.3 48.3 5.32 4.39 2260 571 106 13 94 276 31 57 13 439.1 18 27 378 414 132 22 60
Vance Munson VagHawks 5119.9 111.3 4.35 5.59 2388 558 114 6 89 216 28 42 10 428.2 33 13 513 357 138 20 50
Big Trouble 5085.0 116.9 4.87 4.98 2105 525 98 11 81 204 32 71 15 470.0 26 9 469 412 168 17 50
Bartolo's Meatballs 4801.0 50.5 4.19 5.04 2362 559 112 8 77 219 27 46 11 425.1 27 24 417 355 158 23 49
The Baseball Team 4426.2 104.3 4.83 4.32 2126 550 103 7 71 234 16 41 19 391.2 16 24 368 385 123 20 56

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Cat & Kaboom 48.3 538.5 2,584.1
Hollyhood 132.3 679.0 2,753.0
Chyna Jr 57.1 765.0 3,123.8
Large Farva 120.3 751.3 3,176.8
Vance Munson VagHawks 111.3 517.9 2,440.2
Titty City 165.9 910.1 3,049.7
The Milwaukee Beers 119.9 804.4 2,851.3
Rick Vaughn's Wild Things 57.7 403.0 2,477.1
The Baseball Team 104.3 567.5 2,083.1
Big Trouble 116.9 522.1 2,455.6
Bartolo's Meatballs 50.5 536.6 2,223.3
Busch Banditos 55.6 710.3 2,968.4

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cat & Kaboom 45 55 49 55 54 50 240 53 439.1
Hollyhood 48 48 52 51 52 57 258 53 521.0
Chyna Jr 56 54 55 54 54 54 275 56 529.2
Large Farva 64 54 51 52 52 54 266 53 521.0
Vance Munson VagHawks 46 50 53 54 49 52 270 52 428.2
Titty City 52 51 53 51 49 47 258 52 538.0
The Milwaukee Beers 63 55 56 54 55 56 258 57 510.1
Rick Vaughn's Wild Things 56 55 54 54 54 52 265 54 499.2
The Baseball Team 44 54 40 52 51 50 222 53 391.2
Big Trouble 65 51 44 48 44 39 220 52 470.0
Bartolo's Meatballs 58 57 50 53 53 56 256 51 425.1
Busch Banditos 47 54 55 52 50 53 262 52 590.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Cat & Kaboom Lineups 140 171 152 171 168 155 746 165 1365.0
Hollyhood Lineups 149 149 162 158 162 177 802 165 1618.2
Chyna Jr Lineups 174 168 171 168 168 168 855 174 1645.2
Large Farva Lineups 199 168 158 162 162 168 827 165 1618.2
Vance Munson VagHawks Lineups 143 155 165 168 152 162 839 162 1332.0
Titty City Lineups 162 158 165 158 152 146 802 162 1671.2
The Milwaukee Beers Lineups 196 171 174 168 171 174 802 177 1585.2
Rick Vaughn's Wild Things Lineups 174 171 168 168 168 162 823 168 1552.2
The Baseball Team Lineups 137 168 124 162 158 155 690 165 1217.0
Big Trouble Lineups 202 158 137 149 137 121 684 162 1460.1
Bartolo's Meatballs Lineups 180 177 155 165 165 174 795 158 1321.2
Busch Banditos Lineups 146 168 171 162 155 165 814 162 1834.1

  • Cat & Kaboom
  • Hollyhood
  • Chyna Jr
  • Large Farva
  • Vance Munson VagHawks
  • Titty City
  • The Milwaukee Beers
  • Rick Vaughn's Wild Things
  • The Baseball Team
  • Big Trouble
  • Bartolo's Meatballs
  • Busch Banditos


  • Cat & Kaboom
  • Hollyhood
  • Chyna Jr
  • Large Farva
  • Vance Munson VagHawks
  • Titty City
  • The Milwaukee Beers
  • Rick Vaughn's Wild Things
  • The Baseball Team
  • Big Trouble
  • Bartolo's Meatballs
  • Busch Banditos
