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🏰🏰 6081.3 106.8 5.18 5.19 2396 587 122 17 96 297 29 74 10 529.1 5 48 598 461 168 19 67
Rugen 6031.2 60.8 5.27 5.17 2426 634 103 11 104 252 25 81 27 514.1 22 28 501 449 159 21 54
Backup Catchers 5703.2 220.4 4.67 5.87 2389 605 128 16 77 253 33 46 17 446.1 35 23 491 369 141 15 41
The Beasts from The East 5624.3 38.1 4.82 4.82 2454 616 123 17 79 228 33 61 20 537.0 47 16 514 452 209 16 70
PNW Monsters 5457.1 39.2 4.45 5.61 2261 552 108 6 76 210 20 36 3 502.0 34 22 491 422 146 17 45
Bums R Us 5414.1 102.1 4.35 5.49 2317 562 123 6 71 229 33 33 6 491.0 22 31 539 418 155 16 53
Otto Beta 5317.1 93.8 4.82 4.90 2361 591 111 12 94 221 25 44 24 478.0 23 27 477 431 157 23 58
Mr Splash 5174.4 59.3 5.66 5.58 2170 592 121 10 87 237 43 45 9 341.0 49 1 312 302 104 9 30
The Zombie Runners 4767.5 99.8 4.38 4.57 2378 587 123 11 69 201 23 75 17 442.1 13 33 398 392 147 19 59
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? 4586.8 157.6 4.18 4.68 1984 458 95 4 67 212 22 25 15 506.1 0 30 498 464 164 31 57
AKA Big Papi 4482.9 88.6 4.27 5.04 1972 471 95 4 77 186 23 18 6 427.0 19 9 459 393 138 27 44
Bright Future 4383.6 75.5 4.26 4.41 2155 498 82 14 75 243 17 61 15 424.2 10 11 425 380 130 16 64

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Mr Splash 59.3 676.6 2,591.9
Bright Future 75.5 625.2 2,369.7
PNW Monsters 39.2 580.9 2,681.2
Rugen 60.8 686.1 2,954.5
The Zombie Runners 99.8 664.5 2,149.6
Otto Beta 93.8 627.6 2,564.3
Backup Catchers 220.4 806.1 2,990.1
Bums R Us 102.1 672.4 2,641.9
The Beasts from The East 38.1 642.1 2,729.9
🏰🏰 106.8 692.6 2,906.6
AKA Big Papi 88.6 472.7 2,182.0
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? 157.6 511.6 2,422.2

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Mr Splash 58 50 50 44 50 50 221 55 341.0
Bright Future 53 51 52 56 33 35 258 51 424.2
PNW Monsters 56 53 47 48 51 42 251 46 502.0
Rugen 44 53 56 57 56 56 263 55 514.1
The Zombie Runners 53 45 56 54 51 50 266 51 442.1
Otto Beta 56 52 50 52 48 52 254 53 478.0
Backup Catchers 71 57 54 45 54 54 272 53 446.1
Bums R Us 64 56 55 51 54 56 237 52 491.0
The Beasts from The East 66 56 48 55 56 51 247 50 537.0
🏰🏰 50 55 56 54 54 56 266 53 529.1
AKA Big Papi 49 49 22 51 51 40 233 51 427.0
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? 27 50 40 48 37 50 232 46 506.1

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Mr Splash Lineups 180 155 155 137 155 155 687 171 1059.1
Bright Future Lineups 165 158 162 174 103 109 802 158 1319.1
PNW Monsters Lineups 174 165 146 149 158 131 780 143 1559.2
Rugen Lineups 137 165 174 177 174 174 817 171 1598.0
The Zombie Runners Lineups 165 140 174 168 158 155 827 158 1374.1
Otto Beta Lineups 174 162 155 162 149 162 789 165 1485.1
Backup Catchers Lineups 221 177 168 140 168 168 845 165 1386.2
Bums R Us Lineups 199 174 171 158 168 174 736 162 1525.2
The Beasts from The East Lineups 205 174 149 171 174 158 768 155 1668.2
🏰🏰 Lineups 155 171 174 168 168 174 827 165 1644.2
AKA Big Papi Lineups 152 152 68 158 158 124 724 158 1326.2
Who Needs Pitching Anyways? Lineups 84 155 124 149 115 155 721 143 1573.1

  • Mr Splash
  • Bright Future
  • PNW Monsters
  • Rugen
  • The Zombie Runners
  • Otto Beta
  • Backup Catchers
  • Bums R Us
  • The Beasts from The East
  • 🏰🏰
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Who Needs Pitching Anyways?


  • Mr Splash
  • Bright Future
  • PNW Monsters
  • Rugen
  • The Zombie Runners
  • Otto Beta
  • Backup Catchers
  • Bums R Us
  • The Beasts from The East
  • 🏰🏰
  • AKA Big Papi
  • Who Needs Pitching Anyways?
