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GF Chaunceys 3.0 5603.4 72.8 4.96 5.45 2301 580 117 13 77 254 38 76 21 469.2 38 19 491 379 151 17 55
Mötley Crüz 5585.7 57 4.69 5.37 2332 590 101 13 84 207 23 76 26 502.0 7 44 534 417 147 24 57
Larry Bernandez 5458.2 57.7 5.00 4.77 2302 599 122 6 75 257 32 33 8 504.2 19 31 497 485 165 16 60
the stuff is electric 5412.1 11.3 4.28 5.58 2399 573 102 7 78 234 30 33 11 485.1 16 34 512 404 126 18 52
The Exponentials 5263.7 47.6 4.52 5.65 2062 502 97 12 69 235 19 46 8 476.0 12 17 539 365 166 17 44
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society 5262.3 108.6 5.08 5.73 2257 568 120 9 92 256 20 63 24 383.0 9 29 380 311 120 12 29
Big Spiff 5219.4 68.7 4.81 5.03 2392 605 138 16 67 242 24 59 11 441.2 23 29 443 399 154 16 50
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ 5170.4 47.1 5.02 4.57 2300 584 113 7 92 261 32 45 19 450.0 39 8 449 403 169 23 63
Veteran Presents 5143.8 52.7 4.54 4.83 2245 547 109 14 75 247 25 38 20 495.2 30 15 510 452 164 17 64
Big Papi memories 4826.5 84.2 4.41 5.39 1913 453 90 11 73 184 28 23 4 468.2 31 10 482 392 164 25 42
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain 4683.4 24.4 4.46 4.91 1850 435 84 4 72 202 15 46 8 497.0 17 34 464 450 168 25 52
Stroman Troopers 4586.1 90.6 4.25 4.54 2192 530 104 9 68 200 19 48 13 464.1 23 14 420 450 151 22 53

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
Larry Bernandez 57.7 640.2 2,889.7
The Exponentials 47.6 656.7 2,504.7
GF Chaunceys 3.0 72.8 789.4 2,657.0
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ 47.1 701.3 2,778.2
Veteran Presents 52.7 667.2 2,728.3
Big Spiff 68.7 768.9 2,752.0
the stuff is electric 11.3 775.1 2,942.9
Stroman Troopers 90.6 670.1 2,593.9
Big Papi memories 84.2 606.9 2,286.4
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society 108.6 667.2 2,976.8
Mötley Crüz 57.0 638.7 2,738.2
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain 24.4 588.5 2,434.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Larry Bernandez 60 52 53 42 49 53 250 52 504.2
The Exponentials 42 48 44 46 48 50 241 51 476.0
GF Chaunceys 3.0 56 53 54 53 53 48 246 51 469.2
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ 55 54 51 51 51 53 255 50 450.0
Veteran Presents 65 45 43 46 50 49 258 50 495.2
Big Spiff 48 52 54 53 53 52 261 50 441.2
the stuff is electric 65 55 53 51 50 52 253 53 485.1
Stroman Troopers 46 49 50 50 49 45 244 50 464.1
Big Papi memories 42 40 45 49 51 38 219 38 468.2
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society 54 50 51 51 50 52 243 53 383.0
Mötley Crüz 61 51 50 52 55 53 238 56 502.0
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain 29 49 48 46 46 27 208 50 497.0

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
Larry Bernandez Lineups 196 170 173 137 160 173 815 170 1646.0
The Exponentials Lineups 137 157 144 150 157 163 786 166 1552.1
GF Chaunceys 3.0 Lineups 183 173 176 173 173 157 802 166 1531.2
Materialistic Thunder ⛈️ Lineups 179 176 166 166 166 173 832 163 1467.2
Veteran Presents Lineups 212 147 140 150 163 160 842 163 1616.2
Big Spiff Lineups 157 170 176 173 173 170 851 163 1440.1
the stuff is electric Lineups 212 179 173 166 163 170 825 173 1583.0
Stroman Troopers Lineups 150 160 163 163 160 147 796 163 1514.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 137 130 147 160 166 124 714 124 1528.2
Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society Lineups 176 163 166 166 163 170 793 173 1249.0
Mötley Crüz Lineups 199 166 163 170 179 173 776 183 1637.1
Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain Lineups 95 160 157 150 150 88 678 163 1621.0

  • Larry Bernandez
  • The Exponentials
  • GF Chaunceys 3.0
  • Materialistic Thunder ⛈️
  • Veteran Presents
  • Big Spiff
  • the stuff is electric
  • Stroman Troopers
  • Big Papi memories
  • Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society
  • Mötley Crüz
  • Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain


  • Larry Bernandez
  • The Exponentials
  • GF Chaunceys 3.0
  • Materialistic Thunder ⛈️
  • Veteran Presents
  • Big Spiff
  • the stuff is electric
  • Stroman Troopers
  • Big Papi memories
  • Glenallen Hill Appreciation Society
  • Mötley Crüz
  • Big Market Heart-Small Market Brain
