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X Æ A-Xii 18014.3 85.2 5.63 6.09 6996 1882 373 38 310 742 71 158 50 1257.2 137 29 1553 1003 406 39 131
The Good 🌭 in Section 509 17685.3 107.8 5.66 5.50 7001 1845 395 44 294 821 115 208 42 1293.1 109 60 1376 1106 364 58 151
Corey in the House 15986.6 29 5.14 5.53 6377 1722 356 24 218 623 133 112 25 1282.0 85 66 1437 1110 398 44 142
Straw Hats 15233.9 117.2 5.14 5.06 6432 1634 311 32 312 689 68 141 35 1196.2 52 73 1251 1071 417 56 134
Kenta Feel My Face 14754.2 98.2 5.28 4.99 6493 1729 370 30 281 591 73 160 26 1092.2 96 27 1203 969 386 46 147
Optimal Launch Angle 14680.5 35.9 5.29 5.03 6178 1616 319 25 260 713 80 154 45 1144.1 64 52 1177 1031 335 39 146
Juan Soto Fan Club 14537.2 64.8 5.22 4.24 6898 1768 328 34 308 669 90 184 50 1181.0 25 62 1156 1112 414 56 172
🌻 Seed Delight 14448.2 2.8 4.71 4.74 6410 1577 360 30 245 660 74 126 34 1299.1 51 78 1331 1230 398 62 171
California Bookie 14259.2 61 4.78 5.36 6233 1572 331 28 238 574 72 164 34 1153.2 116 33 1212 1016 352 58 132
Unconfused by Knowledge 14038.4 16.6 5.02 5.09 5329 1400 269 24 244 637 66 88 19 1197.1 61 37 1277 1090 399 56 128
Seven Line Army 13953.7 20.9 5.05 4.88 6589 1705 370 21 261 695 82 96 30 1008.1 65 73 1064 891 375 29 143
Jay Bruce Springsteen LTD. 11624.0 73.2 4.47 3.98 6174 1525 305 34 205 616 71 178 30 988.1 43 47 859 960 364 46 144

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Good 🌭 in Section 509 107.8 678.1 2,909.8
🌻 Seed Delight 2.8 394.3 2,145.8
Optimal Launch Angle 35.9 403.9 2,148.5
Jay Bruce Springsteen LTD. 73.2 337.4 1,577.2
Seven Line Army 20.9 434.5 2,024.3
X Æ A-Xii 85.2 501.2 2,880.4
California Bookie 61.0 520.8 2,159.1
Juan Soto Fan Club 64.8 454.6 2,080.9
Unconfused by Knowledge 16.6 335.6 2,080.2
Corey in the House 29.0 450.2 2,468.2
Straw Hats 117.2 697.3 2,699.6
Kenta Feel My Face 98.2 530.3 1,872.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Good 🌭 in Section 509 162 158 153 159 161 147 766 161 1293.1
🌻 Seed Delight 150 161 136 150 148 152 729 132 1299.1
Optimal Launch Angle 154 137 143 155 141 104 712 142 1144.1
Jay Bruce Springsteen LTD. 162 140 137 150 142 161 676 153 988.1
Seven Line Army 162 156 152 156 150 149 708 155 1008.1
X Æ A-Xii 162 151 143 152 154 157 772 149 1257.2
California Bookie 162 160 153 135 135 118 713 115 1153.2
Juan Soto Fan Club 162 153 142 158 151 144 757 159 1181.0
Unconfused by Knowledge 162 162 150 126 126 153 550 152 1197.1
Corey in the House 154 159 149 147 144 142 701 135 1282.0
Straw Hats 162 137 150 152 152 149 736 147 1196.2
Kenta Feel My Face 162 158 145 155 147 135 715 143 1092.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Good 🌭 in Section 509 Lineups 163 159 154 160 162 148 771 162 1301.1
🌻 Seed Delight Lineups 151 162 137 151 149 153 734 133 1307.1
Optimal Launch Angle Lineups 155 138 144 156 142 105 716 143 1151.1
Jay Bruce Springsteen LTD. Lineups 163 141 138 151 143 162 680 154 994.1
Seven Line Army Lineups 163 157 153 157 151 150 712 156 1014.1
X Æ A-Xii Lineups 163 152 144 153 155 158 777 150 1265.1
California Bookie Lineups 163 161 154 136 136 119 717 116 1160.2
Juan Soto Fan Club Lineups 163 154 143 159 152 145 762 160 1188.1
Unconfused by Knowledge Lineups 163 163 151 127 127 154 553 153 1204.2
Corey in the House Lineups 155 160 150 148 145 143 705 136 1289.2
Straw Hats Lineups 163 138 151 153 153 150 741 148 1204.0
Kenta Feel My Face Lineups 163 159 146 156 148 136 719 144 1099.1

  • The Good 🌭 in Section 509
  • 🌻 Seed Delight
  • Optimal Launch Angle
  • Jay Bruce Springsteen LTD.
  • Seven Line Army
  • X Æ A-Xii
  • California Bookie
  • Juan Soto Fan Club
  • Unconfused by Knowledge
  • Corey in the House
  • Straw Hats
  • Kenta Feel My Face


  • The Good 🌭 in Section 509
  • 🌻 Seed Delight
  • Optimal Launch Angle
  • Jay Bruce Springsteen LTD.
  • Seven Line Army
  • X Æ A-Xii
  • California Bookie
  • Juan Soto Fan Club
  • Unconfused by Knowledge
  • Corey in the House
  • Straw Hats
  • Kenta Feel My Face
