H2H Rivals
Regular season only, other than the Playoffs tab. Includes all matchups since Ottoneu introduced H2H in 2018.
Teams | vs Saint Francis & Co. | vs Greendale Human Beings | vs Thrilled To Be Here | vs Just a Normal Fluffalo Woman | vs I’d Check You for Pine Tar | vs It's Real Velour | vs Olneyville Harps III | vs 🫣late-summer vegetable harvest🫣😩 | vs Big Papi memories | vs Future Value | vs Hits and Giggles | vs CARDINALS |
Saint Francis & Co. | --- |
2-2 794.38 |
3-1 597.24 |
0-4 621.67 |
1-3 651.37 |
3-1 692.51 |
3-0 647.89 |
3-1 681.84 |
4-0 764.18 |
1-3 764.70 |
3-1 734.84 |
2-1 759.48 |
Greendale Human Beings |
2-2 828.23 |
--- |
4-0 710.51 |
2-2 756.91 |
2-2 778.08 |
4-0 830.60 |
4-0 785.03 |
3-0 853.22 |
2-1 655.43 |
2-2 694.75 |
3-1 769.56 |
4-0 859.46 |
Thrilled To Be Here |
1-3 572.83 |
0-4 580.98 |
--- |
0-3 480.21 |
1-3 673.02 |
1-3 746.78 |
2-2 642.87 |
1-3 536.58 |
4-0 548.53 |
2-2 607.79 |
1-2 643.28 |
1-3 609.85 |
Just a Normal Fluffalo Woman |
4-0 744.70 |
2-2 718.50 |
3-0 662.36 |
--- |
2-1 781.53 |
4-0 750.13 |
4-0 703.54 |
3-1 703.74 |
4-0 720.77 |
3-1 803.40 |
0-4 636.19 |
3-1 825.98 |
I’d Check You for Pine Tar |
3-1 731.88 |
2-2 732.88 |
3-1 822.12 |
1-2 773.94 |
--- |
1-2 655.71 |
3-1 719.26 |
3-1 669.88 |
4-0 693.91 |
3-1 836.54 |
3-1 742.58 |
3-1 703.36 |
It's Real Velour |
1-3 524.73 |
0-4 589.81 |
3-1 782.85 |
0-4 628.83 |
2-1 648.55 |
--- |
2-2 595.24 |
2-2 614.93 |
4-0 701.91 |
1-2 710.33 |
1-3 666.92 |
3-1 695.54 |
Olneyville Harps III |
0-3 579.52 |
0-4 502.03 |
2-2 586.47 |
0-4 537.33 |
1-3 637.59 |
2-2 504.18 |
--- |
0-4 558.85 |
3-0 577.59 |
0-4 638.28 |
0-4 610.33 |
0-4 513.66 |
🫣late-summer vegetable harvest🫣😩 |
1-3 651.31 |
0-3 678.30 |
3-1 627.89 |
1-3 688.69 |
1-3 603.28 |
2-2 666.11 |
4-0 724.67 |
--- |
4-0 635.83 |
2-1 677.71 |
2-2 649.42 |
1-3 642.43 |
Big Papi memories |
0-4 531.08 |
1-2 562.74 |
0-4 432.38 |
0-4 528.59 |
0-4 449.29 |
0-4 583.22 |
0-3 389.16 |
0-4 569.15 |
--- |
0-4 373.08 |
0-4 467.04 |
0-4 559.38 |
Future Value |
3-1 823.76 |
2-2 716.28 |
2-2 624.80 |
1-3 771.93 |
1-3 765.92 |
2-1 792.75 |
4-0 791.43 |
1-2 635.94 |
4-0 689.64 |
--- |
4-0 705.98 |
3-1 809.03 |
Hits and Giggles |
1-3 661.49 |
1-3 629.90 |
2-1 692.60 |
4-0 757.09 |
1-3 707.36 |
3-1 633.83 |
4-0 749.27 |
2-2 588.24 |
4-0 600.82 |
0-4 654.18 |
--- |
0-3 472.41 |
1-2 662.16 |
0-4 765.84 |
3-1 621.41 |
1-3 645.89 |
1-3 613.39 |
1-3 636.29 |
4-0 720.96 |
3-1 681.28 |
4-0 747.73 |
1-3 629.08 |
3-0 648.21 |
--- |