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Marble Ryu 5890.7 57.5 5.35 5.83 2327 582 118 12 108 290 33 47 16 432.0 16 37 462 340 129 14 42
Santa Fe Pitspitters 5745.1 99 4.63 5.02 2443 603 113 7 87 246 25 52 16 549.1 4 20 563 475 151 19 64
The Peaky Bunters 5643.5 142.9 5.28 5.40 2264 611 119 9 77 235 42 60 19 458.1 24 23 484 385 163 14 46
Scott Boar Asses 5578.3 96.5 4.93 4.87 2176 573 103 12 71 254 20 65 15 535.1 31 26 503 504 153 29 62
Infant Sorrow 5564.6 87.5 4.49 4.62 2395 565 122 20 82 256 27 60 13 569.0 21 21 555 515 187 23 74
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 5456.7 114.2 4.49 4.76 2423 610 123 15 71 218 25 51 17 541.0 15 20 549 470 166 25 72
Max Fried Dobbie 5421.1 139.9 4.60 5.10 2169 526 98 11 81 232 21 87 19 523.0 11 8 514 409 161 16 59
Cruz Control 5284.6 36.5 5.63 5.15 2195 595 116 11 92 246 16 34 11 400.2 10 25 399 344 121 25 42
The Catalanottos 5261.5 77.7 4.03 5.06 2302 539 99 11 73 217 29 38 18 543.1 37 24 558 463 207 27 62
Big Papi memories 4994.4 112 4.28 5.57 2057 481 110 2 85 186 20 29 9 463.1 30 12 508 384 146 20 46
Gas House Gang 4933.6 52.1 4.40 4.71 2166 537 100 10 64 211 21 37 8 510.0 51 6 449 481 190 18 55
Team BattleTank 2975.5 38 3.74 4.50 1685 392 71 4 51 132 11 25 3 286.2 29 7 278 273 113 15 38

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Peaky Bunters 142.9 557.1 2,982.3
Gas House Gang 52.1 636.3 2,376.4
Santa Fe Pitspitters 99.0 749.0 2,766.7
Team BattleTank 38.0 308.3 1,250.4
Infant Sorrow 87.5 655.6 3,042.7
Marble Ryu 57.5 623.1 2,882.1
Big Papi memories 112.0 707.4 2,434.2
The Catalanottos 77.7 547.7 2,553.4
Scott Boar Asses 96.5 567.9 2,792.3
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 114.2 727.2 2,908.1
Max Fried Dobbie 139.9 658.5 2,339.6
Cruz Control 36.5 413.2 2,560.1

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Peaky Bunters 53 53 51 52 48 54 233 56 458.1
Gas House Gang 46 57 44 45 50 39 240 55 510.0
Santa Fe Pitspitters 49 55 57 52 57 53 268 54 549.1
Team BattleTank 48 50 40 44 44 31 163 31 286.2
Infant Sorrow 58 56 49 56 56 53 272 53 569.0
Marble Ryu 77 51 55 53 52 50 244 48 432.0
Big Papi memories 46 53 37 52 38 42 251 45 463.1
The Catalanottos 46 57 51 51 48 52 268 50 543.1
Scott Boar Asses 49 52 49 54 54 39 259 46 535.1
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It 56 48 55 55 56 54 262 55 541.0
Max Fried Dobbie 54 51 49 44 52 51 251 47 523.0
Cruz Control 33 53 53 53 54 50 222 54 400.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Peaky Bunters Lineups 140 140 134 137 126 142 613 147 1206.2
Gas House Gang Lineups 121 150 116 118 132 103 632 145 1342.2
Santa Fe Pitspitters Lineups 129 145 150 137 150 140 706 142 1446.1
Team BattleTank Lineups 126 132 105 116 116 82 429 82 754.2
Infant Sorrow Lineups 153 147 129 147 147 140 716 140 1498.0
Marble Ryu Lineups 203 134 145 140 137 132 642 126 1137.1
Big Papi memories Lineups 121 140 97 137 100 111 661 118 1219.2
The Catalanottos Lineups 121 150 134 134 126 137 706 132 1430.1
Scott Boar Asses Lineups 129 137 129 142 142 103 682 121 1409.1
WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It Lineups 147 126 145 145 147 142 690 145 1424.1
Max Fried Dobbie Lineups 142 134 129 116 137 134 661 124 1377.0
Cruz Control Lineups 87 140 140 140 142 132 585 142 1054.2

  • The Peaky Bunters
  • Gas House Gang
  • Santa Fe Pitspitters
  • Team BattleTank
  • Infant Sorrow
  • Marble Ryu
  • Big Papi memories
  • The Catalanottos
  • Scott Boar Asses
  • WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It
  • Max Fried Dobbie
  • Cruz Control


  • The Peaky Bunters
  • Gas House Gang
  • Santa Fe Pitspitters
  • Team BattleTank
  • Infant Sorrow
  • Marble Ryu
  • Big Papi memories
  • The Catalanottos
  • Scott Boar Asses
  • WHIP It, FIP It, and BABIP It
  • Max Fried Dobbie
  • Cruz Control
