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Catz 6026.5 58.5 5.03 4.98 2264 566 88 8 92 281 27 43 11 598.2 20 24 588 541 182 15 67
WAR Horse 🦄 5973.5 37.1 5.14 5.79 2354 597 113 10 90 259 37 85 22 477.2 23 40 508 409 139 21 42
Bednars & Boomsticks 5746.8 46.8 5.71 4.77 2362 628 146 18 94 276 33 47 10 460.1 18 8 481 400 152 29 58
Cow Ripkens 🐄 5720.5 71.9 5.01 5.35 2360 598 113 13 94 240 22 50 17 488.0 33 14 458 424 146 22 43
One O' Cat 5460.1 63.9 4.86 5.60 2302 594 126 11 78 211 23 48 13 449.2 36 24 458 366 173 9 41
The Art of Pitching 5325.9 90.3 4.10 5.29 2390 552 121 10 75 208 25 38 15 526.1 20 21 546 435 150 19 61
SSS Fluke 5304.2 56.8 4.68 5.36 2175 536 118 8 82 212 22 70 15 471.2 8 19 489 387 145 13 47
Seven Sneeze Army 5263.3 88.4 4.57 5.54 2202 533 102 4 85 206 31 31 4 469.2 28 21 490 364 181 19 43
Bo Hunters 🏹 5151.7 48.4 4.28 5.23 2305 539 106 8 75 234 22 70 8 478.0 20 18 480 420 150 24 45
Grumble Grumble 4537.6 31.1 4.27 4.97 2231 552 100 10 69 195 27 39 16 400.0 12 41 395 330 136 15 55
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 4281.1 81.3 3.94 5.25 1804 418 92 11 56 171 20 29 17 439.2 22 11 489 377 154 15 48
The Pendletones 4192.5 113.4 5.26 5.24 1984 532 107 13 59 232 29 51 13 270.0 29 11 280 253 100 10 28

Recent Points Performance

Team 1-Day 7-Day 30-Day
The Pendletones 113.4 625.6 2,061.2
The Art of Pitching 90.3 622.2 2,895.8
WAR Horse 🦄 37.1 789.1 3,265.9
Bednars & Boomsticks 46.8 595.5 2,912.7
Catz 58.5 700.9 3,233.2
Cow Ripkens 🐄 71.9 840.1 2,922.9
SSS Fluke 56.8 641.3 2,725.7
Bo Hunters 🏹 48.4 742.3 2,699.1
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 81.3 518.8 2,280.7
Grumble Grumble 31.1 639.6 2,369.5
One O' Cat 63.9 688.0 2,815.7
Seven Sneeze Army 88.4 609.1 2,623.3

Games Played and Innings Pitched

Team C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones 31 49 44 51 49 46 206 52 270.0
The Art of Pitching 52 52 52 53 53 53 253 53 526.1
WAR Horse 🦄 57 51 52 53 52 52 255 52 477.2
Bednars & Boomsticks 49 53 52 50 52 54 259 53 460.1
Catz 50 51 51 49 47 51 260 47 598.2
Cow Ripkens 🐄 63 51 51 51 52 52 248 52 488.0
SSS Fluke 53 47 45 49 50 49 250 50 471.2
Bo Hunters 🏹 71 51 54 51 51 45 249 47 478.0
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 38 49 44 46 39 49 197 39 439.2
Grumble Grumble 69 48 50 49 49 42 239 52 400.0
One O' Cat 50 51 50 48 51 52 252 52 449.2
Seven Sneeze Army 54 50 50 48 47 42 242 49 469.2

Projected Games Played and Innings Pitched

Projected Games and Innings based on 162 game season

Team Lineups C 1B 2B SS MI 3B OF Util IP
The Pendletones Lineups 101 160 144 166 160 150 672 170 880.2
The Art of Pitching Lineups 170 170 170 173 173 173 825 173 1716.2
WAR Horse 🦄 Lineups 186 166 170 173 170 170 832 170 1558.0
Bednars & Boomsticks Lineups 160 173 170 163 170 176 845 173 1501.1
Catz Lineups 163 166 166 160 153 166 848 153 1952.2
Cow Ripkens 🐄 Lineups 205 166 166 166 170 170 809 170 1591.2
SSS Fluke Lineups 173 153 147 160 163 160 815 163 1538.1
Bo Hunters 🏹 Lineups 232 166 176 166 166 147 812 153 1559.0
Mallard Power 🦆🚂 Lineups 124 160 144 150 127 160 643 127 1434.0
Grumble Grumble Lineups 225 157 163 160 160 137 780 170 1304.2
One O' Cat Lineups 163 166 163 157 166 170 822 170 1466.2
Seven Sneeze Army Lineups 176 163 163 157 153 137 789 160 1531.2

  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army


  • The Pendletones
  • The Art of Pitching
  • WAR Horse 🦄
  • Bednars & Boomsticks
  • Catz
  • Cow Ripkens 🐄
  • SSS Fluke
  • Bo Hunters 🏹
  • Mallard Power 🦆🚂
  • Grumble Grumble
  • One O' Cat
  • Seven Sneeze Army
